"Year Zero" Zombie Apocalypse RP

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    • "Year Zero" Zombie Apocalypse RP

      Hello there guys! I'm making a RP which is based on a zombie apocalypse

      So let's start with the rules

      Rules (some rules may change later):

      1. Realistic RP, means only human characters, no werewolf, vampires or stuff, also means only real weapons like a MP5 or a M4, how could you feel with someone having a ray gun?

      2. Your character may have skills, only 1-2 skills like sniping, cooking, etc.

      3. About equipment, your character may have 1-3 weapons, but they must be realistic, no a ray gun

      This weapons are a good selection

      -Benelli M4
      -Browning Hi-Power

      Not this

      -Ray Gun
      -Rocket launcher

      Also have medical stuff, knifes and that stuff, but not so many, also about ammo, you can have at least 1-10 rounds each weapon, but ith sniper rifles are 1-5 and shotguns are 1-30 shells.

      4. Only you can make your chracter die, not another player, but if you find youself about to fall off a building or find lots of zombies, you will still die, but you can make more characters

      5. If you want to go Off-Topic, use the OOC or (()), but use them for useful things

      6. You can only find loot in the places for them, for example:

      Food and Water: Markets
      Guns and Ammo: Gunshops, Police stations, or dead bodies

      7. If you find new items, mark them like this

      "New Items: Flashlight, 3 cans of food, MP5"

      Equipment: *insert equipment here* *here the new stuff*
      Supplies: *Insert thing you already have* *Insert new stuff

      8: Zombies, they act like the Black Ops zombies in the zombie mode, they punch like them, but if you are close enough to one, he may bite you, 3 hours after bite, you will die and turn into a zombie.

      9: This is how health works, you have 100 health, each zombie punch takes 2 bars of life, and to heal yourself you have to wait, like in COD, if you get hit with 40 life, you get unconscious, if all of your life is depleted, you get Second Chance, and you must be healed with a Syrette or else you will die of bleeding.

      10. Every time you wasted a clip of a gun (or a shell of the shotgun or a arrow) use this

      MP5: (Let's say that i had 4 clips and i used one, then put this) x3
      M1911: x1

      11. Have Fun!


      Year: 2014 But survivors doens't know the year, so they call the year "Year 0"
      Place: United States, on a big forest near a unknown city, on the forest there's a village.
      Season of the year: Spring

      Now the application

      Last Name:
      Age (15-60):
      Equipment (Weapons and that stuff):
      Physical Appearance:
      -Body Type:
      -Aesthetic (clothes and stuff):

      So let's make applications! :D (I'll be making my application soon)
      Your local anthropomorphic fox, SCP fan, 682 Minion and Great Cornholio

      The post was edited 4 times, last by FoxMccloud64 ().

    • hunters app

      Last Name:wolf
      Age (15-60):19
      Equipment (Weapons and that stuff):bow,sword,pistol sileced
      Physical Appearance:black hoodie black pants and a dark look that sometimes feels peaceful
      -Height:10 foot
      -Body Type:skiny
      -Personality:dark and is moody but kind at the sametime but can be mistaken for an asshole
      Perks:fast firing of arrows and perfect aim
      Supplies:food x4 stim x2 arrows x10 bottles of water x9
      Wolf Pack


      Makes Awesomeness

      Stay Awesome Bros and Guys And Girls
    • OOC: *with engineer's voice* Alrighty then :D

      Name: Alex
      Last Name: Parker
      Nickname: "Parkour"
      Gender: Male
      Age (15-60): 25
      Equipment (Weapons and that stuff):
      - Glock 19 w/ 5 Magazines
      - M16 w/ 3 Magazines
      - A Fire Axe
      - Combat Knife
      - Night Vision Goggles
      - Flashlight
      Physical Appearance:
      -Height: 1,79M
      -Body Type: Athletical
      -Aesthetics: Short black hair, a long sleeve shirt with a short one placed up, dark blue jeans, and a jacket for the winter
      -Personality: Calm and peaceful, wants to help other survivors, dislikes bandits
      Location: 3rd floor of a apartment (Orange Dot in the Smaller Apartment)
      Perks: Running, Cooking
      -Canned food and Ready-To-Cook food for 2 weeks
      -Water and Soda for 2 weeks
      -Box of Matches
      -A pack of cigarretes
      - 7 Batteries
      -Medical Supplies
      - 5x Painkillers
      -3x Bandages
      -1x Epi-Pen
      -0x Morphine
      Nationality: USA
      Your local anthropomorphic fox, SCP fan, 682 Minion and Great Cornholio

