Has anyone else been inspire by Pewdiepie :D

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  • Has anyone else been inspire by Pewdiepie :D

    Heya Bros

    Ever since i started watch pewdiepie ive wanted to make videos, so the other day i thought screw it and i bought recording equipment and have started recording Game play and walkthroughs and have already got quite a few subs :D

    So thankyou for inspiring me pewdiepie ive never had as much fun as when im recording :D

    Btw if anyone wants to take a look at my channel ^^


    There it is and anyone else that makes game footage post your channel below because i would love to watch a fellow bro :D

    Blindelves :D
  • Hey guys, I'm feeling really tempted to start up my own let's play series.

    I just have a few questions, one especially.
    What about copyright and so on, what does Pewdie do?
    And do you guys see any problem if I just use CamStudio for recording? It's free and I kinda like it, but I'm not sure if it's good enough ^^

    To everyone that answers my questions, thanks! :D

    Btw, sorry for reviving this 'old' thread :P

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Zigs ().

  • Hey, I'd say Pewdie has inspired alot of people into doing stuff like this to get notice on facebook and try to become a well known face on the internet. It takes the right personality and a good amount of time to pull it off, just because you put a video on Youtube dosent mean your instantly famous most of the work is acctually done on making it your own like coming up with a theme, finding what your good at and pretty much just be yourself because in the end some people may love you but some people may think your just another imitator trying to steal someones spotlight. Tobygames for instance, he has alot of videos on minecraft and makes fun of the mechanicsin the game, thats probably what hes best know for, Pewdie on the other hand gets scared stupid playing games like Amnesia but still has the abillity to play through and have a laugh about it but also still finds time to socially interact with his followers thats what makes him so popular. Basically to be big you need the Time, Money and personality to come up on top of the rest, the more videos you have the more your going to get noticed sooner or later it just dosent kick off as soon as your videos posted. I myself have tried finding my own videos on youtube and I still dont know how I've been getting like 50 views in a week? ?( Its Crazy out there! :wacko:
    subscribe on
  • Blindelves wrote:

    Heya Bros

    Ever since i started watch pewdiepie ive wanted to make videos, so the other day i thought screw it and i bought recording equipment and have started recording Game play and walkthroughs and have already got quite a few subs :D

    So thankyou for inspiring me pewdiepie ive never had as much fun as when im recording :D

    Btw if anyone wants to take a look at my channel ^^


    There it is and anyone else that makes game footage post your channel below because i would love to watch a fellow bro :D

    Blindelves :D

    hey yeh i was inspire by pewdiepie and a few other youtubers to make videos and as you said i too am having alot of fun making videos.

    i make mainly Lets Play on my second lets play atm i've played FEAR and now im also more then half way though FEAR 2 so i would love some bros to check my channel out also i want to add the fact that on some of my early videos i mimic pewdiepie because it was a habit i had before i started recording my gaming so for that im sorry but im breaking the habit now :) hope you check my videos out as i will check yours out too
    Why not help a fellow bro out with his new youtube channel by clicking below :D

  • Zigs wrote:

    Hey guys, I'm feeling really tempted to start up my own let's play series.

    I just have a few questions, one especially.
    What about copyright and so on, what does Pewdie do?
    And do you guys see any problem if I just use CamStudio for recording? It's free and I kinda like it, but I'm not sure if it's good enough ^^

    To everyone that answers my questions, thanks! :D

    Btw, sorry for reviving this 'old' thread :P

    Bandicam is great for games. I think the free version of it has a watermark + 10 minutes limit for recording. Pretty good than Fraps suckish 30 freaking seconds limit.

    Pewdie has the permission for the song he use in his vids or else, he'll be in trouble.