Everyone thinks I stalk Pewds!

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    • Everyone thinks I stalk Pewds!

      Please help! I have been a bro for a few months and I have learned a lot about Pewds and people think I stalk him and that he is my boyfriend and that I am a pedo.

      I'm a bro. I watch his videos everyday so I know lots about him. Its just no-one will stop saying I stalk him.

      A friend on facebook said:

      them: go away stalker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      me: why message me?


      Now im scared to go back to school because I know that no one will accept me like they used to. Every time I try to make it better it just gets worse. I need help!

      What do I Do?
    • I don't see nothing wrong against being a fan of someone. It's just that people in the world are just one of the causes, and... Well, you'll see what happening to you right now.

      Emm, i would try to help you by saying you to not worry aobut the other, you have your own likes, if the others think differently, then... Just don't care about them.
      No signature. Because i'm a baws... Or else because i suck at GFX Design.

      Objective Nº1: Become a youtuber! No matter if i suck!
    • marleybro wrote:

      Please help! I have been a bro for a few months and I have learned a lot about Pewds and people think I stalk him and that he is my boyfriend and that I am a pedo.

      I'm a bro. I watch his videos everyday so I know lots about him. Its just no-one will stop saying I stalk him.

      A friend on facebook said:

      them: go away stalker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      me: why message me?


      Now im scared to go back to school because I know that no one will accept me like they used to. Every time I try to make it better it just gets worse. I need help!

      What do I Do?

      Believe me, just yesterday, i saw worse. Naikey, is planning on getting livefeed cameras from Florida (i think), to record pewdie's holiday, to hope that he sees him (stalking or what?). Believe me you aren't the worst, The definition of a bro is to enjoy pewdie's vids. These people who say you are, they are hopelessly wrong.
      "I think we shall call him... STEPHANO."
      Thus, a legend was born. 8)


      Oi! I'm on the new thing called a 3DS!
      Friend Code: 2251-5486-7013

    • Firstly, Pewdie is 24. You can't be a pedo for liking him, as he is over the age of consent.

      Now, to your main problem. Apparently, the people at your school don't understand the definition of stalking. Stalking is to pursue a person in an almost obsessive manner, usually without the other person's consent and in away that makes the stalkee uncomfortable. Explain that to your schoolmates. If they don't get it, they lack intelligence and are beneath your time. I'm afraid I can't offer anymore advice than that, as this is a unique situation to me.
      Self-proclaimed Secretary of Fabulousity and Accidental Necromancer.
    • I have the same problem. People think I stalk TomSka. In fact, I am his friend and I watch his every video. They don't understand, that Tom is a normal person and you really can be his friend. They don't understand that if you watch someone's videos you can learn quite a lot about this person either. I stopped caring after a while. I suggest you to do the same. :)
      Do what you like. Don't care if others enjoy it or not.
    • Well if you want my opinion I would say: don't feed the trolls.
      They only think it's funny when you try to make it better and makes sure that anything you'll say will be turned against you in some way. They just want to have fun on your bill bro. You should just ignore them or even agree with them, 'cause no one thinks it's funny to say evil stuff to you when you just roll with it.
      I have a lot of experience of being chopped at for something that I like. And I never had that many friends, especially none that I could talk to. So I had to take the shit alone.
      The difference between you and me is that you don't need to take a hit alone. You got a whole army supporting you man. Mess with a bro and you'll have a army against you! No bro's left behind, We'll support you man.

      And I love YOU random citizen!
    • Make yourself seem cool out of it. As an example, I like ponies. I let people know IRL that I like ponies and I make it seem cool as hell that I'm a brony. (not that it's not) Point it out, don't be ashamed. That's you and you are unique as every other person. They're envious, because either they don't have idols or the people/shows they like suck. So...just make it seem the coolest thing on earth. (not that it's not, Pewds is...incredible)
    • Soulchild wrote:

      Make yourself seem cool out of it. As an example, I like ponies. I let people know IRL that I like ponies and I make it seem cool as hell that I'm a brony. (not that it's not) Point it out, don't be ashamed. That's you and you are unique as every other person. They're envious, because either they don't have idols or the people/shows they like suck. So...just make it seem the coolest thing on earth. (not that it's not, Pewds is...incredible)
      Or mostly that what he said is... correct.
      No signature. Because i'm a baws... Or else because i suck at GFX Design.

      Objective Nº1: Become a youtuber! No matter if i suck!
    • It Just got worse!

      All your advice has been really useful bros. Thanks.

      Nothing has really gotten better. People don't want to listen to me or talk to me. People yell down the corridors "Stalker!" at me. Everytime I explain to the people in electronics that I don't stalk him but now I apparently stalk a dead guy called bobby johnson from oishi high school battle.

      Some people thourght He was my boyfriend. I just can't convince them that I don't stalk anyone. I posted some videos on facebook about how I don't stalk him but People just decided that I do even more. Even my friends think I stalk him now. No-one will stop.

      I need help,
    • You maybe shouldn't try to convince them?
      probebly they just want someone to make fun of and someone that desperatly tries to prove them wrong will just be a lot more fun than someone who just says: sure. From my point of view it actually looks like they are stalking you. I would say raise yourself, be proud for who you are and let no one put you down. There's no need of being worried for what some stupid assholes ever says to you or says about you. Don't make the same misstake as I did and belive them. I bet you're not a perfect person nor am I. Just stay strong and if no one belives you then at least you do.

      (someone that almost in panic says that they don't is almost never belived) :)
      And I love YOU random citizen!
    • It sounds like they are just trying to bully you now. Being a fan =/= stalker and if they really think you're a stalker they obviously haven't been on the internet.

      I'd say just ignore them and if they try to talk to your face just have a neutral or positive reaction, that usually annoys them and they'll give up if they stop getting a reaction from you.
    • How much old are they, three years?
      Bro, don't take too much care about these people, they're really mean. I know what you're passing through. In my school they're having much fun with me telling that I'm ugly, that I'm a depressed emo... I could continue on and on xD
      It's difficult to ignore them, or trying to answer them with theyre same words... But the only thing you can do at least are these. You don't need to defend yourself, but to smile and ignore them. Soon they will stop, or you will be much stronger.
      And make new friends, if they too can't understand you. Sometimes it's good changing them :)
      I really hope it will get better soon for you...
      Stephano is my God.
      Pewds is my Jesus.
      BrHOLYcism is my religion.
    • NZ Stephano wrote:

      Believe me, just yesterday, i saw worse. Naikey, is planning on getting livefeed cameras from Florida (i think), to record pewdie's holiday, to hope that he sees him (stalking or what?). Believe me you aren't the worst, The definition of a bro is to enjoy pewdie's vids. These people who say you are, they are hopelessly wrong.

      Thats downright moronic and obsessive.