WHEN HE DOESNT BUY YOU CHOCOLATE - The Evil Within (Chapter 4)

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    • Zakito wrote:

      I am largely aware of the business side of Youtube, and I'm very supportive of pewds in this aspect.
      However, my main focus in my comment was about maybe he should finish what he started, instead of making a few videos about one series, then never post ANY update about it again.
      Actually, perhaps having an update about whether are we going to get anything more could be great too, like what he did for Ni No Kuni, giving the bros a heads up when he is discontinuing a series.

      I agree, it was the same thing when he dropped Alice: Madness Returns. Not a word about it until he and Ken randomly talked about it in one of the podcasts. Even the slightest heads up like, "I havent dropped it but my schedule is really crammed right now" or "I got bored with the game, don't expect more videos of it" would suffice. We care about the series as well pewds!
    • Steensborg wrote:

      Zakito wrote:

      I am largely aware of the business side of Youtube, and I'm very supportive of pewds in this aspect.
      However, my main focus in my comment was about maybe he should finish what he started, instead of making a few videos about one series, then never post ANY update about it again.
      Actually, perhaps having an update about whether are we going to get anything more could be great too, like what he did for Ni No Kuni, giving the bros a heads up when he is discontinuing a series.

      I agree, it was the same thing when he dropped Alice: Madness Returns. Not a word about it until he and Ken randomly talked about it in one of the podcasts. Even the slightest heads up like, "I havent dropped it but my schedule is really crammed right now" or "I got bored with the game, don't expect more videos of it" would suffice. We care about the series as well pewds!

      Totally agree with this! It takes 5 minutes to make a short weekly info video about what he's up to and wether or not he's continuing a certain series. Doesn't he really get that people are interested in these matters? Or doesn't he care anymore.
    • I don't know about you guys, but I kind of figured / was hoping that the reason there isn't a new one up is because he's trying to finish a chapter in every video. I thought it kind of showed in this one that doing entire chapters puts a lot of pressure on him - it's a big time commitment for just one video when he also is expected to record and edit multiple videos per day, take care of his business ventures, interact with his fans, and then actually have a life outside of his work. There was a lot of editing in this vid (which I appreciate, it's nice to not have to sit through 15-30 minutes of a youtuber babbling as they try to figure out how to proceed in a game), but editing takes time and can be dull/frustrating.

      I know I'm just one person, but I feel that if splitting the chapters into pieces makes this game easier for him to continue, then great. He gets to put up more videos faster, we get more content as he won't have to cut out as much to avoid hours -long videos, and it's just all-around lower stress. I'm really enjoying watching this game, and I know I could just as easily watch a playthrough from someone who's already finished it, but I've yet to find someone whose style is as accessible to me as Pewds's.
    • I believe that he will eventually put the rest of the series on here just like he did with alien isolation. Just give it time, cause he is just doing what he wants to do and expand his videos beyond horror games and other story based games. Sorry if this sounds like a suck up post but seriously why wouldn't he finish this series, I mean its amazing lol.
    • yeah i dont wanna step on his toes cuz PEWDS YOU'RE AWESOME! but i wanna see it continue and im pretty sure you are. just small updates on your game choices and whats going on in twitter which is fast an easy would make it easier for the bros to know and not worry/blowup the feeds... kinda like i am now i guess haha
    • its just getting too old first watch dogs and decided to do a anime horror game Corpse Party and finished that one but not finish triple A titles i just don't get on what he is doing i hope he is not stopping because he is kind of picky on games on how there are like "its so repetitive" or it "got boring" pewds come on you need to stop for the fans he did not play destiny nor shadow of mordor only a preview now i do agree on games that he stop like dark souls 2 because of uploading 48 hours on a episode which that is dumb but not his fault thats crazy but i understood and the alice in wonderland game that game was so dumb i don't blame him for stopping for that.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by AndrewBatman82 ().

    • 12:00 Omigosh, this game is SUPER hard. D; I'm really impressed that you are actually progressing!
      11:55 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 。゜(╯☉A☉)╯゜。
      13:53 =__=
      15:37 OH, YEAH! RIGHT! As if that foldy metal is going to stop her when she could just BLOOD MIST THROUGH WALLS a second ago! D;
      Okay, now I see why there is such a pause from you updating this game. IT IS REALLY HARD! You deserve a break once in a while! D; This is INTENSE!
      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
    • Pewds I don't get it, you've been so excited for that game and the vids have been so much fun so far - last vid you said it'll take you two extra days to upload the next vid.. that's been a month now. :/

      I just don't get it.. I mean you create this way of communicating here, why can't you just let us know when you are fucked up with the game and don't wanna go on. It's just not nice, when you really enjoy watching a Playthrough, and I so did with The Evil Within, and then you are left behind hanging there not knowing if there is more to come or not.

      I am seriously checking daily if there is a new vid for the evil within and it is getting really frustrating.
    • Hello Pewds,
      Probably just going to sound like a broken record here. But I really do hope you continue with this game. Like the user above me, I am checking everyday to see if you've uploaded chapter 5. I wouldn't even be mad if it was not the full chapter. Don't get me wrong though, I am still enjoying your other videos, but the anticipation for this one is killing me.
      Stay awesome :P
    • If you cared about your fanbase you should know that we deserve a short explanaton at least, why are you dropping a great game like this and then started uploading videos 3 minutes long with lack of quality?

      You said you watch the comments here on the forums, i dont think so. This is very discouraging, i bet im not the only one that feels forgotten