Video editing

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    • Darkvoid221 wrote:

      Hello everybody! Usually I am the one trying to answer questions, but today I have a question to ask you bros. Are any of you good at professional video editing? If so, have a program to recommend me? I would like to get started on that subject for my future job.

      UPDATE: The operating system is preferably windows 8, but I have a pc with 7 too. I want it for the big editing. Ex: Editing someone flying away into space or something. Like the stuff movie producers use, since it's my dream job.
      Sony Vegas is great, professional and editing in it is easy once you get the hang of it. The Adobe program is good as well but I don't have any experience with that.
    • If you steel need help i have 600 subs on my channel i am partnered there and i started new gaming channel where i do horror games with face cam of course so if you need any help i am proffesional editing guy so send me private message i shall add you on my skype i don't ussualy do that to add random people on it only popular youtubers and shit but i like to communicate with my fan base :)))
    • Darkvoid221 wrote:

      Are any of you good at professional video editing?

      I want it for the big editing. Ex: Editing someone flying away into space or something. Like the stuff movie producers use, since it's my dream job.

      Dont forget these few lines in the opening post people. He's not looking just any video software. He's looking for ones that production houses use, which pretty much are Adobe, Premiere and avid.

      As for his "flying to space" this requires more than just video editing. This possibly would involve 3D modeling or filming with props, then creating effects etc and then finally putting all that together in the editing software.
    • really based on what kind of editing.
      if you want to make awesome 3d animations you could get Cinema 4D , downside is, it's not very good for beginners but if you just want to start out, Sony Vegas all the way.
      there are a lot of tutorials on yt and if you are already a bit familiar with editing then it's pretty easy to use.
      just find a tut on the basics about it and you'll be good for easy stuff as transmissions, cuts, timers, audio settings (lower volume ,increase volume, higher pitch or lower etc.) outro's, text, fading audio and/or video and a lot more

      hope this helps you out
      Click here to see my channel!

      Support if you like and PEACE!
    • I am not a Proffesional but I have also tryed a little bit of training and have tryed out several pieces of software. My advice is if you wish to do simple editing then sony vegas is a good start. However, though difficult to learn, the Adobe After Effects program is a far better editor as it can do more complex visual editing and you can also get lots of useful plugins that can add cool effects.

      Hope this is helpful! :)
      Check me out on YouTube! EternityStubbers! If you like my videos hit the thumbs up button and SUBSCRIBE! It's Free!
    • Didn't read what the others said, but I'd say forget it. If you can get sony vegas for a cheap price then go ahead. Otherwise Hitfilm ultimate 2.
      That is by professional thing you mean really professional stuff and not just a let's play (no offense).
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • I personally use Photoshop CS6. I know, what the heck, Photoshop for video editing? But CS6's video editing is actually really good, and the fact that you can use the knowledge you already have with Photoshop to edit videos is amazing :D
    • Sony Vegas = No, i had that. It crashed when i was rendering, and it's s*it for editing.
      After Effects = Well, if you're a pro. I use AF just for some effects that i can't make in Premiere.
      Premiere = BEST! If you are new in video editing and stuff, this is for you. I learned how to use it in 30-40 minutes just making stupid stuff in it. Works with AF, you can just take a video from Premiere and put in AF. Add some effects and render there, go back to Premiere and just refresh a file. But you need +2 GB of ram and +2.0 ghz cpu.