What makes you guys keep watching someone?

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  • What makes you guys keep watching someone?

    I'm always meaning to improve so I'm asking you guys to list things that would keep you interested in a Let's Play type of video until the very end when the Let's Player signs off. I like to keep things fresh by reading out people's comments, telling jokes, telling amusing stories about stuff that happens in my life but I normally do that when it's a boring part of an episode to keep people interested (like driving somewhere for example) anyway, help me out here guys! :p I want to be uploading the very best I have every time I upload!
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  • Well... you see, that is one hard question to answer. For me... I watch people who don't seem fake. I mean I can't stand if they try too hard with the joking and stuff. I guess my little advice is not to change what you are - too much anyway. People will notice and that never goes well. I'm thinking about LP'ers I like... like said, the first thing that comes to mind is: they are who they are! Lets take our beloved Pewdie: he's cheery and doesn't take things too serious - sometimes that annoy people like heck (example The Walking Dead is supposed to be taken super serious....... >_>; ) but to me it just says he just doesn't want to act serious when it's not like he is. I don't know what I'm babbling xD I hope you found some sort of advice from this... lol. Now I don't get too many comments on my LP's but the very few friendly PM's I've got, people have told me they rather enjoy my babbling even I'm all sorrysorrysorry I'm so derpy D: I'll try harder to speak perfect english and so on. But they don't dig that... 8|
  • Yeah I see what you're saying... I think XD
    There was one time when Pewdie was a bit (and I mean a BIT) more serious was when he was playing "To The Moon" :p
    It's still debatable as to whether he turned the facecam off because he cried or not. Hmmmm...

    But yeah I get what you're saying "Be yourself"... I believe I've had that advice about girls before too XD
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  • When i watch lets plays, i look for the amount of effort put into the vid and how the commentator keeps the viewers attention, for example, being funny, or talking about funny events that happened in your life. But one thing that i would think will help alot is to leave your viewers with a "cliffhanger" when you end the video when something exciting is going to happen, that will make your viewers want to wait until the next episode of the LP is uploaded so they can see what happened, if you do that every episode, then your viewers will want to watch until the end of the LP. Another important thing is to choose the right game for a LP, something viewers would be interested in watching you know? Hope this helps bro
  • Mega_hyp3rrr_808 wrote:

    Another important thing is to choose the right game for a LP, something viewers would be interested in watching you know? Hope this helps bro
    Interesting you'd say that :p I came up with a weird but creative LP idea the other day and I'll probably post it in the user creations when I finally decide whether or not to go ahead with it or not but would you say it's worth trying a hit and miss game?

    liam12192 wrote:

    i would just say be yourself really everyone has there own fan base and youl attract your own kind of fans as long as you just keep being you and dont try to act like everyone else. keep it up :thumbsup:
    Note taken :) thanks!
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  • I couldn't agree more with that! I've been doing youtube for years now and the only things that have changed is the quality of my videos and the fact I'm a partner :) Half the time when I'm making videos I do it because I enjoy what I do not because I earn money and Pewdiepie (from what I can see is the same as me!) I've checked him out on socialblade and he will be laughing with the amount of money he earns, he could quit tomorrow and be set for life but he doesn't and I really admire that about the guy!
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  • RunescapeHullFanatic wrote:

    I couldn't agree more with that! I've been doing youtube for years now and the only things that have changed is the quality of my videos and the fact I'm a partner :) Half the time when I'm making videos I do it because I enjoy what I do not because I earn money and Pewdiepie (from what I can see is the same as me!) I've checked him out on socialblade and he will be laughing with the amount of money he earns, he could quit tomorrow and be set for life but he doesn't and I really admire that about the guy!
    Yea but money isn't a bad thing either. I don't care if people that is entertaining, makes money. I could be jelouls yea, but I remind myself that a lot of people in the world makes the same amount (or more) money in other sad and evil ways.
  • Yeah, I used to be REALLY careful about what I talked about in my commentaries but now I talk about anything and everything :p

    I remember this one time however, (going off on a tangent here for a short story time XD) but this time last year me and my (now ex) girlfriend were on the verge of breaking up and she complained I spent too much time on youtube and didn't care about her blah blah... so I proved I did by uploading a video of me telling her how much I loved her and hitting myself in the head with a piece of wood. Unfortunately, little did I know someone at college liked my girlfriend and was trying to steal her off me and was pretty much stalking her facebook... so when I walked into college 10 minutes late the next day I saw everyone crowded round a computer laughing and as I peer over, to my horror, I saw that the video they were watching was the one I made the previous night.

    Now that I've typed that story I've embarrassingly forgot what I was going to say XD But my point is sometimes you should still be careful what you say and what you upload... I think that's the angle I was going for anyway O.o interesting little-known fact about me nontheless!
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  • RunescapeHullFanatic wrote:

    Yeah, I used to be REALLY careful about what I talked about in my commentaries but now I talk about anything and everything :p

    RunescapeHullFanatic wrote:

    I remember this one time however, (going off on a tangent here for a short story time XD) but this time last year me and my (now ex) girlfriend were on the verge of breaking up and she complained I spent too much time on youtube and didn't care about her blah blah... so I proved I did by uploading a video of me telling her how much I loved her and hitting myself in the head with a piece of wood. Unfortunately, little did I know someone at college liked my girlfriend and was trying to steal her off me and was pretty much stalking her facebook... so when I walked into college 10 minutes late the next day I saw everyone crowded round a computer laughing and as I peer over, to my horror, I saw that the video they were watching was the one I made the previous night.

    RunescapeHullFanatic wrote:

    Now that I've typed that story I've embarrassingly forgot what I was going to say XD But my point is sometimes you should still be careful what you say and what you upload... I think that's the angle I was going for anyway O.o interesting little-known fact about me nontheless!
    ah but there's a difference between talking about anything and just being your own crazy self. I have an Elmo Plays Slender video which I did in college, with people looking at me doing the gameplay and voice as they walked by. I looked freaking crazy. still an awesome video :P
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  • For me a LPer has to be: Funny but serious when needed; Playing good and interesting games, maybe some Underground games too; He/She should never spam or flame poeple (except him/herself :D ); The quality of the video should be good (480p or higher) and he/she should not play always the same games and try something new too.

    And that´s why Pewdie is a perfect LPer/Entertainer for me!

    Piggeh Love :love: