How do i say goodbye to an old friend?

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    • How do i say goodbye to an old friend?

      So this is not normally something i want to ask people on the internet about but so far im clueless on what to do.
      Let me explain ive been friends with this guy Martin ever since we where 6 years old (i am 18 now btw) and he has always stood out to be some level of annoying to me although hes an incredibly good friend and he is understanding when you talk to him.
      Let's just say hes had it rough... and i guess thats why this is hard for me when we were 7 years old i think Martins father died of a illness i cant remember what its called sorry... but his father died, and i feel like ever since that happened he have acted like that very fragile child he has acted like a person that really is desperate for attention. Now before you dismiss me as an asshole and say "well ofcourse he would need attention his dad just died you PRICK!" let me just say i had consulted him as good as i could and its not like i call him annoying when he needs to talk about his father i was always there.
      Let me give you an example he played sick alot in class not in the smaller classes but when we were like 13 years old.
      He played sick alot and he always pretended that a minor injury were way worse than he made it look to be for an instance i remember when playing dodgeball in gym everytime he got hit he had to sit in the lockerroom and pretend that he had gotten an injury when he clearly didn't. I know this sounds heartless to you but believe me it was constant and believe me it was very clear that he was pretending.
      He did this to get attention i believe, and even though i still felt bad for him not only had his father died but a couple of years after his fathers death his grandmother and grandfather also died, his mom back then had a very weak body and there was no doubt that she was in constant danger of dying.
      In that accord i feel bad for him no one should go through their family dying one after another like that.
      His mom is still alive to this day though and she is better than back then.
      Alright... i think ive summed up pretty well now what he has gone through so now let me tell you... even now when we are older even now he pretends to be more hurt than he is maybe not as much but it still happens he has also made it a habit to come to me everytime he has a relationship problem.
      Now i dont mind helping people out and talk to them when they have problems but he is too naive he went back to the same girl 3 times even though she clearly didnt love him the same way and she also cheated on him multiple times with different men.
      Its been told to him multiple times that he shouldnt go back to her but he wont listen and when the predictable happen and she rejects him yet again he comes to me and cries about it.
      I feel bad that i cant just accept him for who he is and just be there for him but as a person i cant take his constant nagging anymore i feel like a bad friend and i feel like that is why i have to say goodbye to him as a friend so that he can be with other people who will have the patience to be together with him.
      The reason why this is so hard for me is because he is going through a very hard time these days with his supposed "girlfriend" whos cheated on him multiple times he has a lso these days had an ACTUAL injury for once he have had problems with his heart i actually dont know the details to that but he said something about his immune system.
      Please help me how do i say goodbye to him in a respectable manne without hurting him too much? he doesnt have too many friends to begin with and i feel like severing this friendship will really hurt him a lot... but what is the point of a friendship when only one of two friends enjoy the company?

      TL;DR How do i sever a friendship with a very old friend who has started to annoy me?

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    • Cirno wrote:

      I wish I could help you with this one , but I can't. Its really hard to do it properly imo.
      yeah i guess, it is kinda unfair to ask for a problem like this to complete strangers... im just so lost i dont know what to tell him.
      I guess it will eventually come down to it no matter what.
      Thanks for the thought though :)

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    • What first I'd do is give him a good old fashion slap and say " Dude, grow balls!". I know it's hard for him but doing what he's doing won't make things better. Or just simply tell him what you think. Even though there's something else as well... you see true friends are not about liking each other, having fun always. There are moments, like this, when you need to step up and help him in the way you think it must be done. That's what friends do. I know, he is stupid, but hey if you're his friend , you got to do what you got to do.
      That's my opinion, it might be bad idea, but only you know that. You must decide... wish the best!
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • Bundy is clearly on the same line that I am. Friendship is not allways dance on a bed of rose leafs, it´s about doing things that are not the nicest things in the world but still necessary. Think what you would like to be done for you if you were in the same spot as he is.

      Things aren´t going to get any better atleast, if you don´t start doing something about it. Every change starts from an individual.

      This is all I can think for. Hope this helped you.

      Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
      - Albert Einstein

    • Dude, I really don't think you should say goodbye to this guy! Your so lucky to have had a friend for this long, why should anything get in the way of that? Sure he may be annoying, but as his friend, its your job to tell him to suck it up and be strong. Plus if you break of your friendship with him, he might not have anyone else to turn to for this stuff and things could get even worse for him. You could be the only one he has for support.

      There is always gonna be something about your friends that you don't like, be it big or small. Learn to love people for their flaws.

    • I think that leaving him now when he's sick is cruel. I know you've been patient with him, but he probably needs a friend now more than before. He's trying with this girl because he's desperate. He looks for love, he could not have at home. Talk to him when he's better. Explain what annoys you in him, but be delicate about it - he's very fragile person. You should tell him to "man up", but try not to insult him.

