Aiden the Misfit Ruben

  • Male
  • 30
  • Member since Sep 4th 2012
Last Activity

The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

  • Giszelle -

    D a m n
    Long time no see :^)) Or talk tbh but yo

  • Ebenezer Scrooge -

    Miss talkin to you man, ive been busy with exams and such

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      Hey man, it's always good to hear from you. I figured, I graduated a good year or so after I left, haha. Feel free to add my Skype if you want to catch up later. project.misfit

  • Weeaboo -

    What does your name mean? I've always been curious

  • wulfsok -

    suck on my nipples

  • Lovina360 -

    i LOVE your avatar <3 ED!!

  • Trish-Ah -

    Sure! I'll jump on later this evening!

  • Trish-Ah -

    Guess who is a licensed driver? Oh yeah =)

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      Congratulations!~ Come on skype later on, yeah? :3

  • Dandy Dragon -

    dragonlord7132, the one with the cow. you can't miss it.

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      Greed, the one with the ling, you can't miss it.

  • Fire -

    Hey sexeh. <3

  • Dandy Dragon -

  • Fire -

    I really happy to hear that <3

  • Fire -

    I wuv you alot, Big Brother. <3 c':

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      I love you too, little sister <3 Me and Megan are both very happy to call you family.

  • Max -

    What's your name on the server ._.

  • GenisSage -

    Did you delete me?

  • Fire -

    Herro. :3
    I wub yu, big brother. <3

  • peachvomit -


  • MicoTheDarkReaper* -

    Misfit its was mia's sister that got rejected

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      Don't be a fool. It was not. And if you believe it, you must not be very smart. She's a idiot. A cheater. And a attention whore.

  • TheLinkGamer -

    MISFIT THE WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think I wan't to change my name too

  • wulfsok -

    Pony = Wrong. And what the hell is FSM? I like the googly eyes.

  • jetfuelcmsb -

    I have officially ventured to the land of Nipple's guestbook.
    It's dirty here D:<
    Lul jk.

  • Chibi Angel -

    LOL <33

  • Chibi Angel -

    Call me Gizmo again...
    -Smashes watermelon-
    ._. Your head
    JK <33
    You can call me dat C:

  • jetfuelcmsb -

    Nipple ;D
    I is bored.
    You're mean

    I joke! Wub yuuu.
    Entertain me, slave >:3

  • jetfuelcmsb -

    hey nipple€ :3
    im sorry- i had to do this. its the best nickname ever.