Ever Stood Up To Bullying?

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  • I find these kind of threads interesting, since there seems to be a big culture difference in schools in the US compared to the UK.

    My perception, and I could be totally wrong, is that there is much more of a "class" system in the US. Cheerleaders and jocks wear their uniforms around, "geeky" kids stick together, kids who went to whatever club stick together. There seems to be a stigma for anyone who tries to mix with different groups. There is this kind of hierachy that is just a given, and doesn't seem to be discouraged.

    In the UK, this doesn't really happen. You kinda just have mean kids and nicer kids, and they're all totally different. I think a little bit is to do with uniforms. School uniforms are pretty much compulsory in most schools, except maybe sixth form level (optional last 2 years of school). It makes it less obvious for people to segregate the kids in their minds. There is obviously still bullying here, and it is still pretty bad, but it is so much less defined. I'm only speaking about my experience, and the experience of my family.

    For me or my sister, if I was picked on in school, it was usually only verbal. It tended to be the "slacker" kids would pick on anyone doing work. It kind of made it easier to handle because you knew they weren't going to do well, school would be their prime while you would go on and get a good job or career. I can say most of the "bullies" I knew now have multiple children, and I'm only 25. (I put bullies in quotes because I wasn't too bothered.)

    However for my brother, he had anger management issues (our family went through some stuff when we were growing up. Nothing too dramatic but it happened for him when he was 5 and growing so I think he was a little more effected). The kids at school knew he would lose his temper so they picked on him. He fought back everytime, but he would be the one to get in trouble. He nearly got thrown out of school repeatedly. He got better when he got older but it sucked. I'm glad to say he's doing really well at University now, and he's now one of those guys who knows everybody.
    In Memory - Alpha test stage

    Coming up: Pilot's Story, Caroline's Fall
  • I was bullied from 4th grade to 10th grade, nearly all my life kind of still am from my step father sadly. I finally fought back when I was age 15 I believe, I've gotten into a huge fight with my roommate because him & I never agree to anything, at first he had me in a corner beating me up badly but I threw a lot of anger out and some how got him to the other side of the room being on top of him & started choking him until the Staff members came in & stopped me. I wouldn't of let go if they didn't but I'm glad they stopped me or else I would end up being a murder which I do not wish to upon myself of being one. But I felt wonderful getting all that anger out of myself & after that day no-one messed with me. So that energy I had was all those years of being bullied & I had enough of it. But now I just play games locked up in my room so I wouldn't end up doing that to my ill step father because he treats me badly even though I have to help my mother take care of him. He is like a diabetic with old timers & so much more wrong with him, I'm still shocked he is still alive, even the doctor's are shocked that he is.

    Ps. He bullied me / treated me badly way before he even became ill, in case anyone was wondering if it was because of his illness.
  • I wasn't threatened,but whenever I laughed,they would say"Don't laugh",and when we were playing paper war thingy,I threw it at one of those bullies and he threatened me.
    Yeah those left the school,I started to stand up for myself.Nobody messed with me then.
    Though there is a girl being bullied,sometimes I help her,but I don't stand up for her.They call her names,hit her,hide her bag.
    When I help her I get called names,but I don't care.I wonder if I should fight them off though.
    Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
    Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
    Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
    Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers
  • well, when i was a kid i was afrid from everone, i didnt want to fight people, but now i have learnd martial arts and i can kick like 3 peoles ass at once, so when ever someone will come, i will be the first to strike (Element of suprise gives you the upper hand if you know what i mean)
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  • Ever bullied, in first grade until sixth grade. The first grade, i was an idiotic funky girl, be bullied because my habit. In the end of sixth grade, i was an approved smart girl, who took my revenge of bullying with writing in an article of bullying(I also write my experience) in school. And they knew it and apologized to me, but in passive way.

    Nice, i like sleeping
  • Travelgar wrote:

    Ever bullied, in first grade until sixth grade. The first grade, i was an idiotic funky girl, be bullied because my habit. In the end of sixth grade, i was an approved smart girl, who took my revenge of bullying with writing in an article of bullying(I also write my experience) in school. And they knew it and apologized to me, but in passive way.

    Great to see a girl that actually take action agints bullying
    Check out my new youtube gaming channel

    Subscribers count 1100/2000, see you there
  • Kerrima wrote:

    I think a little bit is to do with uniforms. School uniforms are pretty much compulsory in most schools, except maybe sixth form level (optional last 2 years of school). It makes it less obvious for people to segregate the kids in their minds.

