Continue the god damn story!

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    • Cry woke up, and he brought back up. "Ken? What are you doing here?" asked Pewds. "I'm here to stop you!" replied Ken. "But I'm just trying to rescue my girlfriend" responded Pewdie. "I know, and I'm gonna stop you!" Ken shot back, and he threw his bear hat at Pewdie! Pewdie put his arms up to shield himself, when suddenly a shadow got between him and the hat. Pewdie look up, and saw that the figure was none other than...
      Self-proclaimed Secretary of Fabulousity and Accidental Necromancer.
    • An enormous sandvich with a sarcastic looking mustache. He stood between them and proclamed himself king of those lands and kicked them all out of there. Pewds was the first one to react, he started waving his arms in the air and running in circles, but it wasnt over, just when they thought they where safe...
      ~~~~~The Darkest Nights Bring The Brightest The Mornings~~~~~

      Mr.Birds ツ

      Them Screenshots
    • ...try to run for their lives so they can recover from Pewdie's awesome attack. But just as they though they're safe, the gang of chairs from the underground deactivated their chair mode and went for deep slumber up to assist PewDie... There was a shout of a thousand chairs *Pewdie chair voice* "We love you Pewdie...we love you so much...although you care about Marzia more...but never mind...we will still help you..." They surrounded barrels...
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • With there awesomeness and lunged at them with there amazing freaking speed. All the attacks were working great and the barrels were starting to grow weaker and weaker by the seconds, the barrels fled, but some of the chairs lost there life saving him. "Ill never forget you chairs" Pewds said. Then out of no where, Ken was back to stop pewds as he was going to beat him, this time maybe...just maybe, with...

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • everything he possibly can to bring her back, so he decided to go and pay a visit to the Great Wizard of "I don't care"...and convince him to help Marzia. BUT the PewDiePie knew that wizard is really grumpy and really don't give a shit about things around him, so he needed to come up with the saddest story ever to get "I don't care" Wizard's attention...
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!