    • name:lauren
      last name:marine
      • AK47 20 w/3 magazines and red dot scope
      • crossbow 15 w/1 magazine
      • katana
      • grenades 2
      • dagger
      • binoculars
      physical appearance:
      • 5'7"
      • skinny but curvy
      • ash blonde hair blue eyes
      • a pair of black leggings with some black sweat pants on top
      • a dark purple corset with a black leather jacket
      • black studded gloves
      • black leather combat boots
      • blunt
      • funny
      • carefree
      • smart
      location:upstairs of a hardware store
      • lockpicking
      • medic(knows how to do surgery and can make herbs from forest for medicine)
      • water 1 week worth
      • peanut and cashews 2 weeks worth
      • lighter
      • bandages 10
      • needles 2
      • cans of beans 4
      • lantern
      • solar blankets 6
      • thread yards worth
      nationality:united states
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie

      The post was edited 2 times, last by aqua247 ().

    • OOC: Accepted, and this starts RIGHT NAO

      Let the virus spread

      "Where am I?"

      "Am I dead?"

      "This can't be getting more weirder everytime"

      I was on...A strange place, I knew this wans't real, but it felt like...

      "What the? Why I have this thing"

      I was holding a TMP, weird, because I don't have one..

      "Oh well, I guess I gotta keep going"

      Everything was exactly the same, this is weird

      "What the....."

      I saw flashing, really fast, I dunno what that means

      "No, no, no, NO! Shit!"

      Zombies, and a lot, come to me

      "What the fuck was that?!"

      It was just a nightmare.....

      Now you must keep going :D
      Your local anthropomorphic fox, SCP fan, 682 Minion and Great Cornholio

    • *slowly wakes up from the horrible dream i had**breaths slowly while waiting in my room then i decide to go and check the roof to see if i can kill anyone before breakfest**gets to the breaths lightly trying not to draw any attention and looks out from the roof with my binoculars**sees four of the dead walking and i make the decision to go for some hunting**running down the stairs while grasping my AK47 and my katana then strapping them in*moving swiftly and to the door check and not seeing any zombies at the front*damn just when i want some action*runs though the streets checking all corners and staying in the shadows though the entire run**smiles and aims my gun at the targets and shots all zombies with two shots into each searching though the remains.x3 for AK47 *Smiles just my lucky day while walking back to the hardware store,still having my guard up i start to running again feeling the wind hit against me what wonderful and thrilling**stays in the shadows and stays careful by checking every alley and street i pass*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • OOC: What the fuck did I just read?! xD

      I have been having these dreams quite commonly nowdays

      "The hell is wrong with me? Anyways, back to daily looting..."

      Taking my Glock and my M16, and also my axe

      "I should consider changing the Glock, ammo isn't that common"
      Your local anthropomorphic fox, SCP fan, 682 Minion and Great Cornholio

    • *starts working out like i do everyday**20 pushups,20 jumping jacks,50 crouches,70 seconds of holding a chin up and 50 seconds of planks on each side*got to love the common days that go by..*thinks about they times when you didnt have to worry about these monsters**sighs and pushes off the ground*maybe i should go for a run or maybe stock up on food supplies or maybe even build that bike my dad never finished*thinks about it while pasing around*i think ill go with option one and two and do them at the same time**whistles on my way out the door breaks into a dead sprint while trying to check all corners*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • OOC: the * are of whispering or stuff

      "Time to go outside"

      Picking my weapons I get out of the apartment

      *Anybody here?*

      Doesn't seem like

      "Oh well, time to look for some food"

      I got a nearby supermarket, it didn't had to much

      "Just some soda and 1 can of hotdogs, at least something

      "I was looking for them long ago...."

      New items: 3 cans of soda and 1 can of hotdogs

      -Canned food and Ready-To-Cook food for 2 weeks +1
      -Water and Soda for 2 weeks +1
      -Box of Matches
      -A pack of cigarretes
      - 7 Batteries
      -Medical Supplies
      - 5x Painkillers
      -3x Bandages
      -1x Epi-Pen
      -0x Morphine
      Your local anthropomorphic fox, SCP fan, 682 Minion and Great Cornholio

    • *watches the sun rise as i run seeing how beautiful something can be in a place so dreadful though i would never tell anyone that*continues to run and goes into a house finding medicine x5 painkillers**smiles at the discovery**notices a zombie and shots it in the head with my AK47 {-2}**go out of the house continueing down the road thinking about many things from before when there was no zombies and you didnt have to watch your back**lets out a tear missing those days*

      supplies now:

      • water 1 week worth
      • peanut and cashews 2 weeks worth
      • lighter
      • bandages 10
      • needles 2
      • cans of beans 4
      • lantern
      • solar blankets 6
      • thread yards worth
      • painkillers 5
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie

      The post was edited 1 time, last by aqua247 ().