PewDiePie's Universe! - PewDie Themed Pixel Horror (trailer)

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    • PewDiePie's Universe! - PewDie Themed Pixel Horror (trailer)

      How's it going everyone?

      Amongst other things I am slowly developing a game based around PewDiePie's universe. What is it called? Yes, PewDiePie's Universe!

      Here's a new trailer game-play thingie:

      Fun Fact: This isn't made in RPG Maker! I'm using my own engine, so thing's like enemies chasing you are far more intelligent and will not get stuck, and I can customize a whole lot more.

      I'm not going to give too much away just yet, but it will include all of PewDie's main friends and enemies, and is only the first part, or 'episode'.

      I think this'll be awesome if it turns out how I want it!

      Please, suggest what enemies/friends/references I should include, the more the merrier! - Though I have the story pretty much sorted.

      The post was edited 9 times, last by Lapps ().

    • Im seriously thinking of scrapping my game so I can help you in whatever way I can in this game, I think it would be good for me so I can focus on my music and you so you can have help, if you don't want help though its fine, ill just leave this game up to you. DONT FORGET JUMPSCARES!!!! I didn't really see one in the game trailer... just a suggestion... also ,the music when the barrel is chasing pewds needs changing... sorry. I can help you there too. sorry if im trying to sound desperate, but I think this looks great already and think that with enough effort, it will be worldwide and pewds will let's play it :D
      p.s. what do you mean pewdiepie's universe PART 1?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JamHard Studios ().

    • JamHard Studios wrote:

      Im seriously thinking of scrapping my game so I can help you in whatever way I can in this game, I think it would be good for me so I can focus on my music and you so you can have help, if you don't want help though its fine, ill just leave this game up to you. DONT FORGET JUMPSCARES!!!! I didn't really see one in the game trailer... just a suggestion... also ,the music when the barrel is chasing pewds needs changing... sorry. I can help you there too. sorry if im trying to sound desperate, but I think this looks great already and think that with enough effort, it will be worldwide and pewds will let's play it :D
      p.s. what do you mean pewdiepie's universe PART 1?
      Don't worry about it bro, that music was just for the trailer (the game currently actually has no music)
      So for any music I'll be sure to use your help!

      There will be jump-scares, the trailer was just a fake scenario.

      And as for the intelligence of the barrels + the custom engine, in many of the games PewDie has played, the enemy will get stuck or stop when there is a chair or something between them, this engine however uses some more complex path-finding so the barrel will never stop chasing you... unless with some help from a friend... ;D

      Ah man, If PewDie played this that would be friggin' awesome!

      PS: Haha, it's a larger story than one game. Though i think i might keep them relatively short.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lapps ().

    • enemies and stuff!

      Obviously barrels are one enemy but what about irresponsible dad or irresponsible dad's kid that would be AWESOME!!
      I'd play that game! I loved the jumpscare by music I believe I jumped almost out of my chair!
      OUT OF EVERYTHING I SAW... THE ONLY THING I DON'T GET IS... why is stephano following you and not any chairs I mean if barrels chase you why aren't any of the chairs being troopers and stopping the barrels??? didn't you think about that or did the idea even cross your mind? and why would you lock pewdie in a room of crates have you seen him play amnesia? if he was in a room full of crates in reality he would have to destroy the room before even thinking of unlocking the door!!! :thumbsup: just trying to make it realistic if I offended you in any sort of way I'm sorry, I mean no harm! :D

      *brofist* :P
    • This isn't an RPG Maker game? Neat!
      Do you mind if I ask what you used to make your engine?
      I've always had trouble building an engine from scratch in C++ :/ It's really time consuming...

      @JamHard Studios
      Sounds really cool, but doesn't fit for an chase scene imo. It's more for an epic battle or something.
      Sounds kinda like a midi to me for some reason, but that's good for game music :p
    • Otter wrote:

      This isn't an RPG Maker game? Neat!
      Do you mind if I ask what you used to make your engine?
      I've always had trouble building an engine from scratch in C++ :/ It's really time consuming...

      @JamHard Studios
      Sounds really cool, but doesn't fit for an chase scene imo. It's more for an epic battle or something.
      Sounds kinda like a midi to me for some reason, but that's good for game music :p

      you're right it is midi, easiest way for me. I see where you think it isn't good for a chase scene, boss maybe? I dunno, let's just hope this one actually happens, look how badly our ones went... :P
    • if you are really using your own game engine..
      then using that rtp from vx ace is illegal..

      "You can't use the default RTP or resources made with the RTP template or using RTP parts in any other engine"

      its just a trailer.. so you might want to change it..
      better find non-licensed packs.. if ur a sprite maker.. then that will be good..
    • Very valid points you lot have brought up, I want any criticism you can offer, don't worry about offending me!

      The graphics are placeholders, so don't worry about that either.
      Here's the new PewDie sprite:
      Ok, you can tell I took inspiration from Otter's sprite. I didn't steal anything, It is all my own, though If he has a problem with this I'll change it.

      Here are the characters that will be appearing in this first part of the story:
      - Barrels
      - Water Monster (not really a character, but meh)

      - Stephano
      - Mr Chair

      I know that isn't many, I'd like some variation of characters for each part.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lapps ().

    • Be very careful, with using the RTP in another project, even if it IS just a placeholder. There are other resources similar to the RTP that you can use instead. such as the First Seed Material, which can be used in any engine. Some of the stuff you are using is from an artist known as Celianna, and she requires that you use the RPG Maker Engine and NOT a custom engine. but FSM is free for all commercial/non commercial and non RPG Maker engines. :) So for your own legal safety, check out FSM as an alternative "Placeholder". As whether or not it is a placeholder or not, it is classed as illegal, and Degica CAN sue you for it.

      I am an experience musician and available to
      hire for your game projects for more visit my Soundcloudor click here
      PM me for more info
    • I think they just mean use another placeholder if you're going to post images/trailers. You could probably still use it as a placeholder as long as it doesn't leave your computer. Or put big stamps across trailers stating it's a placeholder.
      In Memory - Alpha test stage

      Coming up: Pilot's Story, Caroline's Fall
    • The sprites look really nice :>
      However, the side sprite looks really odd for an RPG and has weird perspective issues because of it. I suggest going with a traditional side style.
      And hey, since it's your own engine you should add 8 directional movement~
      8 directional movement has more of a sense of control. It would make it stand out from other RPG horrors and would make the game look better overall imo.