Broarmy AMA #4: She-Wolf-By-Heart

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    • Broarmy AMA #4: She-Wolf-By-Heart

      We are introducing a new feature for our forums: Broarmy AMA!
      Broarmy A(sk) M(e) A(nything) will essentially try to make it easier for bros to be introduced to other bros around the forums. Staff members and normal users will be selected every two weeks & asked a couple of "get-to-know-you" questions for them to answer.
      The questions with the user's answers on them will be posted every two/three weeks for bros to comment on.

      We'd like to welcome our fourth candidate for Broarmy AMA: She-Wolf-By-Heart

      1. When and why did you join this forum?

      - I joined because I wanted to talk to the bros on the chat and when? September 22nd 2014, but you could just have checked my profile to know that X)

      2. What do you like best&worst about the forums?

      -Best: the chats I love talking to people and meeting new friends

      Worse: ._. Idk...

      3. Favorite/least favorite forum members?

      -Favorite: @AllClar

      Least favorite: @Ward azeez -_-'

      4. Most embarrassing thing that has happened to you either here or in real life? We like details c;

      -Irl: I was with my ex... we were kissing and I guess we were a bit too
      eager... he broke my two front teeth ._. But don't worry! They were
      already broken in the past so he only broke my teeth fillings ^^'

      Here: When Max muted me ._.

      5. Name 10 things you'd like to do before you die.

      -Meet my boyfriend

      -Watch all of the LotR and Hobbit movies

      -Pet a wild wolf :3

      -Travel the world

      -Meet all of my online friends

      -Get a pet (dog, or cat or bird or lizard :P)

      -Have that dinner ;D

      -Find a video game that I would never get bored of and that I would enjoy playing with friends

      -If I have enough time, have my own little family :3

      -Have a girly spa day

      -Get drunk with friends x)

      6. @Ectre shows up at your house at 2am wearing a full pink latex suit, and asks for you help. What do you do?

      -I laugh XD and then usher him inside and ask what's the matter while trying to stop laughing If mah friends need help, they just gotta ask

      7. Do you have a nickname? Do you want us to give you one?

      -I have tons!
      I have so many XD I mean I have the ones with my name here and my real
      name so... But please! Go ahead and give me one. I wanna know what it
      will be

      8. Favorite Pewdiepie moment + quote + video.

      -When Ken talks about a thumbnail of Pewds and Cry as a couple and then... yeah X) (time: 52:04 to 52:46)

      "Why am I always the bottom? Its fucking..." -Pewds

      "Because you're the bottom bitch!" -Cry

      9. What's it like living in the great white north?

      -It's cold as f*** ! But only in winter Otherwise its fine
      And snow may be amazing but its a pain when you have to shovel it -_-'
      Some of us call it white shit XD but Max... you should know ._. you live
      8 hours away from me dude.

      10. If you could say anything to one of us nerds in the staff team without getting into trouble, what would it be?

      -Okie ummm... Well when I first got here, I heard all bout Dano (@Ectre)
      being scary and shit... but then I got to know the guy and he's
      actually not at all scary! If you understand his kind of humor and if
      he likes you, then you have nothing to worry about

      11. You're given $1000, how do you spend it?

      -If I have enough space (like a house) and enough time, I would buy my dream dog

      12. Would you change anything about yourself?

      -Yes, I would actually! I think I would try to remove the dark creature
      that has been waiting inside of my body all my life to take over my mind
      and... yeah ._.

      ***Btw, I spent hours answering these questions ^^' so I hope you guys like it

      If you have any questions you'd like to ask @She-Wolf-By-Heart, ask them on this thread and she'll answer them!

      article written by @Max-

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DanOS ().

    • /-Kirito-Kun-\ wrote:

      Pretty generic questions from me but:

      Do you have a favorite musical group/singer?

      Do you have a favorite book?

      If you had a wolf and its fur could be any two colors, what colors would it be?

      -Right now, I'm really fangirling over Pentatonix :3 otherwise I really like Sam Tsui and Max Schneider as singers ^^

      -I have a few series that are really my favorites, all by the same author: Pierre Bottero but its in french. Basically the three trilogies: "Le Pacte des MarchOmbres" , "La Quête d'Ewilan" and "Les Mondes d'Ewilan"

      -Black and white :3
    • Figures it took you long, the answers were well-thought x)

      So, do you like playing online games in general? There are a couple of members here including me, Kiri, etc. who play TF2 and fun games like that together.
    • SHE WOOOOLF :333333
      Interesting :3

      Well... Why a wolf in particular? Don't you like "She-Cat-By-Heart" or "She-Tiger-By-Heart"? :3
      Cool kids don't turn around when there is an explosion behind them.
      And if they're wearing glasses, it's even cooler.

    • Wolfie sweetie :3

      Welp some questions need to be answered but ONE specifically: " When are we doing that diner? " I know it got postponed and stuff... but still a Canadian is getting hopes we won't do it now.

