PewDiePie's Comment Section Problem/ Problems For Smaller YouTubers

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    • I think Pewdies Self Advertising video seems to have solved the problem massively, I've not seen any spam since that video, which I'm happy for Felix with, and it's cool reading comments about the video rather than searching for comments about the video :P
    • Deathroff wrote:

      Channel Link -

      Hey guys I'm an English youtuber as you probably already know:) I play a range of games on my channel I mainly stick to FPS mostly like Call Of Duty (let the hate rain down;)) I play any other games my subscribers want me to play!:) I like to get involved with the community and want to someday have my own community of bros:)
      As you probably know its hard to get noticed being a small youtuber. Many people recently have been telling me I have potential to be big. So do I? My fate is in your hands pewdz!:)
      Thanks for reading guys!:) <3
      I think you got the wrong thread ;)
    • Deathroff wrote:

      Channel Link -

      Hey guys I'm an English youtuber as you probably already know:) I play a range of games on my channel I mainly stick to FPS mostly like Call Of Duty (let the hate rain down;)) I play any other games my subscribers want me to play!:) I like to get involved with the community and want to someday have my own community of bros:)
      As you probably know its hard to get noticed being a small youtuber. Many people recently have been telling me I have potential to be big. So do I? My fate is in your hands pewdz!:)
      Thanks for reading guys!:) <3
      Oh poor guy. You'll probably be very embarrased when you realise what kind of thread you're posting in :)

      Good luck nonetheless.
      YouTube channel:
      Skype: twonords
      Steam: TwoNords | Freddy or freddynord
    • I totally agree with GameFaceMax.

      Small does not mean bad in any way. Saying that, a new channel with content from a total beginner might be considered as 'bad' but then, again, people learn from their previous videos and improve them so over time they are getting better. Whilst they are getting better, they might not get bigger in terms of views and subscribers. That's where small doesn't mean bad anymore, in my opinion.

      Anyway, about this whole comment section problem: I fully understand Pewds, but he has to understand as well that people are stupid. Doesn't matter how much you'd talk with them or if you give them a chance, like this competition, which was a good idea imo, but in the end it won't make a difference in this case, they will still just spam and spam mainly because that's an easy thing to do. Talking with people for real and building a community or even more, friendships, that's just too much for some people. They're not after subscribers, they're after subscribes.

      I'd also like to encourage any true bro out there to flag for spam any comment that shamelessly promotes a channel, I think that would be the only real solution. Sad to say that.
    • Collaboration & communication are the secret weapons to growth and prosperity. Problem is that people are so self-serving on YouTube that they can only think one thing: get subs by any means necessary. Instead of trying to spam bigger channels though, people need to think small.

      If you find some like minded gamers out there, you would do that in so much more productive a way! Truth-as smaller channels, there's a 90% chance that whoever's subscribed to another guys channel isn't subscribed to you. So finding people who have the same amount of subs or playing the same games as you can result in some good cross branding. Then repeat it for the next guy, and again, and again.
    • Cue wrote:

      Small != Bad Quality though.

      If you produce good content, you will have a higher retention rate.

      I don't generally say this but that sentence is a load of rubbish. A lot of us here put our hearts and souls into our content yet don't get the views we would desire. It has nothing to do with the quality that will initially draw views. The problem is that search results in the first place are instantly crowded by already popular Youtubers thanks to it all being soley based on view and like counts.

      There are a lot of popular Youtubers out there that put little to no effort in their content but still have a strong following that the built up before this whole thing became BIG.
      There is always time for muffins.
    • Noirproxy wrote:

      Cue wrote:

      Small != Bad Quality though.

      If you produce good content, you will have a higher retention rate.

      I don't generally say this but that sentence is a load of rubbish. A lot of us here put our hearts and souls into our content yet don't get the views we would desire. It has nothing to do with the quality that will initially draw views. The problem is that search results in the first place are instantly crowded by already popular Youtubers thanks to it all being soley based on view and like counts.

      There are a lot of popular Youtubers out there that put little to no effort in their content but still have a strong following that the built up before this whole thing became BIG.
      Whoa, that quote from Cue is what I call a whiff if I've ever seen one. So being small instantly means your content is bad quality? Holy horrible generalization, Batman!

      I've seen plenty smaller channels that have excellent content despite have less than 1000 subs. Heck, less than 100 subs even! Just like you said though Noirproxy, it's more on YouTube's end than anything, as in the site itself and it's algorithm, but also kinda the community as well for a lot of people for having that same close-minded mentality as Cue up there...assuming "low views=bad content", instead of actively seeking out new stuff.
    • You guys need to understand Views vs. Retention Rate. And also learn that just because one equals another, doesn't mean it's the other way round too.

      Retention Rate is a percentage, it is defined by if people watch all of your video, it isn't based on views. You will have a bad retention rate if people don't watch the entire video (Youtube analytics will tell you how many do).

      I was not talking about views. Obviously you can have low views and high quality, retention is completely different. People won't watch your entire video if it sucks after all, hence why Youtube lets you see where people stop watching so you can understand what may have caused them to turn off.

      Check your definitions.

      More info on Audience Retention.
    • Vicsyyy wrote:

      Keizaron wrote:

      Doesn't != mean "not equal to"? If so, people are freaking out on Cue for no reason.

      I'm so glad I'm not the only one that knows that's true. Yes, people are freaking out at him for no reason, because != does mean not equal to.

      i.e what he originally said is that "small doesn't equal bad quality."

      Your post makes it out that we should actually know the != meaning in the first place before writing our post. I personally didn't but remember that posts are not like a conversation where you can be informed immediately after. The posts stay there until possible clarification is presented. In other words the "freaking out" is acceptable unless explained more deeply, or the original poster doesn't present a mind confusing post.
      There is always time for muffins.
    • While I will apologize for reading the symbolism wrong, wouldn't it just have been easier to wrote "does not equal" than use an uncommon sign that probably only a handful of people could understand?

      Regardless, there is still the stigma that "low views=bad content", even if Youtube has changed it's algorithm. There's a human element in the equation that can only be helped if people start being more open-minded, which is a factor that's out of any one person's control.
    • It's funny how YouTube will consider a video with repeated tags (like saying "the" more than once) as spam, and will push
      your video down the page, but it won't sort out spammy comments?

      I agree that whenever I see a "ohhh I got an iPad from this link..." comment or any other spam,
      I will report it as such.

      Maybe we should start a petition for YouTube :p

      "No more spam!"

      Watch Me Play Music and Stuff:
    • Also, spam is not a good way to get yourself noticed.

      If you want to improve your channels then look up the YouTube Creator Playbook (version 3)
      I was given one by someone that works at YouTube and it really helps as it contains marketing strategies and just
      knowledge that will really help :)

      Spend time on your thumbnails, channel art and building a relationship with your subs.
      I look forward to getting feedback and I geniunly enjoy YouTube, not for fame or glory, but for the community :P

      I know I don't have a lot of subs, but I've managed to build 250 in the past 6 months.
      That doesn't sound like a lot, but 150 of those has been in the past 2 months.

      It's so frustrating trying to build an audience, but we all just have to be patient and keep working :p
      Watch Me Play Music and Stuff: