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    • Well obviously the enemies should be ducks and barrels. But some duck should be OP and huge and muscular and some just little and normal. The barrels some could be regular and some could explode, or have like poison inside them. So you hit it and the poison goes all over the place like acid or something. The character of course should be you Pewds! Because, its our game and you are the main in all of this! So you should have a fabulous pink dress, and just be incredibly gay and fab! haha. There should also be different characters you meet eventually in the game and play with, like Maya, Edgar and Marzia! That would be so awesome!

      I think this is going to be really awesome Pewds. I can't wait to see everyones ideas, I will check them out right now.
    • I think the game should be about you, from when you started making movies and your rise to the top. I like the part that many have said about 'chapters', where you get to play some of your playthroughs but in a 2d pixelated world.

      My own thoughts:
      • RPG game, kill monsters that you have encountered within the games you have played, but instead of normal XP you gain followers to level up.
      • The characters you encounter should be from you actually met them irl, so depending on where you are in the game (your life) you meet youtubers, marzia etc.
      • Your first skill should be Brofist, and as you 'level up' (become bigger on youtube) or by meeting new characters you gain more skills like 'DEUTSCHLAND', NIGHTMARE (from your scary games playthroughs, like an AOE defence skill) and maybe throwing barrels as an AOE.

      Action RPG gives alot of replay value, if you add achievments ofc. So looots of achievments. Think 'Mercenary Kings' meets Zelda.
    • You should have a item system with hats and weapons, you should also have a lvl up aystem that instead of xp it could be subs(not so important). Wearables is a nust in my opinion and classes like pewds, melee and edgar, range and maya, magic. A backpack would also be nice. U dont need crafting though cause it may be too minecrafty. But some puzzels will increase challanges. Now different gamemodes like easy, normal and hard.
      And to increase play rate, online mode too. Save slots can be nice for multipule games without loosing anything, and it should come out on steam.
      These were my suggestions
      Greetz IQstorm
    • Something between Scribblenauts and Mario!
      We should make this game really weird and full of humor and awesomeness.
      -Fabness will give us strength
      -Barrels, Gatherers as enemies
      -Marzia as the princess,
      -Maya and Edgar as sidekicks
      -A Stephano statue will be an extra life!
      -Cry, ken, mark, minx... for Unlock More Characters (or side characters)
      -also we can put something from Poods personal life, Johanna and Fanny and Liam should be in the game too!
      -And of course, can't forget the bros, while on his journey, Pewds will be able to defend himself via his Bro Army, (2 or 3 bro at the time, you buy the bros with your Fabness ''money'')
    • Pewdiepie: The search of stephano.
      You and stephano lived together when the barrels came i and kidnapped stephano. Then you, Cry, Ken, Marzia and you other friends (Edgar too) Find this awesome Bro Power that gives all of you powers to stop the barrels from taking over the world.

      I know that pewdiepie wont choose this because: (1) The comments are going so fast that he maybe wont read this (2) He wont care about this (3) He wont read about this :(

      I hope he does choose this one. Brofist pewds :brofist:
    • (fill the blank of my imagination please )
      you have to save multyple person from........................trhougt many level (like marzia falcon lover etc ) you can after thet play as them. you have some special abillity like ................ ( super attack you make a sugoiiiii pose and say "i'm fabulous and you'r not" out and loud and at normal abillity call minions like stephano and the pug and ....................... ) you have some ennemy like the mighty barrels and ....................... , and item like ......................... you craft many thing like ......................

      and i think i'm done thanks for every one you will agree with me and fill the blank to make an awesome story
      (sorry for my bad english i'm french ^^" )
    • Possible Scene!?

      I think there should be a scene were pewds finds staphano on an altar. However by picking him up, he triggers a giant barrel trap to start rolling after him. Having to dodge and weave between incoming obstacle to reach the end. This being just a scene, not the entire premise of the game. Sound familiar anyone? 8)

      BRO FIST FROM TEXAS :brofist:
    • can it be like a charge where you collect something and then you can do a massive and explosive bro-fist
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST ...........
    • A special ability for Pewdiepie should be Sonic run where you run sanic fast for 30 seconds. The characters should be Pewdiepie,Maya,Edgar. For a evil villain it should be the barrels. You should also get to customize your characters like put clothes on them for ex: fairy wings, Sonic costume, amnesia hat, ect.

      Thanks your bro- SANICFAST :P :D :evil:
    • DerpyGhost wrote:

      Okay, so what I'm thinking is a scroll adventure where you get sucked into your computer and you have to beat worlds with the theme of games you've played previously (amnesia, portal....) like in the portal world you'll be given a portal gun and in the amnesia world, stephano. There'll be computers every world or so where you try to contact other youtubers and explain what happened, then they help you. there should be some kind of progression or inventory build up so that at the last boss (I'm thinking edgar :3 ) you have to use all of the items to defeat all of his multiple stages... SUPER EXCITED for this game!

      this is good idea. i think it would be good modification to this that behind all this is secret organization called falcon lovers who tried to get pewdie under their power and use this to control the world through him and the bros so they can conquer the whole world
    • I am sure lots of bros want a game with tons of in-jokes and references to games Felix has played. That is okay with me, but if this game will be for sale on steam or whatever, due to copyright he shouldn't use copyrighted content. I suggest an original story with original characters, enemies, bosses and worlds. Here is my ideal Pewdiepie Game...

      Pewdiepie: Elemental Expedition

      the game would about Pewdiepie and Cutiepie playing a game together. When Curiepie beats Pewds, he becomes angry at her and they fight Pewds and walks out. Later, Pewds feels bad and goes to apologize, but when he returns, he sees a note. He thinks Cutiepie broke up with him, until he notices that the handwriting is different. He reads "Great Warrior, I, Lord Zardok, have taken your princess and will take her as my bride. If you want her, come get her. HAHAHA!!!" Pewds is confused and shocked and doesn't know what to do. Then a fairy named Stephanie comes and takes him to another world called "Pirion", a magical world of beauty and wonder. Pewds is told that he needs to collect "Elemental Medallions" to defeat Zardok. Each world and it's enemies/bosses are based around each element, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Ice, Electricity, Plants/Wood, and Metal. Once Pewds has collected all eight, he can then enter Zardok's fortress and rescue his fair princes. Each new Medallion grants Pewdiepie with new special abilities that can be very effective against certain types of enemies such as fire melting ice enemies or water putting out fire enemies, kinda like the megaman games.

      I hope you like this summary and consider a few elements of this concept.