Hive rising

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    • Hive rising

      Okay, so its been 5 days since the hive mind took over. the hive mind is a huge group of neurax worms whose queen is at a space station, but the worms latch onto human brains, lay eggs, and grow tendrils to control the host. the baby hive minds find exits that arent... up top (lol) few people have survived, and there is no known cure. the queen must be destroyed to kill any hive mind, but it eradicates the race. the queen is locked up by a mad scientist at the space station, although he is the one who unleashed the hive mind. survivors are in the us, specifically North Carolina.

      no spamming
      linking for music is okay, so long as it fits whats going on. such as the battle with the queen would sound like this:
      Dating is allowed
      We are in the u.s, and must stay until a plane is able to be reached.
      there is NO CURE.

      Character: use a format like this.
      Name: zeroya
      personality: outgoing, energetic, somewhat paranoid, extremely supportive, can be overprotective in... certain cases.
      Height: somewhat tall, but not by that much.
      Hair: extremely brown
      eyes: blue
      other features: glasses, typically wearing a blue sweatband with Dororo from Sgt. frog

      Anyone is free to join, and groups can be formed.

      Have fun, and good luck!

      *bursts down door* hello? anyone that dosn't have those stupid worms? *manages to find way to roof* these things can still climb... i guess i will just have to be careful

    • Name: Kai
      Age: 17
      Personality: Stubborn, untrusting but when you earn his trust he's very loyal, a bit of a pervert, a good listener and secret keeper.
      Height: Six feet exactly
      Hair: White, a little longer than shoulders, usually tied back in a ponytail.
      Eyes: Gold
      Other features: Has an X shaped scar over his right eye, always has his katana with him.

      I pick my way through the streets, carefully avoiding everybody. You can never be too safe. I hug my katana to my chest feeling homesick. What a great time to visit family in the states. All I want to do I return home to Japan.
    • Name: Icy


      Personality: Weird, really loud and can make situations a bad scene and awkward, jokes a lot

      Height: Around 5 feet.

      Hair: Blue hair with a white circle on the top of Icy's head

      Eyes: Blue

      Other features: Wears white pants and a blue stripped hoodie, has ice powers, has fangish teeth (aka sharp teeth)

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • Name: James
      Age: 21
      Personality: Easily pissed off, pretty smart, likes video games, manga and the likes, VERY cautious.
      Height: Slightly taller than the average height.
      Hair: Dark blue, long and Asian looking.
      Eyes: Blue
      Other features: Wears extremely protective clothing (Trenchcoat, a metal but comfy blue hat with a small, white gear/cog drawn on it. Strong shoes and comfy black trouser made out of a protective but soft material. Has a Five Seven pistol and an old fashioned but stable rifle, and a very special knife.

      I walk through the streets, feeling a safe and dangerous presence around myself. I hear a door burst open at a near by building, I take my pistol and load it, ready for whatever I shall encounter.

      colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!
    • As I walked I spotted another person, a man holding a pistol. I quickly moved back around the corner and smashed myself against the wall, taking no chances. I didn't know if he was infected by those worms or not. I didn't dare unsheath my katana, the noise of it might alert the man. I made a mental note in the back of my mind to get this thing oiled as soon as I could.
    • "walking down the empty street with his hood up"

      Hmm... what a wasteland this worm infection has become!

      "hears two worms jump from behind and smiles with his sharp teeth"
      "turns around breathing ice on them"
      "they turn into blocks of ice and lay on the ground"

      HAHA... a souvenir... I will take this one!

      "picks up one frozen worm and walks along"

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • name:lauren
      personality:careful,tough,paranoid about worms,level headed
      hair:dark red that almost is black,mid neck length
      eyes:bright green
      other features:entirely dark clothes(hoodie,cargo pants,wrapped up hands,sneakers),has a red blade that glows when magic is put into it,two pistols on both hips in holsters

      *Walks into the alley that i saw movement and begins to make my blade glow while moving silently*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • A noise to my left made me turn my head to look. It was several of the worms. One jumped at me and let out an involuntary startled cry, completely ruining my previous stealth. I knocked the worm away with my still sheathed katana, then I unsheathed it. In one fluid motion I took out both worms, they lay in half by my feet. Then I turned to run, hoping the noise didn't alert any infected.
    • *moves slowly noticing some worms**moves and easying kills the worms without being noticed by them**smiles at how easy that was**goes back into the shadows unnoticed*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • I heard a noise above me. I looked up to see somebody being attacked by the infected, through a window. I briefly thought about not helping them, but decided to help. I ran into the building, forgetting about stealth. I found them and pulled the infected off the other person. But I couldn't kill the guy. I knew he was infected and that there wasn't a cure, but the thought of killing another person made me sick.
    • *sees a person go into the alley with a gun**holds breath and freezes try and praying not to be noticed by that worm**silently mouths*please dont notice me please dont notice me or i will have to kill you worm*draws my weapon again and makes sure not to put magic in it**stands and aims my weapon at the stranger*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • Watching the man kill the infected made me nauseous, but I hid my weakness. I didn't know why he was holding his hand out, I grew up in Japan so I don't know American customs. "My name is Kai." I said. "Do you know how intelligent these creatures are? If you do I may have a few ideas on a safe place."