Can someone please explain this?

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    • Can someone please explain this?

      Ok so some of the women I met will tell me to do things they can easily do (take out the trash, move things, etc,) that there are a foot away from. Then whenever they clean the kitchen or cook dinner they yell at guys to do that. So can someone explain why guys are expected to do a "guy's job" and also a "Woman's job" while they want equal rights?
      No sexism intended just observations.
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • CORMANO wrote:

      The world is full of hypocrisy. Nuff said for this one :)

      lol I just find it annoying. I'll be honest my mom does that too on her days off. She has to scan barcodes and put numbers in a computer. So whenever she says High School isn't that hard I show her my math homework and ask if she can do it and she'll say she doesn't know ^^
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • I have no problem cleaning stuff if a woman will take out trash as well. Personally I think if a woman will make a man do a "Guy's Job" when she's a foot away; they shouldn't complain about doing a "Woman's Job"
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • Depends on the woman, really.
      There was once a case where a woman won about 3 million dollars in the court by accusing her old company to be sexist. It turned out that the person she was referring to during the whole case, her sub-boss, was just a dick to every single worker. Just shows, that women want emancipation, but some just can't deal with it, since when they're treated equally they can't take it.
      Anyways, as I said, these things depend on the person.
    • Honestly it seems to me like most want guys to do everything for them, but they want to be treated equal. it makes me just wanna (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • It's human nature. Don't deny it, even us men just want the women to do everything sometimes. It's some sort of psychological mumbo jumbo depending on how things go through within your life. The only difference between men and women is that women ask for equal rights and yet when something like they get hit happens, they consider it abuse because they are women. Personally, I don't find what I just said sexist or offensive in any way shape and form, but I will apologise in case there are those who get offended (I do this because it doesn't apply to every woman).

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    • CORMANO wrote:

      It's human nature. Don't deny it, even us men just want the women to do everything sometimes. It's some sort of psychological mumbo jumbo depending on how things go through within your life. The only difference between men and women is that women ask for equal rights and yet when something like they get hit happens, they consider it abuse because they are women. Personally, I don't find what I just said sexist or offensive in any way shape and form, but I will apologise in case there are those who get offended (I do this because it doesn't apply to every woman).
      Well, i would be happy if some random person makes me a sandwich right now.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • I don't get why it's a stereotype for women to be in the kitchen, most man can't cook,
      every "women" I've met can in some way with the exception of this one dimwit I knew
      who burned herself boiling a small amount of water.

      I also don't get why women should make men a sandwich, I can make my own damn
      sandwiches (or whatever men should easily prepare themselves dependent on regional
      cuisine such as bull's head stew or lamb's intestines). That's just being too lazy.

    • I think the stereotypes came from when men were the hunters, and the woman would gather and cook for the men when they returned.
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • kk226 wrote:

      I think the stereotypes came from when men were the hunters, and the woman would gather and cook for the men when they returned.

      Yeah that makes sense but still lasts until today from when that started thousands of
      years ago or more.

      I wish I was born further into the future where service droids did all that shit so I don't
      have hear about bitter housewives who poison their use-to-be handsome husbands who
      are dead because they kept going on about how he's the one with a "real job". ;(

    • Klawtaurus wrote:

      kk226 wrote:

      I think the stereotypes came from when men were the hunters, and the woman would gather and cook for the men when they returned.

      Yeah that makes sense but still lasts until today from when that started thousands of
      years ago or more.

      I wish I was born further into the future where service droids did all that shit so I don't
      have hear about bitter housewives who poison their use-to-be handsome husbands who
      are dead because they kept going on about how he's the one with a "real job". ;(

      Hell no I saw all the Terminator movies, and iRobot XD
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • Joker123 wrote:

      What I don't understand, is that on TV, if a man bitch-slaps a woman it's sexist and horrible and rude. But if a woman bitch-slaps a man, it's because he deserved it..

      I saw the Cleveland Bus Driver video, and at least THAT time the women agreed she needed to get hit.
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • I'm a lady and I dont even understand why we need to be like that. I do admit that I sometimes do that (especially to a boyfriend ifIevenhaveone). All I can say is some hormonal shit is going on there. Maybe she's on her period or something. Idk.
      "Happiness exists when you don't know a thing." - The Weeknd