Tales of Symphonia RP

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    • "No, no, I think we're good. The most I think we'll need is a small amount of tableware, and a bag for carrying it, of course."
      Janus glanced toward the direction Mildred had run off to, turning back to Eldrid.

      "Just to be on the safe side, is there anything important in particular I need to know about Mildred? Weapon proficiency, skills, world-destroying items, that sort of thing. Would be good to know right about now."

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • OOC: Okay. Quick run down of some need to knows.
      The currency of this world is called Gald, not gold, not coins. They are coins made out of an alloy of gold and polycarbonate, making such a small object impervious to nearly any assault, and impossible to melt down. Armor and weapons made of this alloy, however, are soft and malleable, making them useless in combat. The reason for this is unknown. Solid gold is still valuable, but not much more so than Gald. Gald is nearly weightless, making carrying a large amount of it quite feasible, and, due to the coins' small size, quite compact as well.
      You can fit about 1000 Gald into one cubic inch, so you can carry a lot of it around.

      The hierarchical structure: In Sylvarant, the world in which we are currently in, there is no centralized government, no kingdom or ruler. Each town or province operates on its own, trading with others. The few cities there are are not very big, and are usually port cities that see a lot of trade. Each town or city has its own method of governing, usually through a mayor, council, or, in some large cities' cases, a Governor-General, who oversees the militia of that city as well as governing. The militia of other towns is usually beholden to the leader, but not directly run by them, operating independently for the most part, in terms of training and such.

      If I think of anything else that needs said, I will add it onto another post. If anyone wants to ask about anything specific, I will answer all questions that are not outright silly.

      IC: I smile at Eldrid and nod.
      "Thank you for your hospitality."
      I clasp her hand with both of mine and press something into her palm, closing her fingers around it.
      "And you are right. We should get going soon."
      I had given her a ring, one of two that was part of my inheritance. While the pair of rings were both worn, the wearers would have a telepathic link to each other.
      The ring was wrapped with a note explaining this.
      "I shall see you soon, Eldrid. I promise."
      I then reluctantly release her hand and turn to walk out the door, waiting for the others.