I'm also sorry.(To some people!)

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    • I'm also sorry.(To some people!)

      I saw someone upload a thread apologizing for some stuff today, and I figured i'd do it as well. I'll start this more categorized.

      The shout-box in general : If you were someone I've pissed off without you deserving it at some point, I apologize. I had a temper, and i'm working on it. But that doesn't mean i'm apologizing to all of you xD More than likely, the one's who read this are the one's I am actually apologizing to, and the ignorant little kids ignore it :3 If I've called you an idiot, chances are you more than likely are one.(In the shout-box) If you constantly break the rules, have bad grammar, spam, are a smartass about the rules, or are just in general an idiot, and I've called you one, i'm not sorry. xD Hopefully you get the point.

      Heiko and the mods : I know we've had this talk before, but i'd like to apologize once more. We all appreciate the wonderful work you put into the forums, and we look forward to seeing what you guys do. I've grown pretty attached to some of you, oddly. I know I have a temper at times. And i'm working on it.

      Holly : I don't show you much respect sometimes, and i'm sorry for that. Also sorry for our past issues, which have been put to rest. You and Dano are amazing friends, and I love you both like family. :3

      Gmod : I just wanted to mention that, if you ever come back, and you read this, you are still an idiot. I'm not sorry. :3

      Anyone I say ask permission to post when they got permission : I totally don't pay attention sometimes, sorry! xD The shout box goes fast as FUCK sometimes.

      Uh, anyone else I forgot, I love you. xD
    • Misfit, Your an awesome dude. You rarely get angry to anyone that is following the rules. XD We all get angry sometimes, but the past is the past for a reason. Don't feel bad for it :3