Phoenix Flames - Gaming Commentator, Dork, and All Around Random Chick

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    • Phoenix Flames - Gaming Commentator, Dork, and All Around Random Chick

      Oh Hai There!

      I'm Phoenix Flames, or Phoe for short. I'm currently 26 years old and I have started my very own gaming channel, which will be featuring games that will make you jump, laugh, or pull you into the epic tales. I'm still very new to recording my own game play, but I have had experience in making videos in the past during high school and college (Gaming music videos and anime music videos to be exact), but that was in the past and on a different account which is no longer public, it ended up housing personal videos of my family, friends and myself. My Current channel is really just under a week old, but I'd like to think I'm starting out pretty decent. I'm always eager to hear opinions and tips to not only benefit my videos for myself, but you guys! Why bother making videos if it wasn't to entertain others?

      So, I have started from scratch with a real YouTube name and hope to build a great audience! My goals for my channel is to, well, game and game some more! I would die to have a HP PVR, or something similar to start to record PS3 and PS4 games. Maybe I'll have some generous family members come Christmas for new equipment... hehe! Anyways, I'm an old die hard fan for survival horrors, so many of my games may be based around that genre. I love the thrills and chills (Oh wow that was lame of me...) My hope for horror is slowly returning with all the new indie horrors coming around where you are TRULY helpless!

      I hope you guys do me this honor and checking out some of my work, and don't be afraid to speak your mind with what you think. I'm a tough girl, I can handle it :evil:

      Phoenix Flames - Gaming Commentator, Dork, and all around Random Chick

      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays

    • Hmm I have a specific inquiry on my video content... had a viewer say they have trouble hearing me over my games. Anyone else experience this? I thought I sounded o.k., my Quake videos have crazy gun fire so its a bit harder, but I had a steam message commenting about the same thing in my half life 2 video. Any suggestions?

      Im using fraps and enabled mic recording on fraps, game sound is waaay down but still crappy. Any alternate voice recording programs you guys use along with fraps? I'm not too well off with money so free or relatively cheep if possible :3

      Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays

    • LeeoryHarold wrote:

      Phoenix Flames wrote:

      Awesome! Thanks for the tips misfit :)
      I recommend using AVS Video Editor for HD 1080p videos when converting.

      I made 1 1080p video, but the internet here is horribly and it would have taken about 8-10 hours to upload... I work full time so it just wouldn't work out, unless I left my computer on 24 hours so I have time to record and edit and such :(

      Google Fiber, PLEASE get your butt here!!

      Once I'm out of work I'll also be looking into AVS, hope it doesn't cost much (living pay check to pay check sucks...)
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays

    • Phoenix Flames wrote:

      LeeoryHarold wrote:

      Phoenix Flames wrote:

      Awesome! Thanks for the tips misfit :)
      I recommend using AVS Video Editor for HD 1080p videos when converting.

      I made 1 1080p video, but the internet here is horribly and it would have taken about 8-10 hours to upload... I work full time so it just wouldn't work out, unless I left my computer on 24 hours so I have time to record and edit and such :(

      Google Fiber, PLEASE get your butt here!!

      Once I'm out of work I'll also be looking into AVS, hope it doesn't cost much (living pay check to pay check sucks...)
      AVS is free.
    • LeeoryHarold wrote:

      Phoenix Flames wrote:

      LeeoryHarold wrote:

      Phoenix Flames wrote:

      Awesome! Thanks for the tips misfit :)
      I recommend using AVS Video Editor for HD 1080p videos when converting.

      I made 1 1080p video, but the internet here is horribly and it would have taken about 8-10 hours to upload... I work full time so it just wouldn't work out, unless I left my computer on 24 hours so I have time to record and edit and such :(

      Google Fiber, PLEASE get your butt here!!

      Once I'm out of work I'll also be looking into AVS, hope it doesn't cost much (living pay check to pay check sucks...)
      AVS is free.

      Sweet! Thanks again! Back to slaving away in my cubicle ;(
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays

    • So things seem to be improving with the sound quality and such, and I currently have about 19 videos up, woot! Subs have slowed way down, but it was to be expected... oh well! I'm still having fun ^^

      Right now the games I have up are:
      Team Fortress 2
      Quake 4
      Half Life 2
      Slender: The Arrival
      Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

      I've been playing a lot of amnesia <.< I have been super excited about it for so ling, so I can't help my play more and more of this LOL I'm going to try and do some more Half Life 2 today ^^
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays

    • n trying to find a happy balance with my sound quality, I *think* I'm getting the hang of it. I'm getting new gear in the next few months so hopefully everything will get better :3

      Thanks for the tips Craftabelle! Glad you like what I'm pushing out :) I'll be checking your channel out as well ^^
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays
