PewDiePie has changed to the worse! :(

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  • Ah, another one of these conversations I see...

    Personally, I've been watching Pewdie for a long time now, and it's been about a year I would say, maybe more than that...But, in some instances, he has changed a bit in how he plays the games. Right now, he does seem a bit clown-like, rather than the person whom I watched about a year ago. Although, that doesn't mean he's changed everything.
    Felix is a rather nice guy, although, sometimes I guess producing 3 videos/2 videos a day is somewhat strenuous upon his mind, or perhaps even his body. Remember, if you add all that up for a week it would be 21/14 videos a week. Wouldn't that make you crazy if you had to edit all of that to post...?
    I do think that he has changed his style, although, he's the same person still, the only thing that's changed is the way he takes on the games, or which games he plays.

    "Lefi is lefi
    if someone try to change lefi
    lefi will be mad
    lefi will fak yer shit up"
    Brootal c:

    I love Mkerix, more than my Pokemon.<3
  • Leafy wrote:

    Ah, another one of these conversations I see...

    Personally, I've been watching Pewdie for a long time now, and it's been about a year I would say, maybe more than that...But, in some instances, he has changed a bit in how he plays the games. Right now, he does seem a bit clown-like, rather than the person whom I watched about a year ago. Although, that doesn't mean he's changed everything.
    Felix is a rather nice guy, although, sometimes I guess producing 3 videos/2 videos a day is somewhat strenuous upon his mind, or perhaps even his body. Remember, if you add all that up for a week it would be 21/14 videos a week. Wouldn't that make you crazy if you had to edit all of that to post...?
    I do think that he has changed his style, although, he's the same person still, the only thing that's changed is the way he takes on the games, or which games he plays.

    Yes, take a look at this.

    People should honestly understand why he doesn't play too much Amnesia anymore.

    After 2 years of playing it, not only does he have to actually go through it, he has to edit it too. Don't you think that that would be really boring after like what, 2 years of full-on Amnesia?

    I do, however, support his older videos. But think of what he has to go through a week with these other games. :p I would get sick of a game, too, if I had to edit and play the same thing over again.
  • I agree with you. That's exactly what I feel to PewDie now.
    I've subscribed to PewDie for almost 1 year. And I must say his old videos are much better.

    But, I think it's normal.. everyone change, everyone HAVE to change. So is PewDie, he has changed, his humor, his play style. He did this to keep his fans entertained, mostly his new fans. He can't keep playing Amnesia and Minecraft all the time. Imagine, if PewDie always using the same joke all the time. It will be boring as well and.. overused.

    PewDie has changed, . Maybe he's getting funnier and funnier for some fans, or maybe he's getting more and more boring for some other fans, like me and you, and many of the long time fans.

    But I still like to watch his vids, he, at least stil can make me laugh, but not as funny as he used to be.

    Formerly: Raven

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  • Thing is he may not make you laugh anymore because he's doign the same stuff, but thats because you don't watch anythign else but the horror games, so all you are watching is the same stuff. For humor and fun from his point of view, it works, and not every video will entertain everyone. Take toby's very first video, i watched it the other day, it was his Halo Reach video, oh GOD how he's changed. I could hardly get through the entire video. As for pewdie, i a) don't watch his videos 24/7, and b) watch most of each series, therefore the level of entertainment is kept, sure im not up to date with the series most of the time, but if you pace yourself it'll still be fun. If you're bored and watch him for hours straight each day, of course he's going to get boring one way or another. :/
  • peachvomit wrote:

    I finally thought about a good comment I won't regret writing...

    I think the fans have turned for the worse.

    Deal with it.

    It seem like most of his fans that have been subbed since Amnesia just don't like
    it that he's not playing Amnesia anymore, hell I never liked Amnesia anyway.

    It's only those fans that THINK they're seeing a difference are ones who are making
    it clear in they're eyes that he's changed for the worst while some of us don't care,
    I know he's not always gonna be himself from when I first subbed, he's gonna get
    older so of course he's gonna do other things, not play Happy Wheels his whole life.

  • I've felt that way about Pewdie for a bit. Some vids are okay (I liked Heavy Rain), but he does seem very jester-like. His voice sounds totally different than it did, and all of his material seems trite and un-inspired. Besides, if he was still the same LPer he wouldn't need material, just to play the games and be himself. He doesn't seem like himself since he moved to Italy I guess.

