Tales of Symphonia RP

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    • Tales of Symphonia RP

      For those who know me, my favorite game is Tales of Symphonia. My goal is to create a roleplay that accurately puts participants into the world of Sylvarant.
      The world is in chaos, with half-elves who call themselves Desians fomenting hatred for the race as a whole by abducting humans and forcing them to work at so called "human ranches" where they are experimented upon and ultimately die.
      This story will take place before the adventures of Lloyd, Colette, and the other Heroes of Regeneration.
      Now for character creation:
      Race: (Human, elf, half-elf, or dwarf)
      Weapons: (choose three from swords, axes, bows, lances, staff, summoning magic, offensive magic, healing/holy magic, shield or dual wield. Dual wield cannot use any shields, but can use other types of weapons that they choose.)
      Power: you may choose one noncombat power such as telepathy or changing appearance.

      As usual, I start with myself.

      Name: Serenshino
      Age: 350
      Gender: male
      Race: Half-elf
      Weapons: dual wield, swords, offensive magic
      Description: tall, with silver hair that had been obviously cut intentionally short, a mark of human prejudice against half elves. his eyes are a soft, gentle blue, and he wears a cloak that is little more than rags.
      Power: after remaining still, he begins to become invisible, but moving disrupts this. It takes a shorter amount of time in darkness.

      Feel free to start as soon as your character is done.

      IC: I run as fast as I can from the soldiers chasing me.
      I could say that I didn't lay a hand on her, but why should they believe me? She's a human, and I am half elven scum.
      I can hear one of the soldiers shout. "I saw him around here! Find him!"
      I'm too weak. I have to hide.
      Seeing a shadowed alley, I quickly duck inside, press myself against a wall, and pray no one sees me.
    • Ooc: This sound fun as well. Well I don't know about this game but I can try though o.o

      Name: Eldrid
      Age: guess it doesn't matter anyway :P
      Gender: female
      Race: elf
      Weapons: Bow and some magic assistance
      Description: Too lazy so 1.bp.blogspot.com/-e79x8F_hBNI…ure_image_digital_art.jpg something like that
      Power: able to notice auras including the personality and health

      Ic: *walk out of a art school that I was teaching in (Ooc: She wears a necklace that allows her to achieve certain body modifications so she looks like human and no one suspects anything) along with another teacher carrying a bunch of drawings made by students*
      Fellow Teach: *stretch* I am so tired and I still have a party to attend to.
      Eldrid: *smile sweetly* Oh? Going to have a good time I see.
      Teach: *clap* I hope so. It's General's party after all. Actually more of a banquet but still...I'll get to know him better. *release high pitched sound of excitement*
      Eldrid: *That tore my ears. Although I looked human I still had all elvish senses including high sensitive ears. Grin confused pretending nothing is wrong* Yehehey I am so...glad for you...is it...
      Teach: *interrupt* Yes! The same one that raided through that last group of elves. Isn't he the best? Striking at the heart of our problem.
      Eldrid: *hide my frown and force smile instead* Yes he really is something...else... You know I...
      Teach: I wish all of those point-eared freaks would just disappear. It is all against nature if you ask me...
      Eldrid: *think, raging inside* No, you're against nature you cocky little human wh... ...I really need to go now I am quite in a hurry to get it done with all these art works.
      Teach: Oh come on. It's just a drawing.
      Eldrid: JUST A D... Well I do believe they're all young artists. DAMN YOU TO H... ...bye now. *just as I opened my bag to put artwork in, a major chase and commotion passed by causing couple of papers to fly off and me barely catching them not to fall onto the ground* What the...
      Teach: *yell after them* Get that bastard! Yeah!
      Eldrid: W...what is going on? Why are they after that guy?
      Teach: Oh come on, didn't you see his filthy look and all? Obviously elf.
      Eldrid: Y...eah, well, see you. *hurry after them trying to stay unnoticed and stop after guy disappeared and soldiers spread around* Come on now, I know you're around...*try to hear him, or his breathing* I mean no harm. *sigh after getting no answer and mumble quietly* Fine, be that way then. *turn around to go*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • OOC: Only half elves are persecuted. Full elves are more shunned, but not outright hated..

