Is there any game that makes you cry ..? Or almost ..?

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    • Well quite a few games have hit me hard, but I've never really gone all sobby on a single game o-o
      A single tear or two is about what these games (Can't really remember 'em all, but here's what I CAN remember) have brought upon me:

      Bastion, because story that's why

      Cavestory, specifically because I didn't get the best ending

      Slender, amnesia and stuff that has scared me shitless on dark nights xD All good fun tho

      To the Moon, Heavy Rain and The Walking Dead, though I've never really gotten around to playing those :p Just watched pewds play 'em and sobbed along

      30 minute hero, 'cause that ending was pretty awesome

      Little Inferno, 'cause it caught me a bit off guard xD Beautiful ending tho

      Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, 'cause I was so sad to see it end since I enjoyed it WAY more than I should have xD (Turns out it went on)

      Sonic Generations, because I was laughing my ass off so hard that I almost cried due to the incredibly cheesy ending

      Supreme Commander, 'cause I loved the ending and the game so much that it was a shame to see it end (The princess exploding)

      And last but not least

      Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, mainly because I got that game as a kid and never got to see the "true" ending until recently, where I almost had to salute the game as it showed the credits due to the many hours of fantastic and immersive gameplay it has provided me through the years.

      There has got to be more games than these, yet I can't really remember 'em :3 So, yeah. Loved these games to bits!

      Quite a fine crescent moon tonight, isn't it?
    • Chrono Cross. It wasn't even intended to make me cry but... Dang, that part in the beginning where everyone else doesn't know who you are doesn't know you and believes the "you" that you are talking about has been dead for years already. Then your childhood sweetheart will conclude "Goodbye... Stranger."

      The music just gets you.
      Still waiting for the time Pewds will play a Resident Evil game. :brofist:
    • Two games actually made me swell up.

      First was Jade Cocoon.
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      The character's wife eventually dies.
      Seeing this was one of Level 5's first games for the US/UK and this was the same team that assisted with a few beloved childhood movies, I was hooked line and sinker.

      The only other game was Journey. Not because of the story but what happen in it. Near the end, I had a player helping me out, someone that had gone through the game before me. As I was slowing down due to the frost, she/he kept chirping for me to go on.This guide went so far as to move behind me to push me along. Guiding me until she/he fell and I was helpless to do anything for them.

      What is worse is, they chirped once before falling silent. The entire sequence was locked in place, not really scripted but the developers made sure players would lose their ability to interact at this point of the game.
    • Games that made me cry

      Yes, there actually are quite a few games that made me cry. The spacific game depends if you mean cry (because it was sad) or cry (because it scared the living day lights out of me), or cry (due to frustration) in either of the cases there are a few.

      Because they were sad: Final Fantasy 7 & 10, Ledgend of Zelda: Ocarena of Time... Now I think about it almost all the Ledgend of Zelda games, to name a few.

      Because I was scared shitless: Amnesia: Obscurity, Amnesia: Justine, Slender, Call of Cthulhu for tabletop gaming, Mad Father, Ib, The Crooked Man, and Pesadelo.

      Because of pent up frustration: The Unfair Platformer, Cat Mario, Slender...again, Super Meat Boy, Bloody Traplands, Super Mario Galaxy, and the Surgeon Simulator thing.

      But through all this remember that it is ok to cry, it just shows that you have a little more heart then everyone else. Think of it this way, PewDiePie himself has cried many times making videos and if it is ok for Pewds it is ok for you. Stay strong, *brofist* :)
    • I guess I'm an emotional person, because all of these are me. I cried during FFVII, To The Moon, and and Kingdom Hearts II. Not the first, I really didn't care about Kairi to be honest. No, it was twice during KHII.
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      The first time when Roxas is reunited with Sora, and the second when Axel 'dies' for Sora/Roxas. I loved Axel. Needless to say, Dream Drop Distance made me very happy, as I was truly suffering for Axel's fate.

      Also, and this one is obvious, the "Forgotten Portrait" ending for Ib. Poor Garry...
      "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let the world wonder how you did it."
    • -The end of the Walking Dead video game made me cry. I tried so hard to find a way to make Lee and Kenny not die, but there was no use.

      -Bioshock 2 also made me cry at the end where I chose the decision to die in front of my own daughter, I made a river! I was so melted that I replayed the whole story again just so I could change my fate and my emotions.

      -To The Moon: Cutest game I ever saw pewdiepie play. It was beautiful, it was unique, it was outstandingly put that the ending connected to one of his past memories with the old guys (I forget his name) original love interest when he was young, to how he wanted to go to the moon with her without the character knowing why he wanted to go to the moon in the first place. Just outstanding! This game was better than any novel that I have ever read and therefore the #1 best ending to a video game that I ever saw.
      ;( just thinking about it brought a tear to my eye!
      :thumbsup: :thumbsup: XX-STRAYHAWK-XX :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
    • You Will Cry!!!


      1) TO THE MOON



      I TELL YOU. YOU WILL DEFINITELY CRY. Please, guys that want to play these games, YOU WILL LOVE IT! :D

      SO YES. Others will probably agree with me 1000%, go ahead and try those games, YOU WILL LOVE IT :D