Looking for Youtube partners

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    • Looking for Youtube partners

      I am 16,
      I Live in the US
      I speak mainly English Klein Deutsch (Deutsch 2)
      I have Steam (steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058041602/)
      I also have an xbox 360 of which i play most fps on.

      I am looking for a person or group of people that just wanna have fun playing video games and recording videos.
      I have made videos and have experience making videos for other channels and people.
      If you are 14+ and are interested in joining in on this channel or simply want to play video games with me or any of the members please follow instructions below

      1. Name
      2. Age
      3. Favorite Color
      4. Steam name
      Optional: Join this steam group (steamcommunity.com/groups/NomadicGamers)
      5. Skype Name
      6. Any other info of which you'd want me to know about you :)

      yea thats pretty much it, thanks and hope to talk to you soon :thumbup:
      P.S. #3 is also optional
      The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass and dictators will die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die liberty will never perish.
    • 1. Name: Karlo P.
      2. Age: 15
      3. Favorite Color: Blue
      4. Steam name: Loliplol
      Optional: Join this steam group (steamcommunity.com/groups/NomadicGamers) - Done.
      5. Skype Name: karlop24
      6. Any other info of which you'd want me to know about you :) :
      This is my YouTube channel description:
      Hey there!! I'm a new gamer from Croatia [Near Italy, on right.] My name is Loliplol, i make funny gaming videos. I don't like to have boring gaming videos with just playing, i like to make jokes while i play and more for my subscribers. I like to play games and share that on YouTube. I'm here because i want to make laugh some people who are having a bad day or just looking for some funny videos. Thanks!
    • 1. Snow (Not real name, obviously... :P )
      2. 18
      3. Black, White, Blue, and Red.
      4. amaneangel
      5. danny.nier.95
      6. Basically nothing... XD I'd rather if someone asks me directly a question. Open ended question like this is hard for me to answer... :3
      Chill out, stay frosty...
    • 1. Kblender (Not Real Name)
      2. 16
      3. Green
      4. Kblender
      Optional: Join this steam group (steamcommunity.com/groups/NomadicGamers) - I will join if you are interested in gaming with me!
      5. skyhogproductions
      6. If you want to know anything more about me, pms me and I will contact you back!

      Kblender :)
      <-- "This Is Basically Me And Everyone On This Forums! :D" - Kblender

      "If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0" - T-Shirt
    • 1. Name : Sam
      2. Age : 16
      3. Favorite Color : Yellow
      4. Steam name : thesam5
      Optional: Join this steam group (steamcommunity.com/groups/NomadicGamers)
      5. Skype Name : sam.reeves77
      6. Any other info of which you'd want me to know about you

      Hi,My Names Sam and i'm interested in your cause and would like to join you as i can give you a brief intro of my skills,
      -I can edit videos via Adobe After Effects
      -I have basic knowledge of using Photoshop
      That's all,i would like a reply from you,and i believe we can make videos for Youtube
    • 1. Name: Vera
      2. Age: 18
      3. Favorite Color: Rainbow colour : D Jk, I don't really know xD
      4. Steam name: JustCallMeVera
      Optional: Join this steam group (steamcommunity.com/groups/NomadicGamers) Done
      5. Skype Name: vera.nijland95
      6. Any other info of which you'd want me to know about you :)
      Uhm, I'm Dutch and I'm studying at an Artacademy ^^ And I don't always have time to play games, but if I can I just love to play games like Gmod and portal 2 ^^
    • 1.Cabo (or Caboosers/ CabosBay)
      2. 18
      3. Blue
      4. Caboose18A
      Optional: Done and done
      5. thibodeay.ryan16
      6. Canadian. Can stay up quite late almost every night of the week. Working on expanding PC games library (originated from console but got rid of it).
      Anything else just ask away. :)