      Ic: "Wait."
      I reach out and grab her arm.
      "why would you not alert the guards? Scream for help or rat out where i was?
      You're human, so why help a half-elf?"

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Oritigo Na Ilo ().

    • I know zero about the Tales series, but what the hell. Hopefully I can just look up whatever I need to know.

      Name: Janus Vanguard
      Age: 23
      Gender: Male
      Race: Human.
      Weapons: Swords, swords, and more swords, with a minor interest in offensive magic. [Main Weapon]
      Appearance: Click me!
      Power: Eagle eyes: Capable of pushing his sense of sight beyond human limits. Allows detection of hidden or easy-to-miss objects.
      Theme: Melody of the wandering swordsman.

      IC: Janus was leaning against the wall, simply minding his own business at this time of day. He'd had no luck whatsoever in finding an arena, he only had one coin, he was hungry, and, worst of all, he was bored.

      He let out a sigh.
      "You'd think a city like this would have work for the lone wanderer..."

      The wanderer, as he called himself, was about to depart when he heard the (damn near deafening) noise of the local guards chasing someone, and soon saw a group of them running by.
      "Probably some poor elven sap run afoul of the guard. Should I help them?"

      "I saw him around here! Find him!" One of the guards shouted.

      Janus thought for a second, and said. "Nah..."

      The red-haired human let out a yawn.
      "Better move on, though. Next thing I know, I'll be accused of being elven myself. Guards are stupid like that."

      He pushed himself away from the wall, going about his merry way.
      Janus found the darkest alleyway he could find, hoping that thieves or muggers would dare mess with him. It would relieve the boredom.

      As luck would have it, that alleyway turned out to be the exact place where the pursued half-elf had hidden.
      Not that Janus knew that at first, of course. He just assumed the place would be a den full of outlaws and such that he could beat up and loot for money.

      Now imagine his surprise when he saw a half-elf on the other side of said alleyway grabbing a human(?) woman by the arm. And out of apparently nowhere, too!

      The red-head loudly cleared his throat.
      "Would this be the part where one of you says this scene isn't what it looks like?"
      He didn't sound very concerned, but his eyes were narrowed, watching for any aggressive motion.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by stryder221 ().

    • I turn my head quickly to look at the human.
      "that is where you'd be right. if you're going to kill me, go ahead.
      I've got no energy left to fight."
      there is a dripping sound as a puddle of blood forms under me, due to wounds on my arms and legs.
    • Ooc: ok, tnx for letting me know. I'll just make her disguise for better fit in and all and consider that elf raid a half-elf raid then

      *turn around to look at a half-elf* Oh, so you want to communicate. *tap his shoulder and chuckle* Don't worry, I'm not that way. Everything will be fine I just... *jerk a bit hearing another voice accusing half-elf of potentially harassing her* No, hold on now, no one will be killed. He is already hurt enough. We should help him, not make it even harder, don't you think? *glare at the newcomer deciding I won't let my guard or my disguise down just yet until I was positive about entire situation*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ritual Lobotomy ().

    • "No, no, if I wanted to fight, I'd rather wait until you were at least not at risk of bleeding to death. I prefer to work for my victories. Most of them, anyway."
      Janus said, walking closer in an unconcerned, casual way.

      "I don't really care much for the whole elf hate. So long as I don't end up dead in some corral somewhere, the knife-ears are tolerable..."
      He'd closed most of the distance by this point, though he was well out of arm's or blade's reach when he stopped, eyes looking over the woman.

      And that's when his eagle eyes ability kicked in. His eyes, visibly turning yellow, snapped directly to the woman's necklace.
      The red-head shook his head slightly, blinking rapidly. Like always, it was a startling and uncomfortable experience.
      "That... That is a quite interesting piece of neckwear you seem to have, ma'am. May I ask where you got it?"

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Ooc: found one with a necklace and in human form digital-art-gallery.com/oid/67…ure_image_digital_art.jpg

      *raise eyebrow while helping half-elf to sit down on a clear spot checking a deep cut on his arm* Sir, I really do not understand what does that have to do with this situation. *glare at guy's glowing eyes and smirk amused realising he was using his power when he noticed it, but determined to stand my ground* However, if it is really that much of an interest and you really must know, it belonged to my mother. *easy and good answer I assumed* It is probably in family for generations. Now, we might as well help him?
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • Janus raised an eyebrow, looking pretty skeptical. Every time he asked people about suspicious jewelry, it was Family Heirloom this, "Belonged to dead family member" that. And while most of the time true, that information was worthless. It was irritating, but Janus wasn't in the mood to argue.