    I had the same problem at my current school when i first joined there..
    It was my first year of highschool, and i was new in there. I was still shy and all, even because it was a different school, with new people, and also my first time in highschool, so i tended to get more nervous..
    There were those extroverted guys who used to pick me a lot.. In the first days it seemed peaceful, but then some people started joking the new students with stupid pranks...
    All the kinds of shit, from asking them to cut letters from journals, annoying them in the bathrooms and stuff, to painting their faces, and even throwing eggs and flour on them, and worst ones, like stealing things from them, calling names and even fights... Thank God i was never used to these, but i still got annoyed a lot..
    Well, in further days they started.. They used to pick on me because of the uniform. I used to be polite at the start, i was a complete nerd, i admit it.
    But it was my fault a bit. I used to be very limited, always wanted to be the best in school.. But now, i just don't give a crap about these things anymore.
    They just wanted to help me after all.. I was shy and all, and they were just joking. I think i used to take things a bit too serious in that time..
    Now it's cool. Of course i still tend to not gather with the extroverted ones, but i still got some schoolmates and all..
    And after all i've been through in my past two years, not to mention this one i mentioned about.. I've changed a little. Doesn't mean i don't get isolated though, i can be on my own even without my classmates. But my mind has changed a bit. And i feel like it's still changing, maybe.. Yeah, i still feel like i've got things to learn in life..
    Well, they used to have emblems for uniforms in highschool, but no one used to wear them, only a few, with me included.
    But hey, where's freedom anyway, right? ;) So they changed this. Now people don't need to wear it anymore, even cause some had not enough money to buy it, and it seemed to be something so useless for many people, they all tended to complain about it. So they changed the rules.
    Well, i confess that once i opened my mind a bit, i also noticed that the school shirt sucks, specially in summer days.. Heh.. :P
    Well, that's my experience, btw. :p

    The post was edited 1 time, last by NuMetalWolf ().

  • i can honestly say i've been the victim of bullying, watched it happen and done nothing, been the bully once until i realized what i was doing (i really regret it even to this day) and lastly stood up to bullies multiple times for others. There is a absolutely massive guy (the tallest in the year, and a tad chubby) and one time him, and his only friend, were picking on a guy in my class and so i told them to stop and they came at me and i managed to win the fight and they've never bullied anyone since then :P
  • I was bullied often when i was little cause of my look... i was allways in Black and didn't talk so much cause i like the color (ok it's not a color) so much. But one day i said to myself i will not let them annoy anymore myself. so i started to fight them and it ended up that everybody feared me and so i was allways on my own until i was 16, i've found some people which are thinking like me and since then we're friends and we make a lot together

    Sry, for my bad english :p

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Little Orion ().

  • I faced bullying many times...until I broke a nose or two that is. It almost ruined my life since I was given a hard time for just thinking the different way. To be honest those people are nothing but pathetic. They're not that tough once you stand up against them. If you're afraid of doing it alone then get allies and end that for good. You can't be the only person that gets bullied in the entire school ;) show them who the real boss is and never let them convince you you're ugly, pathetic and shit. I honestly regret allowing that myself. Who ever you are, you are awesome and you rock big time I can tell :D
    On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

    If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
  • I lost close to 5 years of my life to bullying, on 3 separate occasions I was put on home schooling for my own safety. I lost all my friends once it began and my only salvation was my games. I came close to calling it quits until I said "fuck it" and fought back. Where I was mentally at that point, I figured I had nothing to lose so why not go out with a bang?

    It made shit worse for a while, worst event was when someone stabbed me in the arm with one of those stupid little red swiss army knifes. I didnt even know the chick who did it to me, all I know is when the security guards were pulling me up off of her I dropped my booted heal down on her face and broke her nose. I was in and out of the principles office more times than I can count, but they soon realized I never started any fights... I just happened to be the one to finish them.

    Soon, it all stopped. I guess they got tired of me fighting back, but either way it was not without effort.

    For those who are still bullied, I will not lie to you. It will not get better on its own. The only one to make it stop is you. No, it will not fix itself after 1 day, maybe not even a month. Stand up for yourself, but do not start the fights. Dont stoop to their level. Defend yourself and thats that.
    "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
    I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

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