Forum Update Incoming

    The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

    • Forum Update Incoming

      A statement/update regarding this issue will be released soon.
      Stay tuned.

      There is one more update incoming,so get ready because this time the target is the forum.

      The software we're currently using [BurningBoard] will be replaced by vBulletin 4.2.2 .
      It may not look like a big update per se,but everything is going to change.

      Scheduled date: 4th of March,2014.


      Q: What will happen to our accounts?
      A: You'll have to create a new one,and you will be able to log in from the main site.

      Q: Wait what?
      A: You heard it. If you have,say,blog articles or pictures on the gallery be sure to save them before the scheduled date.
      Same goes,to an extent,for your friends. If you want to keep in touch with them,keep in mind that doing so after the new system goes live will be harder for obvious reasons.

      Q: Was this your idea?
      A: No.

      Q: Why is this happening?
      A: Maker built their new site on foundation of vBulletin.

      Q: What will happen to
      A: It's not going to survive,sorry.

      Q:What will happen to the current team?
      A: There will be changes in there aswell,though that comes from our side and not Maker's.

      mKeRix - Out.
      Dano - Out.
      Xebaz - Out.
      Flamez3 - Out.
      Vicsyyy - Out.
      Bundyclan - In.
      smk730 - In.

      Maker's guys will obviously stay.
      The line-up is confirmed. Unless something changes in the following days, Bundyclan and smk730 will be the only ones staying.
      As a reminder,we made our own choices without external "aid",as in Maker didn't tell us to leave/stay. We chose to.

      Stay tuned.

      I'll just leave this here.

      Ben wrote:

      vBulletin has LOADS of importers, it's not a technical limitation by any stretch. vBulletin 4's Impex (Impex being their import system) supports Burning Board 3, I just downloaded a copy of Impex to double check and there is indeed a set of import scripts for wbb3 into vBulletin 4. It's incredibly easy to do too.

      That'd import posts, threads, users, everything but the wbb3 specific stuff (so Gallery and Webdisc, which can be re-done).

      Source: I was working with vBulletin 3 back before vBulletin 4 was even a concept, let alone the vBulletin 5 they're on now. Still do for a client or two on vB4 (nobody uses vB5, don't be silly...).

      The post was edited 8 times, last by DanOS ().

    • This is absolute bullshit!
      At least keep our accounts!

      Give me at least one legit reason they have to do this.

      Oh and to Maker:
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Zarah ().

    • Yeah so after all of our trouble for voting, and arguing, and posting countless times about keeping the forums how they were, and keeping the staff (mainly mKeRix) we still get the shaft placed gently up our asses and while we're looking the other way to remove "said" shaft, Maker rushes in to do the job they totally intended on doing from the start.

      Goes to show not many people care about the communities and how many times we've said we wanted something.

    • well fuck this update i say. i fucking got a lot of new friends and moments here. i started from zero and built my way up, and im sure as hell not gonna start over. fuck the update. and fuck the fact that the old mods not gonna stay. i cant be alone with feeling the same. i have too much saved here. and to re make my profile is bullshit. you might know that this place is already fucked, but this place will be even more fucked after the update, we will loose too many old people that make this place what it is.

      [people i like and care about Dawn, krissnumadness, Madklauss, Kahisys, default, fire,Jericho, Flamez, dano, LordVoldemort, Emoteddylion, Toyosatomimi No Miko, Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Dandy Dragon, Magragosh, Twixie, SqueedilyPlays, ChibiBunny,may837, GamerAddict247,ThatCoderBaron,Misfit the Inhumane, Emily and some more fuckers pm me if i forgot your name.
    • Seems like Maker is only able to destroy things and that they are a bunch of egocentric moneyhoarding low quality bastards and are seemingly even worse than Machinima. Well, they came, saw and conquered. Such a poor company which can't even hold the promise of keeping the community intact, or atleast what was left of it. I still remembered when it was told that the community was valuable, but it seems that everything is about the $$$ these days. Thiamor was right, Maker never planned to keep the community, but their plan was to make a uber low quality website which could have been easily whipped up by a 14 year old in a weekend ( I even had small 'fights' with Vics' bf due to me complaining about the delays and such and that a proper website takes time, sadly they had the time and the website still sucked) with the GFX of a 12 yo on deviantart who just discovered photoshop.

      I knew this from the start, they are always full with shit with the poorly made GFX for the website included. Heiko shouldn't ever have given the domain to them.

      To all other members, was a fun ride till they came along.


      EDIT : Quite the irony that the Maker "spy" was called Jkmakes, cause everything he said was bullshit in the end. Hence the jk in his name. Those were no initials.

      EDIT V2 : If Maker really shows balls and prove they care about the community, they should keep the darn forum intact or atleast the darn database. Hell, they are such a big company and can't convert databases to other platforms?

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Okuu ().

    • Like I mentioned out there on the shoutbox. The only people Maker and Felix would listen to more times than not, are those with the ability to fuck around with his fanbase. May that be in a good sense, or a bad one.

      IE, big Youtube Channels that could easily gain him more fans, or make him lose them. Reason I'm going to contact a few people I know with a decent size fanbase (not counting them altogether) whom also know other Youtubers. It might sound petty and childish, but if we had the ability to fuck with his fanbase, he'd actually slow down and listen to us, even if it's one damn time.