Should I hold off YouTube for a while?

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  • Should I hold off YouTube for a while?

    Quick backstory, in 4 months of being on YouTube I had gotten up to a grand total of 30 subs and was thinking it was the end. I had 100+ videos with pretty solid quality and 30 subs to show for it. Then I got a Shout Out from Smosh and gained 400 subs.
    Now 4 months later I have nearly 230 videos, and less subs then i had. I've tried just about everything to get views and subs but I don't know whats wrong. With 440 subs I get roughly 10 views per video and that sucks. I love YouTube and talking to people but I don't know what to do anymore. Not to mention I lost 4 subs today alone.
    So, question is; Should I put YouTube on hold for a while? See if I can figure stuff out and come back in a few months?

    Help Me Reach My Goals
    447/500 subs
    12,575/15,000 views

  • don't lose the hope it's going to be better i started with youtube but i was not so active i started to upload videos after a few months and so far i got 30 subs but i'm not losing the hope for more viewers and subscribers yes it's okay to take a break if need to think about the stuff that you'll be posting on your channel or something else, just make videos becouse you want to and its gonna be okay :D

    "BROFIST" to you ;D
    Check out my Youtube Channel and help me reach some more subs guys i'm new: :D
  • Taking a break may be a good thing for you. If it is causing this much stress and making you unhappy, then step back and breath. Remember, this is meant to be a fun experience.

    I took about a week or so off not too long ago because I started steadily losing subs (mind you I didn't have too many so it took a big hit to me). After not even looking at my channel after some time, I came back to my true fans still being around and actually gained a couple which lifted my spirits. It made me realize that you don't HAVE to upload daily or anything, the fact is that the newcomers will see all your older videos as new to them.

    Take a break, live just for you and in time come back with a fresh start and new material. I was down to 30-40 when I took my break, but since I have been back (about a month now) I am at 77 :3

    Recharge those batteries of yours! YouTube doesn't control your life, YOU do. Do what makes you happy and screw the details!
    "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
    I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

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    Phoenix Flames Plays
