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    • I only subscribe to channels I find exceptionally interesting/funny/etc. For me to subscribe to a channel it has to be special in a way. People always look up to their favorite Minecraft YouTuber and are like "I wanna be like him!"and so they start their own Minecraft channel. That's wrong, if you want attention you have to be special, do something that hasn't been done before if you want a good fanbase.
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers
    • It would be personality and emotion for me,
      if the person is not animated I probably won't subscribe.
      And I also subscribe if I can see the effort they put into their videos.
      Aannndd depends on what I'm in the mood to watch too xD
      If the YouTuber appeals to any side of me I'll be interested :P
      :) Bleep Bloop Achievables. :)
      Heres my YouTube!: DevRoxToo
      And my tweeter: DevRoxToo
    • There are lots of factors. Some people don't subscribe but they like to watch videos. Some people subscribe but they don't watch the channel. If you know what I mean. Pewds had 39M subs but everyday he posts videos not all 39M watch it everyday. Majority for Pewds' videos are always 1M views not 39M views for everyday. But that Pewds' level, I don't know about others. For me, it is about Quality, Originality, Personality, Ideas and the art of making videos.
    • For me it's a mixture of stuff. A good personality is a big thing for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have to be really funny. if they're good at what they do I'm satisfied. Also video/audio quality is really important - I just can't watch a video that sounds like it was recorded through a plastic bag, I'm sure I'm not the only one. Lastly and I suppose obviously would be the content. I'm a lot more likely to sub to a gaming channel than a channel about beauty. Not saying beauty channels are bad, they're just not my sort of thing. Hope I didn't come across as really picky! :/
    • Definitely the personality at first, and then I look for the content to see if there is anything im interested in. Most of the time, there is always something on the channel that triggers me to subscribe, but in the end I have to like the content creator in order to be willing to subscribe for more! That being said, there are a lot of talented YouTubers around us :D
      Chipsflickan's YouTube Channel (I promise it's worth a look)
    • Quality & their voice. If the audio sounds awful - no. If their voice is not soothing - no. I actually find Felix and Marzia's voices very interesting. I am fond of accepts that are non-American. I don't typically watch a lot of female YouTubers. Not sure why that is but it's always been that way for me.
      4270+ Subs and Counting - Let's Plays | ASMR | Vlogs
      I publish a video daily.
      Not going to give up.
      Not going to stop.
      1 Million Subs here I come!

      My Channel
    • Personality and fluidity, by fluidity I mean if their videos keep my interest, I don't want to watch someone running around lost in a game for 10 minutes not saying anything, or if it's a beauty video going off topic, answering their phone and having a full on conversation, or going afk, which is why I like well edited videos :)
      As for personality I tend to watch people who have a natural bounce in their voice, as in not being over the top and forcing their reactions, otherwise it comes off as a little 'fake' :S
      Interaction and mic quality are also key elements I look for in a video as well xD
      Feel free to check out my gameplay channel youtube.com/caiyth
    • LittleJayBerry wrote:

      Mic quality seems to be rather difficult to achieve. I have tried time and time again to get my mic quality to that of Pewds, Jack and Mark.. I even have the same type of mics that they use. I can't exactly soundproof my apartment.. unfortunately. My mic is much better than it was, but it's still not HD which is what I'm craving so hard to obtain.
      I think it sounds fine :) I'm using the Samson C01U which is the same mic as he used to use in older videos. Sometimes I experience background noise because my PC/PS4 fan can be noisy but I clean it up using Audicity (Noise removal tool). It works pretty well and is also free :) The only tip other than that that I can really offer is 1) use a pop filter, and if you are using one then 2) try lowering the mics recording levels because the sound tends to distort if you try recording at too high levels :)
      Feel free to check out my gameplay channel youtube.com/caiyth
    • I have the same mic that pewds had just before he got his newest one a little while ago and it sounds amazing :D of course it was a pretty penny. For good quality you need to spend good money haha
      Come on give me a chance ;) You may not regret it :D Feel free to check out my channel :) if you enjoy good ol' Pewds. Then You just might enjoy my channel (cause you know i am better than PewDIePie)(IT WAS A JOKE(calm down) Thanks! :)
      oh and plz frget to ubsrcibe
      (click here)Astrosi Channel
    • Subscribing doesn't mean much anymore =/ viewing, liking, commenting and sharing does.

      What makes me WATCH somebody and want to engage their content is really just their personality. You can't help what kind of voice you have, and video quality isn't always an option if you're just starting out. If your personality and humor makes up for poor-ish video quality and loud voice, I will always come back for more.
    • I can agree with that^^ now I just hope I have a good enough personality XD because i am pretty sure that's what most people feel
      Come on give me a chance ;) You may not regret it :D Feel free to check out my channel :) if you enjoy good ol' Pewds. Then You just might enjoy my channel (cause you know i am better than PewDIePie)(IT WAS A JOKE(calm down) Thanks! :)
      oh and plz frget to ubsrcibe
      (click here)Astrosi Channel