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  • Your real life alias/nickname

    Beeckusu - - Real Life


    My real name is Gavin Lu. Originally, my gametag was DarkMagiFire. The user represents what I liked to play as: A mage that uses fire and/or darkness. Eventually, I swapped it out for Beeckusu, which is an extended version of Beecks. When I was making a new username, I had just recently watched a Happyslip video where she was talking about how her parents pronounce "Vick's" as "Beeck's", so I just made my gamertag Beeckusu.

  • Bullying

    Beeckusu - - Real Life


    Well, I don't know how this line leader system works, so I would assume that the line leader is not assigned by votes o_o I mean, unless there was a direct form of bullying like, "Vote David for line leader because Daniel is bad at it" or something, it doesn't appear to be bullying. Now, if he was doing it every single time intentionally, that might be a problem. If it was just a one-time thing, it just could have been a misunderstanding and that David thought that votes were how roles were assi…

  • What do you bros do when you're sad?

    Beeckusu - - Real Life


    When I'm sad, I game like no tomorrow. NOOOOOOOOOOOO TOMORROW CARPE DIEM WHOOOOOOO!

  • I can only imagine what interacting with the grunt would be like... Player: Partner, the grunt's chasing me! Partner: Yeah, yeah, you run over there and I'll stay behind this box. Player: And then you're help find a way to get rid of him??? Partner: Yeah, yeah, totally...

  • First Kiss

    Beeckusu - - Real Life


    March 24th, 2013, Saturday. During my time at university in residence, my girlfriend (1 week at the time) was visiting me from her university. We were taking pictures together on her Mac. For one photo, the countdown started and just before it hit 0, I quickly went for the kiss. Now, because of the way I timed it, I had under 1 second to kiss her before the picture went off, so when I went to kiss her, I ended up headbutting her while kissing her. Great photo, great photo...

  • Favorite Season!!

    Beeckusu - - Chat Box


    I like Fall. I hate the heat, so kindly GTFO, Summer. I like cold weather, but I hate having to wear blubber to avoid hypothermia. In the Fall, you don't have too I hate bugs, so Spring can suck it. Fall wins.

  • ^ What she said. If the symptoms were mild, you might not need to, but even then the best choice is to tell an adult. When there are serious symptoms, it is beyond the realm of just simple friend-to-friend chatter, no matter how close you are. They need professional help that's well guided and structured.

  • Suggest me something !!!

    Beeckusu - - Chat Box


    Learn to sing the Assumption Song. I sing it all the time, and people laugh every time

  • Your age: 18, 4 weeks short of 19 Genres: Mainstream gaming (Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, League of Legends), mostly montages of funny clips Your time doing this: About 1 and a half years Your channel link: Description of your channel: Fite Nite is essentially about how four bros play a game together but fail to synergy with each other. Chaos and hilarity ensues as they constantly step on each other's toes or comment on each other's mothers. Wassup, bro army! I'm Bee…

  • Welcome to modern society, my friend, where natural selection has no effect on the weak nor the strong. I might sound a little bit rough right now, but modern society doesn't give two cups of pee about what's good for humankind. Historically, it's always been the strongest survive and the weak perish, but now with technology, society says otherwise. It doesn't matter it you care about being a better, smarter, or wiser individual. It's a rough reality, but it's modern society. With our expanding …

  • Well, in grade school I played the drums for a solid two years, then I quit. After that, I was in my guitar phase and was playing guitar for a good year. I quit that too. Finally, I took up piano. I quit that too. Can't play any of them for my life. Except for maybe drums.

  • It's global warming D: Blame Al Gore.

  • I'd like the ability to write anything and have it happen :O

  • ^ As a summary, Illuminati is the name of a lot of historical groups, but the one that probably comes to mind is the Illuminati from DC Comics which composes of like Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, and a handful of other dudes? Yo, we need to invent teleportation already so we can just check them out or something

  • Chat about Animes !!!

    Beeckusu - - Chat Box


    First: Pokemon (^^ Total agreement with Shiki, even then it's going to be something like DBZ) Last: Attack on Titan (Not done), or Tiger and Bunny (Done) Best: Gintama

  • The Phases of Youtube! What is Next?

    Beeckusu - - Other


    a) Is there a bigger version of that timeline? It looks sicker than a hospital :O b) I think that's a question that everyone wants the answer to. The first dude to get the answer is going to get real big though

  • Here's the full article:…could-support-alien-life/ For those too lazy to read, scientists have essentially examined a local solar system and noticed that there're 3 planets within the star's habitable zone (The habitable zone is defined as the distance away from the star that allows the planet to have water not freeze or evaporate). I wonder how long it'll take before we discover intelligent life out there :O

  • What is your favorite anime/manga?

    Beeckusu - - Chat Box


    I just finished Ao No Exorcist; such a masterpiece :O I've watched a ton of other anime, but the ones that I truly believe are classics are: Gintama Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan Durarara!!! Tiger and Bunny Fairy Tail Hunter x Hunter Great Teacher Onizuka Sword Art Online Persona 4 Guilty Crown World God Only Knows Full Metal Alchemist Code Geass Hajime No Ippo Air Gear Yakitate Japan! And let's be honest, who hasn't watched Airbender

  • I think to this day, I cannot understand why people continue to buy each new Pokemon game. The proceeding pokemon games are essentially the exact same game. I mean, the third one was the first game to really stand out from it's series, but the 4th and 5th and so on are replications of the 3rd but with a different story.

  • The F word- Feminism.

    Beeckusu - - Real Life


    ^ Dat point. The hardcore feminists are always anti-men (and they have every right to because there are just some dudes out there that are despicable) , and that's so counter-productive because then it seems like they're not promoting equality among genders, they're trying to make females more privileged than men.