How to do lucid dreaming?

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    • How to do lucid dreaming?

      I really, -REALLY- want to lucid dream, so I can be like a dbz character or something. Maybe even some inappropiate dreams, har. But seriously, how does one lucid dream? A lot of these tutorials are difficult to understand. Has anyone ever done lucid dreaming? ?(
      H-h-h-how's it going bros? My name is Peeeeewdiepieeee! ~PewDiePie
    • PhaZe wrote:

      Lol jk but I really dunno how to do this :P It sounds pretty epic and I wanna find out how :D
      Indeed. I wanna be able to go super saiyan and just bomb the whole area. That, or become Goku and do a whole saga every lucid dream. And then I'd go super saiyan and be pwnzors.
      Maybe I'd even surprise buttsex hehehehe
      H-h-h-how's it going bros? My name is Peeeeewdiepieeee! ~PewDiePie
    • Nugeddi wrote:

      Toby wrote:

      PhaZe wrote:

      I shall use this to lose my virginity!
      Lol, I'd want to do that, too xD But seriously. I have no idea how to do this.

      I think anyone would do that, but you wouldn't feel it cause you have no idea how it really feels like so... you can dream, but not feel it.
      I wanna find out, but yet again I don't have an idea on how to do this xD I wish there was a dream expert here. I'd also brofist myself in the mirror and think of pewdie while doing it and maybe something badass happens.
      H-h-h-how's it going bros? My name is Peeeeewdiepieeee! ~PewDiePie
    • It's not easy to lucid dream. Take it from me. Tried it a million times, failing.

      Anyways, writing through memory based on what I've read and learned.

      How To Lucid Dream
      As all the tutorials and guides say, you need to have a dream journal. It will help you remember dreams and tell dreams from reality.

      That aside, you need to do a reality check every now and then. Reality checking means that checking if you are in a dream or not, at a random time.

      Or, like this. You tell yourself, that everytime you walk through a door, or see a goat, you perform a reality check.

      Reality checks include trying to do impossible stuff like, Flying, teleporting, etc.

      In dreams:
      -You can fly
      -Text is usually fuzzed up
      -Digital clocks dont work
      -Light switches dont work

      So, you can check either of the stuff mentioned above to perform a reality check.


      Then, that is just Step one.

      Step two is about setting up stuff before the dream, and trying to get into the Lucid Dream. They are called Induction Techniques.

      For that, from what I've read and researched, there are lots and lots of different methods which get you into a lucid dream.


      --Dream Initiated Lucid Dream : This method will get you into a dream as following.

      You go to sleep as normal. Then, in your dream you are flying. Through the help of using Dream Journals and Reality Checks, you come to realize that you cannot fly in reality, and thus, come to know that you're dreaming. From then, you begin your Lucid Dreaming adventure and go and do what ever the hell you wanna do.

      This is the easiest method to get yourself into Lucid Dreams.

      --Wake Initiated Lucid Dream : This includes going to sleep normally and laying on the bed like a wasted rock. To do this, you need to lie down on your bed or kitchen floor or wherever you sleep, and stay completely motionless. Closed eyes, of course. Then, you are tricking your body into thinking that you're going to sleep. Since, when you sleep, you are, well, motionless. If you did all of the above correctly, your brain will decide to 'shut down' your body. At which point you will feel a strong numbness taking over your body. Don't worry though, this is called Sleep Paralysis. It's happening because your brain doesn't want your body to jump off a building when you do the same in a dream.

      If you don't move and resist the Sleep Paralysis, which can be very, VERY strong, you will start to see patterns inside your eyes. Concentrate on them, and try to change the shape of them .. which, after a long while, you can. And then, with some effort, the patterns will form scenes and you're in a dream.

      --Wake Back To Bed : You set an alarm 5-6 hours into your sleep, wake up at the alarm, indulge yourself in dream related tasks like, research on Lucid Dreaming online or reading your dream journal or anything for like 30-60 minutes. After said time, you go back to bed, and will go directly into a Lucid Dream.


      Those are the three most easiest methods for Lucid Dreaming. They will only work if you fulfill step one perfectly.

      I had a Lucid Dreaming like experience a couple months ago, and if you want to read, it's right below :
      Don't know what to name this...

      Good luck. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharky ().

    • Sharky wrote:

      It's not easy to lucid dream. Take it from me. Tried it a million times, failing.

