How did you find Pewds?

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    • I found Toby first actually... It was 3 years ago and I watched Toby's happy wheels videos. Then my best friend posted on facebook one of pewdie's videos and I started watching him. As time passed I forgot about Toby and I thought Pewds was the best. Now I am still a bro...
    • My friend recommended me to him when he played lots of Amneisa and FPS games.. But since I was such a scaredy cat, I almost never watched his Amnesia videos. And at the time he didn't have many subscribers. :3.
      There are 3 types of people, those who can count, and thsoe who can't.
    • Well, I'm argentinian, so I naturally speak spanish.
      One day I was watching a video from a spanish youtuber which I'm subscribed to, he was making a series of the videogame "Lucius", in one of the episodes his friend made a joke saying that he was copying from "PewDiePie", at first, I didn't understand what he said, he said the name fast and I didn't get shit. When I commented asking what was that, someone replied to me telling me that he said "PewDiePie", a youtuber who speaks english, in that moment I didn't realize I understood so good english, enough to get more of the 90% of what Pewd's says. So I searched for PewDiePie playing Lucius in the YouTube BROwser (haha, BRO-wser, you get it?, huh huh...), so I can tell the first video I've ever seen of PewDie it was one of the Lucius series, I realized that I could understand almost EVERYTHING that he said and that it was actually funny, I got more into it, and finally... Here I am :).

    • I was watching a Happy Wheels video from Uberhaxornova about...3 years ago I believe..anyway, the video finished and on the recommendation, I saw another Happy Wheels video. Thinking nothing of it, I clicked on the video. Turns out that it was Pewds' first Happy Wheels montage video. I watched it and couldn't stop laughing. From there I started watching more and more of Pewdie's videos, loving each and every one. In all honesty though...I originally that that Felix was a bit annoying. xD. But as time passed, I grew to love him. He's now my favorite YouTuber. You Bros are awesome too as well lol.

    • I was watching a french Let's play of Slender and the french youtuber said something like "Oh, mais c'est Piou-Di-Pi" (Oh, it's PewDiePie, with a bad pronunciation) because the game added a picture inside the game. He jokes saying "I want my picture in the game too blabla" (in french, obviously) and since he was like "Piou-Di-Pi est le youtubeur le plus connu blabla" I wanted to see how good that PewDiePie was ! So I randomly picked the first episode of Abduction and... I didn't understand a single thing he was saying... Seriously. I could understand some part but basically... It was really hard to understand for me. I know his accent was more noticeable but still, his english was clear so I guess I was really F-ing bad in english. (And I remember how depressed I was when I realized how bad I was back then...) But I subscribed anyway because he seemed funny and I wanted to go back to him later to see if I could understand. And so I did, and I understood right away. HS : I think he has/had the nicest accent in the world. I confess, it's one of the things I like the most about him : his voice & his various tone.

    • i found pewds very late
      it was around like 1 or 2 months ago
      i remember the first vid i watched was the boob simulator and it came when my friend made me watch jackseptic eye and it came up then im like "nah" then the next day my other friend sed watch it and i did
      so now here i m... :) ... True story lol
      I am a demigod
      I am a witch
      I am a tribute
      I am a dragon trainer
      I am divergent
      I am a Cahill
      I am a narnian
      I am a hobbit
      I AM A BRO :brofist:
      I am in the FANDOM
    • Three years ago I talked with my classmate about this game I played, Happy Wheels. He then told me about this guy on youtube who played Happy Wheels and other games (Pewdiepie) I ended up checking out Pewd's channel and subscribed immediately. Three years later and I'm still enjoying his videos. I thanked my classmate afterwards ;)
    • when amnesia came out i wanted to see the whole gameplay bcus i was way to scared to play it myself and i tryed to force my friend to play it and i said i will pay for the game and pay my friend to finish it but no one did.

      then i remeber searching for amnesia i saw pewdiepies part 5 walkthrough:)
    • I am not sure for how long, but It's been a couple of years now. One of his videos that is still on my mind (the one I can recall earliest atm) is the Amnesia videos, the first Amnesia video. I found him via, via but not sure via whom though.

      I personally was in a bad place, I had a lot of stress, my mind went into a very dark place (I'm not going to deep into it, so let's keep it with that.)

      He, actually made me realise a couple of things. I had the choice to be in that dark place, or I could actually stand up, and follow my dreams. And I think that is one of the most important things for me, I know it's kinda weird that a "Swedish screaming dude" can do that to you. I followed him, and when he made more videos also some "vlogs" I saw his personal side come out, and ever since then, I'm a supporter of Pewdiepie.
      Want to know more about me? Ask me! :D