3 Requests.... not expecting anything

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    • 3 Requests.... not expecting anything

      ok i'm going to make this very quick since i'm a hush hush person

      1.) Intro for youtube:

      i may have clsoed my youtube account but when i get everything sorted enough to start again i'm gonna need an intro... so yeah

      2.) Music for the intro
      yeah... music.. can be any kind... 'cept skrillex

      3.) Youtube background thing

      cant be for partners.. probably never will get partnership but oh well

      since most of my friends are often not looked at if you took the time to read this then please take the extra time to write something.
      need to email me about something? [email protected]
      need to email my dev team with some questions about the game? [email protected]
      want to get the latest updates on our progress?

      if you want to be part of the dev team send me an email or message
    • Okay sooo here we go.
      These things could be done by yourself. Why not doing them?
      1. If you didn't start your youtube yet, why not spare the time to create an intro for it.
      2.Music? That's a bit of a harder request. If you mean it and have this naive idea of being partnered then search for royalty free musics.
      3.Really? Not even this? And it doesn't need to be a partnered background? Sir, you are one hell of a lazy person.

      And a thing why u should make them yourself. What if let's say someone creates something and you don't like it therefore it will not be used?
      Yeup, that would suck for the dude who made it.
      "i'm going to make this very quick" <--- you're not even explaining what kind of youtube you want to make, not saying anything. It's hard to create things without these details.
      But why do I have the feeling it's a LP channel?
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • Bundyclan wrote:

      Okay sooo here we go.
      These things could be done by yourself. Why not doing them?
      1. If you didn't start your youtube yet, why not spare the time to create an intro for it.
      2.Music? That's a bit of a harder request. If you mean it and have this naive idea of being partnered then search for royalty free musics.
      3.Really? Not even this? And it doesn't need to be a partnered background? Sir, you are one hell of a lazy person.

      And a thing why u should make them yourself. What if let's say someone creates something and you don't like it therefore it will not be used?
      Yeup, that would suck for the dude who made it.
      "i'm going to make this very quick" <--- you're not even explaining what kind of youtube you want to make, not saying anything. It's hard to create things without these details.
      But why do I have the feeling it's a LP channel?

      listen here fuck head
      i dont have any spare time since i am mostly working around my house and trying to find a job
      and i cant make a background because unlike what seems to be all of you fuckfaces around here i cant pixel

      so before you make assumptions i'm good at everything dont

      and if i wanted this thread here for someone to bitch about it go check out the other fucking threads asking for the exact same thing
      need to email me about something? [email protected]
      need to email my dev team with some questions about the game? [email protected]
      want to get the latest updates on our progress?

      if you want to be part of the dev team send me an email or message
    • James Bond wrote:

      listen here fuck head
      i dont have any spare time since i am mostly working around my house and trying to find a job
      and i cant make a background because unlike what seems to be all of you fuckfaces around here i cant pixel

      so before you make assumptions i'm good at everything dont

      and if i wanted this thread here for someone to bitch about it go check out the other fucking threads asking for the exact same thing

      Good luck getting someone to help you, asshole.
    • James Summers wrote:

      listen here fuck head
      i dont have any spare time since i am mostly working around my house and trying to find a job
      and i cant make a background because unlike what seems to be all of you fuckfaces around here i cant pixel

      so before you make assumptions i'm good at everything dont

      and if i wanted this thread here for someone to bitch about it go check out the other fucking threads asking for the exact same thing

      Now listen here mate. First of all my message didn't contain anything that would cause you to be a retard. Second of all, how old are you? 14? Really?
      Life must be harsh. By the way I'd love to response in such a manner you did, but unlike you I am trying to respect your situation. I mean maybe you're just under the weather cause someone stole your sweet-roll in kindergarten therefore I am not going to use words your comment deserves. And irony strikes as well. " go check out the other fucking threads" <--- did u know others are OFFERING help to create backgrounds ? And I'm not even gonna ask what you meant by "i'm good at everything dont".
      Don't worry though, I will gladly help you. I mean you are such a lovely person, how can I resist? An intro is coming right up.
      You know why I'm gonna make you an intro? Cause I want to show you that there are people who would help even if the person doesn't deserve it.
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • Bundyclan wrote:

      Don't worry though, I will gladly help you. I mean you are such a lovely person, how can I resist? An intro is coming right up.
      You know why I'm gonna make you an intro? Cause I want to show you that there are people who would help even if the person doesn't deserve it.

      This guy! This guy right here, fellas!
    • There you go, not a big thing but then again , with the details you gave me, I didn't bother creating an awesome one. *edit: This intro is not even original if you ask me*
      <--- if you liked it, I'll send it to you, or you can download it from youtube, but be careful, wouldn't want you to lose your precious time. But if you didn't like it or want me to change color feel free to ask and I'll make it so.
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • mKeRix wrote:

      Heh, I wonder why.

      This kinda pisses me off.
      First, manners do go a long way if you want assistance with something. People would have even helped you with you cussing them out.
      Second, don't talk to Heiko or Leafy like that again. Period. Or else my manners will go as well.
      Third, don't get pissed over this thread and the comments because you came in here negative, and left negative. You give the attitude you want. And this is what is being given.

      I'm making it fucking clear. Don't insult them, or you deal with me.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Aiden the Misfit ().