      Not even bothering to respond to the woman, he turned to answer the half-elf.
      "Would you believe me if I said I was deliberately looking for trouble?"

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • "Correct, for the most part. But here lies the question..."
      Here, Janus had taken on a mock thoughtful expression.
      "I could turn you in to the guards... But I doubt I'd see a single coin from that. However, a little good reputation could net me a decent job..."

      He sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his only coin.
      "How about... a wager? What do two you say to a coin-toss?"

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • OOC: No. You smell a Joshua RIP-OFF. Hell, I even used fan-art of the guy as an appearance.
      The similarities stop at appearance and gambling addiction, though.

      ...I think.

      IC: Josh- *Cough!* I mean, JANUS, smiled.
      "Grand. If I win, you either go straight to the guards, or resist and get yourself killed. If you win... Ah, what the hell, I'll even go so far as to join you both in whatever adventures you may or may not go on."

      The sellsword prepared to toss the coin.
      "It's your call. Heads or Tails?"

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • *roll eyes and straighten up* Yes, things like these should for sure be decided by a dumb coin toss. *close bag and fix clothes* Really mature. *walk out of alley just as a couple of guards pass by. Thinking fast I used my humble knowledge of illusion magic and close up alley with what seemed to be just a wall*
      Guard: *grin and bow* Good day ma'am.
      *bow back smiling sweetly* Good day sir. How have you been?
      Guard: Very well. *look around* I wonder have you seen someone running pass here not so long ago?
      Eldrid: *think, acting like a professional* Hm, I don't know who I should have seen really.
      Guard: Male in rags, half-elf, bruised, can't be missed.
      Eldrid: *chuckle* Oh, in that case guess not. I am sure I would remember him. As you said yourself.
      Guard: *think a bit* I see...
      Eldrid: Come on baboon, decide already. I can't hold it this much...
      Guard: *bow down* I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      Eldrid: Oh no! Not at all I wish I could help. *joke* I'll shout if I see someone like that.
      Guard: *smile back* Good day ma'am...
      Eldrid: *nod and wait till they were out of sight* Finally. *get back to alley breathing in* Close.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • "You know, I could've just taken you both straight to the guards without a question. Probably would've if they weren't so stingy. Consider yourselves lucky to have fair odds."
      Janus rolled his eyes, seemingly unfazed by the woman's rudeness.

      He then tossed the coin high in the air, catching it in it's descent.
      "Well, what do you know..."

      His expression indifferent, the red-head looked up to the half-elf.
      "Looks like lady luck's sided with you. It's tails."

      Janus shrugged, reaching into his coat and pulling out a small roll of white cloth, tossing it at the half-elf.
      "Here, tear it up and use it as bandages. I'll keep an eye out in the meantime."

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Heh! *mumble* Fair odds. Easy for you to say... *reach down to once again help half-elf deal with with the rest of wounds* Yes this is all really nice, but he needs to see a doctor or something. None of us can't stay here forever.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • OOC: ritual, I need to know which type of magic you're usig. illusion falls into all categories, but support magic (buffs and debuffs) falls into the holy/healing category.
      And you both know you get three skills, right? I only put two because dual wield counts as its own slot.

      IC: I accept the cloth.
      "thank you."
      I tear the cloth and begin dressing my wounds.
      "I don't need a doctor. I've been through worse, trust me."
      After waiting a bit, i stand up and speak.
      "I never got either of your names. I'm Serenshino, but just call me Shin for short."
    • Ooc: Hm well I never thought about it actually. I'll go with illusions and maybe projection like to be able to get out of body and travel with only spirit on a certain distant. And a bow is actually in my pendant. When it's pendant it can't be used for combat and vice versa

      Ic: *nod and smile* I see. Well then if you think you're able to, I won't ruin your fighter's pride. *chuckle lightly and give Shin a light and short head bow* My name is Eldrid. I am teacher in the near art school. Nice to meet you, Shin.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!