Serious playthroughs

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    • Serious playthroughs

      I've watch pretty much every serious playthroughs that pewds has made. but those series always seem to get less views then the silly ones, making him to do less serious playthroughs than any other series. I was wondering if this is a bad thing or a good thing. Because I do enjoy much more watch Felix play a game more than watch "Pewds" play one (because Pewdiepie is a character). Will this affect Felix in some way? Are games that Felix won't play because of this?. Sorry if I messed up my English skills. Brofist from Argentina.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Armahab ().

    • He has mentioned before in the BroKen podcasts that he goes out of his way to play silly games for YouTube sometimes. Games that he wouldn't normally play on his own. That doesn't mean he can't still play the games he enjoys on his own free time. It's just that 9 times out of 10, silly games make for better YouTube videos. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, cause they are very entertaining. :D
    • i do wish he could play some more serious playthrough. Cause i miss how Pewds responds to some serious things.
      it seems that, my mind says: He could make a routine period of a year, when he play some serious stuff.

      i mean, he could make October as a serious playtime, or September or... yeah you know, he should make that event.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Joshua James Timothy ().

    • Okuu wrote:

      I would really really love some serious playthroughs by him. It would be a nice addition besides the current style of videos he is mainly doing with all the screaming and such.

      This. I would love to see him play a game and just talk and play a game seriously. I love Pewds but it would be interesting to see this.
      glory and gore go hand in hand
    • I believe that if we just let him know how many of us would enjoy so much to see him play more series, and games that HE enjoys and we enjoy watching him play, he'll catch wind of that. I as well enjoy the series, Corpse Party, Walking Dead, Second Son just to name some of the more recent ones. I love the Sims games as well just..because. lol. So perhaps if we can get more folk to comment here and put in their two cents. . .

    • I like him serious or silly, they're both compelling sides of his character.

      It would be nice to see a game with some emotional or intellectual depth (if such a game currently exists). I guess there would be complaints from some quarters but hey, it's just one series, and since he usually does two videos per day he could make one of the uploads the comedy one and the other the serious one.

      Essentially though I think he should play what he wants and how he wants, because there's no pleasing everyone all of the time and it's exhausting to try. And if he is enjoying himself I think that translates well to the audience.