State Of Decay Released

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    • There are some frame rate issues, serious ones. Texture pop in's like mad and a few times where zombies will glitch their way through walls and ceilings. However what is there as core game mechanics is the best zombie survival I have seen on a console period.

      My one gripe is the store. Normally when you go to scavenge for items, you can return to your base where you turn in these items for morale. Morale is the currency of the game. Now my problem is the store where you turn in these items, typically a lock box of some kind. This box has everything you could possible need or want.

      This is where it broke the immersion for me. Knowing I could use morale to buy say, a sawed off shotgun or something heavy duty felt like it broke this sense of survival.

      Yes you could say the morale system does put a relatively good balance on the system but I am the type of gamer where if I stumble upon a unique item, I get pumped! However if all I have to do is find enough crappy items to sell for morale, then buy what I want, feels less impact full.
    • I agree with the frame rate problem. Its getting to be a bit much. As well as the infestations, and your group going out to fight while your console is off or something, getting lost and dying somewhere.. Supposedly they are going to fix those problems, but im not crossing any fingers.

      I also agree with the "store" type thing. I too feel if you stumble upon a rare, or really good weapon its better then obtaining it through this moral deal.
      All in all though, I like the game, as you said.. Best for console imo.