    I try not to be jealous of the guy but it's hard when his content seems so scripted when it really shouldn't be, and he just keeps growing. I kick myself for not starting LPs sooner (like when speeddemosarchive pioneered it), but it wasn't until recently that I had a decent enough computer to do it. Oh well. =)
  • I did a rant on my channel about the bros who can't just let people have there own opinions. I couldn't agree more, Pewdie is changing to accommodate his Bros, he trys things, if they get a positive reaction he will do more, he is an entertainer who wants to please his fans! People like him acting just crazy and over the top no matter what so that's what he's gonna do, I think the games where he is actually scared are the best I think its some of his best work and looking at all the amnesia/ stephano fan art his bros have produced I would say that a lot of bros would agree with me.

    Pewdie has changed to accommodate his new fans likes, I still think he's funny but not as funny as he use to be. I would like to see him be genuinely scared again.
    Come at me Barrels! I am invincible!
  • Obviously he's changed over the years. Whether that's because he's trying to appeal to more of his massive fans or not is anyone's guess. But if he is changing to appeal to fans, then he's not staying true to what his channel was formed on. We subscribed to pewdie to watch more of the pewdie we saw when we subbed. I'm not saying any specific video series, but whatever video made you sub is what you liked. However I feel that I personally, have lost what I subbed to. I really don't watch any of his new videos unless there's a particular interest in them like his new Homesick video I watched because Chloe made it and I also played it. I also watched a rocksmith one because I was curious as to how rocksmith worked. Other than that.... pass.

    Overall, he just acts 20000000% too silly with fake scare reactions for me. Like I love some of his jokes, but they do NOT stop for a second. Like when he does Happy Wheels, it works. When he's playing a scary game and standing around playing with an item in it for 10 out of the 13 minutes of video, it gets kind of annoying. So I don't know if this is his version of selling out, to where he's just trying to appeal to the massive amounts of screaming kiddie fans because that gets the most views or if this is just the direction he wanted to take and maybe wasn't comfortable enough to do so before. Either way, he loses views from me because of it. Not that it should concern him xD, I'm just saying I am one of the (few? many? who knowz) that doesn't watch his new stuff and have already scowered threw his old stuff that I like to the point that unsubbing is probably the best option. But I stay subbed because he seems like a nice guy and does deliver a good video every now and then... And by good video I just mean a video that appeals to me, not silly 99% of the time so there's actual progress into the game (unless its happy wheels cause that's nothing but silly) and stuff like that. I'm not saying the videos I don't like aren't good, just not for me.
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  • VcentG wrote:

    Obviously he's changed over the years. Whether that's because he's trying to appeal to more of his massive fans or not is anyone's guess. But if he is changing to appeal to fans, then he's not staying true to what his channel was formed on. We subscribed to pewdie to watch more of the pewdie we saw when we subbed. I'm not saying any specific video series, but whatever video made you sub is what you liked. However I feel that I personally, have lost what I subbed to. I really don't watch any of his new videos unless there's a particular interest in them like his new Homesick video I watched because Chloe made it and I also played it. I also watched a rocksmith one because I was curious as to how rocksmith worked. Other than that.... pass.

    Overall, he just acts 20000000% too silly with fake scare reactions for me. Like I love some of his jokes, but they do NOT stop for a second. Like when he does Happy Wheels, it works. When he's playing a scary game and standing around playing with an item in it for 10 out of the 13 minutes of video, it gets kind of annoying. So I don't know if this is his version of selling out, to where he's just trying to appeal to the massive amounts of screaming kiddie fans because that gets the most views or if this is just the direction he wanted to take and maybe wasn't comfortable enough to do so before. Either way, he loses views from me because of it. Not that it should concern him xD, I'm just saying I am one of the (few? many? who knowz) that doesn't watch his new stuff and have already scowered threw his old stuff that I like to the point that unsubbing is probably the best option. But I stay subbed because he seems like a nice guy and does deliver a good video every now and then... And by good video I just mean a video that appeals to me, not silly 99% of the time so there's actual progress into the game (unless its happy wheels cause that's nothing but silly) and stuff like that. I'm not saying the videos I don't like aren't good, just not for me.
    So that was basically what I was trying to just said it way better... lol :D

    I really hope Pewdie tones down the sillyness just a little bit, I do like his old videos, there SO funny, there really just perfect!
    Come at me Barrels! I am invincible!
  • I kind of don't like the premise of all this discussion; analyzing and criticizing what's better or worse about someone.

