What will happen to all the YouTubers when they age to elders?

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    • What will happen to all the YouTubers when they age to elders?

      What will happen to all the YouTubers when they age to elders and Im talkin about 70-90 Will there be a new generation of YouTubers. Felix might move on with life. He might still stay connected with the bros with blogs/vlogs when he gets to 30-40. But he chooses what he wants with his life. i know it sounds silly of me to worry about the future but i'm still wondering. He'll probably live a happy life with Marzia. Maybe they'll have a child who has the best, happiest life ever. (Sorry if dis creeps u Pewdiepie/Felix and Marzia) They might get married and just u know live the happy life. The other YouTubers might move on as well. Come on. how can they do vids when they're old, so accept the fact that the vids might stop one day and just remember all the good times when they were on YouTube daily. :brofist: :pewdie:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by skyvex1 ().

    • I mean there is no reason not to make videos when they get older,but he may move on to game dev. but we can't be sure.All i think is that if pewds ever gives up youtoobs its gonna be in his late 40ies or early 50ies .And i mean he can technicly make videos till he bites the dust.
    • Felix said that you be was his passion. He will continue on but one day, it will go from being a passion to a hobby. He will do less and pass less time on each (or maybe technology will make it easier and faster to edit, which is what takes the longest.) I don't think he will ever stop except when he will be really old and I'm talking near the end of his life.

      As they say, have fun!
    • i suppose it is something like the faction dauntless from divergent, when you get too old, you will be asked to leave.

      but doesnt a professional youtuber make a lot of money? if that is the case then the likes of pewdiepie and jacksepticeye would most likely be able to retire before that happens.
      probably not minnesota burns, though. he keeps having to buy new xboxes.
    • In France we have that 67 years old guy talking about video games since 30 years and being still more passionate than a lot of people. Doesn't mean he is unhappy in his private life or what (well, I don't know honestly). But yeah, you can age and still be passionate.

      Still, there will always be new youtubers to replace the leaving one, if you assume you'll still watch youtube when you'll have grow up, then you should still find something to please you.
    • Nikhil wrote:

      In France we have that 67 years old guy talking about video games since 30 years and being still more passionate than a lot of people. Doesn't mean he is unhappy in his private life or what (well, I don't know honestly). But yeah, you can age and still be passionate.

      Still, there will always be new youtubers to replace the leaving one, if you assume you'll still watch youtube when you'll have grow up, then you should still find something to please you.

      ... The name of this guy pls ?
      Standing alone doesn't mean I'm alone, It means i'm strong enought to handle things all by myself.
    • Herthes wrote:

      Nikhil wrote:

      In France we have that 67 years old guy talking about video games since 30 years and being still more passionate than a lot of people. Doesn't mean he is unhappy in his private life or what (well, I don't know honestly). But yeah, you can age and still be passionate.

      Still, there will always be new youtubers to replace the leaving one, if you assume you'll still watch youtube when you'll have grow up, then you should still find something to please you.

      ... The name of this guy pls ?

      We have a guy here in Québec, Canada. He has a TV show. He's known has M. Net or Denis Talbot. He's been doing it for over 25 years. Playing game, doing critics and stuff. He's not doing youtube stuff but it's something he's passionate about.

      Like I said earlier, Felix one day might not do videos has much as he do now. His life might not turn around youtube like now, but he will continue on to what it used to be before, a hobby/passion.

      As they say, have fun!
    • I don't think they will say goodbye, i mean the Youtubers. No one wants to say goodbye. I guess the Youtubers who age will just grow old and will become less and less active. They will start posting videos to talk about their lives and how sorry they are that they haven't posted, until one, day done. No more videos for a whole year, two years, even more.
    • As another example, Hutch is 31 now and still fairly active on YouTube (even though he did take a break). When family stuff and all that comes around people will be more limited with their time, that's just how it is - having a wife and children requires time.
      But the beautiful thing in life is: you never know what the future holds. So enjoy the moment and you'll find out what will happen soon enough. :)