      I had a very similar situation recently - I had a friend. We've known each other for four years. When I needed her the most, she was just ignoring me and telling about her "problems". She never had time to meet me after classes, but she did have time for her other friends. When we somehow managed to meet up, she's been always talking about herself and her relationships (which were always a bad ones). One day I've had enough and I had to write a goddamn email(!), because she never gave me a chance to speak. I thanked her for the time we spent together and explained in gentle, but clear words what annoyed me about her, that I want to break our friendship.

      Of course, I recommend of course talking with him eye to eye and telling him all the truth. Maybe he'll understand, apologize and try to repair your friendship. If not, then leave him alone and don't look back.

    • For a start, he needs to get a grip. He is becoming one of those people who think that he has been hard done by because his family members have died. While it is painful indeed to lose so many and in such short times, he needs to know that he cannot wallow in grief.

      He needs to know that while his family members have died, their love has not disappeared. Inside he knows that his family members love him and will support him no matter what happens. All he needs is to realise that the love of the ones who have passed away will never disappear and will always come in the form of new love and new support. You are his friend right? You have supported him in every way, shape and form right? It's not your fault that you want to leave a good friend but with the way he is acting he is bound to lose friends. I wouldn't recommend leaving him, I recommend you make him realise that there are many willing to support him in the same manner his own family members did. A new form of Love and Support.

      Make him see that first, if he is still persistent and is not seeing it, then it's best you tell him that he is too self pitying and you cannot continue to get pulled down by him. Say he's great and all, but he is just not moving forward.

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    • you can ask strangers all you want on how you should do this and how it should be done and everyone will give different answers on what they believe but i believe you should tell him about this? tell him that youve had enough and if he keeps going on the way he is then hel lose your friendship and im sure he wouldnt want that seeing how long youve known eachother
    • Like everyone else said, he looks in you for advice and solace and you're gonna have to be the one to give him his metaphorical back-hander and explain that he needs to get a grip. I was in the same situation except I was the one wallowing in self pity and exaggerating small problems for sympathy and my friend who I'd known since we were about 7 or 8 basically told me straight. But we were (and still are) the kind of friends that could talk as little as maybe once a month and still be as close as brothers.

      My mum told me you only ever get one true friend for life, the rest will dissipate with time or use you for things. He may very well be your friend for life so set him straight. Just arrange to meet when there's NOTHING else going on so you both have clear heads (possibly the park on a sunday afternoon?). Best of luck!
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    • Thank you for your replies guys believe it or not you are all helping me towards a decision, i just wanna set a couple of points straight here though, i am not his only friend he does have others than me to turn too (not that many maybe) but still.
      I know it seems cruel to do it now and i hate myself for having the thought but there is a limit to what i can take unfortunately.
      im glad you guys have taken your time to reply and whatever choice i may take i pray that it wont hurt us both too bad.

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      please do watch some of my videos and sub if you like what you see :)
    • Don't say goodbye. Friendship is about sticking through everything no matter how hard it gets on you. He's going through a rough time and needs his best friend. To walk out on him now would be like slapping him in the face after he's been shot. I say just stick through it, tell him how you're feeling, and talk through it with him.
    • ChibiZoMbiE wrote:

      Don't say goodbye. Friendship is about sticking through everything no matter how hard it gets on you. He's going through a rough time and needs his best friend. To walk out on him now would be like slapping him in the face after he's been shot. I say just stick through it, tell him how you're feeling, and talk through it with him.

      I was going to say something like that :) Oh well. i agree !

      I bet you can't click that dancin' Buu
    • Have you heard of Borderline Personality Disorder? I don't like going about diagnosing, but I have over 4 years schooling and have the disorder myself. Here are the criteria:

      From there, I'd say to consult others with BPD. People say "friends till the end" --but sadly, life doesn't work that way.
      I wish you well.
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      Seriously, I'm sometimes strange, but I can talk serious when I want to.

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    • Well, you represent one of the few stable things in his life and while listening to him whine and giving him attention certainly wastes your time and annoys you, I think cutting him off completely would drive him into a depression I don't foresee him getting out of. Everyone craves attention, it makes us feel wanted, desired and important. I think a lot of his problems came from his grandparents passing away and his father as well, the fear of losing his mother would certainly change the way I act.

      For the relationship thing, I don't think anyone has really told him 'No.' in his life. Rather than accept something for what it is, he refuses and does everything in his power to get what he wants. Maybe if you approach it from that angle of how he tries to get what he wants and doesn't know when to stop, that might help you.
    • Alright so im friends with this guy, my best bro tavin who we were always up for things and games,once when we were 9 years old we would use big imagination in maps and i never seen him for 2 years till 2012 i came up to him again,played games and when i had to leave i said'peace man see ya tommorow' and now im gonna say peace out to u bro's;)
    • Actually, i have been at that friend's shoes a lot now. I mean by, I'm always that subject for receiving goodbyes because I was this or that. You know what? Doing that is the most painful feeling ive ever gotten, even if its just a friendly goodbye. Saying goodbye like that can leave more wounds open than scars healed. My tip for you is to be more patient, because the person needs you the most this time. Just remember that the person who is acting like that, is a person who is at war with him/herself.
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