    Seriously: Pewdiepie is a person, and he gets to decide what to do with his time and how he wants to entertain people. He will change with time like everyone else. Saying that you don't like how his personality as an entertainer has evolved with time is unhelpful. If you don't like what he makes now, then you don't need to watch it, but in my opinion, saying in front of him and everyone else that you don't like him anymore is a bit of an unneeded gesture. Suggestions are great, like saying it would be cool if he would play more horror and maybe joke around less in it, but saying that you just don't like how someone has changed with time helps nothing and objectifies a person.

    Just my two cents! Hopefully I'm not coming across as rude phrasing it in such a way.
  • Rawr0s wrote:

    I kind of don't like the premise of all this discussion; analyzing and criticizing what's better or worse about someone.

    Seriously: Pewdiepie is a person, and he gets to decide what to do with his time and how he wants to entertain people. He will change with time like everyone else. Saying that you don't like how his personality as an entertainer has evolved with time is unhelpful. If you don't like what he makes now, then you don't need to watch it, but in my opinion, saying in front of him and everyone else that you don't like him anymore is a bit of an unneeded gesture. Suggestions are great, like saying it would be cool if he would play more horror and maybe joke around less in it, but saying that you just don't like how someone has changed with time helps nothing and objectifies a person.

    Just my two cents! Hopefully I'm not coming across as rude phrasing it in such a way.

    I disagree. It's called criticism, and without it how would someone know the true quality of their content?

    I personally love criticism, good and bad, as it let's me know what I'm doing right, or wrong. To be surrounded by yes men (motivated for their own reasons, be it to leech off of success or whatnot) is NOT constructive and will end in disaster.

    I'm not insulting Pewdiepie nor do I think anyone else here is. To take our time to word constructive arguments is much better than 99% of the internet hate machine that lamblasts him. I'm sure you would agree.
  • I am liking where he is going. he hasn't stopped playing Horror completely he is just trying different kinds. Honestly I was getting sick of the amnesia video's. I like that he plays more indie games then anything. Anyway guys i think some of you are forgetting this is HIS channel. he can do whatever he wants and I understand that you're a subscriber but there has to be change. Again I like that he is playing other games
  • To me, PewDie will always be the Bro of Bros. I don't know about his old videos cause I only became a Bro like two to three months ago.

    Achoo. I sneezed. ON YOW LIFE!! Eeeew. That means your showers cover you in bogies.

  • MayshouE wrote:

    I am liking where he is going. he hasn't stopped playing Horror completely he is just trying different kinds. Honestly I was getting sick of the amnesia video's. I like that he plays more indie games then anything. Anyway guys i think some of you are forgetting this is HIS channel. he can do whatever he wants and I understand that you're a subscriber but there has to be change. Again I like that he is playing other games
    Yeah, OK, it's only I don't like the games he's playing now. Maybe I could be the only one, but the only story-based game I liked is The Walking Dead. I was sick of Amnesia too, but I think he should play more horror games. I like some of the new games, anyway, like Scribblenauts.
  • I prefer the videos he does these days than those years back. Simply because of the "characters" he has and it's fun. You watch him talk to inanimate animated things and you're having fun. Isn't that the important thing tho? Everyone have different perspective s toward things and it is in fact hard to please people. 3,000,000+ different people with different likes and dislikes. I think the reason why he's doing some requested games to be played is because he wants to please the majority of his viewers. His dedication to his work and bros is whats important. Don't you think?
    "Happiness exists when you don't know a thing." - The Weeknd
  • I read enough Pewdie is a really nice guy and i haven't watched him for a long time and i watched one of his videos yesterday night and he made me laugh still he is doing this for his fans thats why i stopped watching pewdie for a bit because of the same stuff now that he changed I'm watching his videos more often now. But seriously dont hate on him its not his fault blame yourself for not enjoying it and relaxing you guys who are complaining about him you guys are to worried and need to chill let pewdie do what he does best and thats making us laugh.

    Pewdie has changed for the better good and i'm glad he did doing the same stuff got a little boring he is trying out new tactics to entertain us. You guys shouldn't be pulling him down like that if he would to read your guys post that would make him upset and eventually if this comes into a huge argument pewdie will possibly stop making videos. (Possibly, not sure if he would do that) But you guys need to except him for who he is and let him do his work

    Thank you for reading,

    ~Dbaker004 8) 8) 8)
    Chair Mode Activated *boop*<------ Sorry for kid voice i was editing the way i speak in the mic so it sounds different i kinda screwed it up a little and now the application wont open and im 15

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