      Silly will always be weird so... If you have to choose between getting hit by a truck or falling from the top of a building which one do you pick and why?
      -Faceaxe forever-
      I'm so nice...
    • @Mystery asks:

      Why did you choose your title?
      -Because I love wolves :3 its my favorite animal of all times and when i was younger I wished I could transform into one and all so I thought that I was truly a wolf deep in my heart, and thats where it comes from ^^

      Is @Mystery a boy or a girl?
      -He's a boy ;)

      Can you describe @Max- with one word?
      -No, I can't XD

      Dota or League?
      -Neither :P

      @samfisher47_9 asks:

      So, do you like playing online games in general?
      -No... I've tried some online games in the past but I never really enjoyed playing, mainly I think because I didn't play with anyone else.

      @Mairym asks:

      Well... Why a wolf in particular? Don't you like "She-Cat-By-Heart" or "She-Tiger-By-Heart"? :3
      -Like I said earlier, the wolf is my favorite animal ever :3

      @Dastanael asks:

      Silly will always be weird so... If you have to choose between getting hit by a truck or falling from the top of a building which one do you pick and why?
      -Getting hit by a truck, because its quicker and I think I will feel 'less' pain because I will die quickly after the hit (I hope) and I probably won't see it coming.
    • How much wood would wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

      If you excange the old planks in a boat with new planks, is it the same boat?

      Can you truly step into the same river twice?

      What is love?

      If given a gun and the oppertunity to go back in time, would you kill Hitler?

      Can I has hugs?
      Who's your real life healer?
    • @Pvt Lederhose asks:

      How much wood would wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
      -A lot :3

      If you excange the old planks in a boat with new planks, is it the same boat?
      -Nope :3

      Can you truly step into the same river twice?
      -No ^^

      What is love?
      -I think each and every single living being has its own definition of love :3 But I'd say love is an awsome feeling everyone should be able to enjoy atleast once in their life ^^

      If given a gun and the oppertunity to go back in time, would you kill Hitler?
      -I would probably die trying XD But I guess it would be the right thing to do...

      Can I has hugs?
      -Of course you can :D *hugs you*

      @Dastanael asks:

      When are we doing that diner?
      -I'm so sorry!! I didn't really understood the question at first (probs because i was tired and not rly focusing coz i was doing hmk... sorry X/ ) Ummm the answer to that question though is pretty simple: whenever we can! Can you please forgive me for not answering it earlier? ;(

      @'n4ulquiorra/ichi asks:

      who would be the top ten people on the forums and chat you would like to meet?
      @THE Nope Ghost
      @Ritual Lobotomy

      And thanks for the nickname ^^ It does fit XD

      @Xavy_Aaweesomee!!! asks:

      Is tat jolteon???
      -Nope, that's growlithe :3
    • She-Wolf-By-Heart wrote:

      @Dastanael asks:

      When are we doing that diner?
      -I'm so sorry!! I didn't really understood the question at first (probs because i was tired and not rly focusing coz i was doing hmk... sorry X/ ) Ummm the answer to that question though is pretty simple: whenever we can! Can you please forgive me for not answering it earlier? ;(

      Good to know <3

      She-Wolf-By-Heart wrote:

      @'n4ulquiorra/ichi asks:

      who would be the top ten people on the forums and chat you would like to meet?
      @THE Nope Ghost
      @Ritual Lobotomy

      And thanks for the nickname ^^ It does fit XD

      Only forgiving you because I'm at the top of your list <3
      -Faceaxe forever-
      I'm so nice...
    • She-Wolf-By-Heart wrote:

      @Pvt Lederhose asks:

      How much wood would wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
      -A lot :3

      If you excange the old planks in a boat with new planks, is it the same boat?
      -Nope :3

      Can you truly step into the same river twice?
      -No ^^

      What is love?
      -I think each and every single living being has its own definition of love :3 But I'd say love is an awsome feeling everyone should be able to enjoy atleast once in their life ^^

      If given a gun and the oppertunity to go back in time, would you kill Hitler?
      -I would probably die trying XD But I guess it would be the right thing to do...

      Can I has hugs?
      -Of course you can :D *hugs you*

      @Dastanael asks:

      When are we doing that diner?
      -I'm so sorry!! I didn't really understood the question at first (probs because i was tired and not rly focusing coz i was doing hmk... sorry X/ ) Ummm the answer to that question though is pretty simple: whenever we can! Can you please forgive me for not answering it earlier? ;(

      @'n4ulquiorra/ichi asks:

      who would be the top ten people on the forums and chat you would like to meet?
      @THE Nope Ghost
      @Ritual Lobotomy

      And thanks for the nickname ^^ It does fit XD

      @Xavy_Aaweesomee!!! asks:

      Is tat jolteon???
      -Nope, that's growlithe :3

      WAT IS dat ?! and sorry i havent bin online for a while :( have some problems atm but hey im online rn :D
      hello im 16 years old add me on snapchat: rajeevnutella