What is on Your Bucket List?

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    • What is on Your Bucket List?

      So maybe you aren't really thinking about it now, and that's okay. My reason for thinking about it is because you have no idea when you're gonna leave this world, and there seems to never be a shortage of things you might want to do if you keep an open mind. Some things on your Bucket List will take time to complete no doubt, but there are things that can probably be done sooner than you think. So here are a list of things that I know for sure that is on my Bucket List in no particular order:

      1. Meet Pewds: Yes many people might have that dream and luckily some people have or live close enough to him to do that. I live in America and I don't live in any state that he has already visited. One day though it might happen.

      2. Finished One Piece: I might be 50 years old or older when the anime is done, but hey I will probably be swearing on my death bed if I didn't get to see it through to the end.

      3. Go to a concert: Yeah I haven't been to one. I really want to go to a Linkin Park concert.

      4. As of going to a Linkin Park concert, I would hope to meet the band, get signatures and stuff, but the one person I want to meet is Mike Shinoda (the rapper vocalist if you don't know his name) and tell him that he inspires me. He is an artist too, and I want to maybe show him some of my art.

      5. Travelling: There are quite a few places I want to go, states here and also quite a few different countries. Alaska, Canada, China, Japan, Italy, those kind of places. They say if you want to travel, do it young when nothing is holding you back. Well... Money.

      Well that is a few of mine and really the only thing that I have accomplished from my Bucket List which isn't up there for obvious reasons, was petting a cow. Okay that might be weird, but not everyone lives on a farm okay? Heh it was something and they have a thing for licking, also trying to eat my shoe laces.... Anyway what do you have on your list or have you accomplished some of yours already too? I'm sure it's never too early to start crossing off as much as you can write on there.
      We are the fortunate ones that never faced oppression's gun