      Anyways, writing through memory based on what I've read and learned.

      How To Lucid Dream
      As all the tutorials and guides say, you need to have a dream journal. It will help you remember dreams and tell dreams from reality.

      That aside, you need to do a reality check every now and then. Reality checking means that checking if you are in a dream or not, at a random time.

      Or, like this. You tell yourself, that everytime you walk through a door, or see a goat, you perform a reality check.

      Reality checks include trying to do impossible stuff like, Flying, teleporting, etc.

      In dreams:
      -You can fly
      -Text is usually fuzzed up
      -Digital clocks dont work
      -Light switches dont work

      So, you can check either of the stuff mentioned above to perform a reality check.


      Then, that is just Step one.

      Step two is about setting up stuff before the dream, and trying to get into the Lucid Dream. They are called Induction Techniques.

      For that, from what I've read and researched, there are lots and lots of different methods which get you into a lucid dream.


      --Dream Initiated Lucid Dream : This method will get you into a dream as following.

      You go to sleep as normal. Then, in your dream you are flying. Through the help of using Dream Journals and Reality Checks, you come to realize that you cannot fly in reality, and thus, come to know that you're dreaming. From then, you begin your Lucid Dreaming adventure and go and do what ever the hell you wanna do.

      This is the easiest method to get yourself into Lucid Dreams.

      --Wake Initiated Lucid Dream : This includes going to sleep normally and laying on the bed like a wasted rock. To do this, you need to lie down on your bed or kitchen floor or wherever you sleep, and stay completely motionless. Then, you are tricking your body into thinking that you're going to sleep. Since, when you sleep, you are, well, motionless. If you did all of the above correctly, your brain will decide to 'shut down' your body. At which point you will feel a strong numbness taking over your body. Don't worry though, this is called Sleep Paralysis. It's happening because your brain doesn't want your body to jump off a building when you do the same in a dream.

      If you don't move and resist the Sleep Paralysis, which can be very, VERY strong, you will start to see patterns inside your eyes. Concentrate on them, and try to change the shape of them .. which, after a long while, you can. And then, with some effort, the patterns will form scenes and you're in a dream.

      --Wake Back To Bed : You set an alarm 5-6 hours into your sleep, wake up at the alarm, indulge yourself in dream related tasks like, research on Lucid Dreaming online or reading your dream journal or anything for like 30-60 minutes. After said time, you go back to bed, and will go directly into a Lucid Dream.


      Those are the three most easiest methods for Lucid Dreaming. They will only work if you fulfill step one perfectly.

      I had a Lucid Dreaming like experience a couple months ago, and if you want to read, it's right below :
      Don't know what to name this...

      Good luck. :)
      Woot, thanks bro. Do you have any idea what that mp3 was? Might help.
      H-h-h-how's it going bros? My name is Peeeeewdiepieeee! ~PewDiePie
    • You're welcome. :)

      I took one down from YouTube and converted it to MP3.

      I think this is the one..


      As the description says
      "Listen to this audio AS YOU FALL ASLEEP, and after you have developed the habit of performing constant 'reality checks'.
      Remember, this is a tool, and not a magic formula."

      Reality Checks are very important. :)

      Better give a week of reality checking and dream journals before trying to Lucid Dream for the first time.
    • I used to be able to lucid dream freely when I was a little younger but had no idea what it was or why I could do anything I wanted... these days I barely dream what-so-ever. I believe I was between the ages of 9 and 12... I do stuff like fly, kill people, move buildings and I'm sure one time I had a sexual experience but it's very VERY vivid... I may start a dream journal next year but I doubt I'd get much in it. I have no idea why I used to be able to freely whenever I wanted to but now I do NOTHING in my dreams.

      It's weird really... I think it's because I didn't drink coffee or energy when I was younger therefore I could go into sleep paralysis much easier... it's a weird but interesting topic!

      Edit: Plus I've had insomnia since the start of this year... my granddad died a few days before Christmas in 2012 and in March I was mugged at knife point, ever since then I've been either going to sleep at 9pm, 5am or 5pm... it's all messed up
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    • Hi Bros,

      I've been looking into this stuff for a while too, I haven't started trying yet.
      But some guy told me once his secret to lucid dreaming.
      He said you have to let your radio/ipod/pc or whatever play the same song over and over and over again when you go to bed.
      He said he used a cd that played soft piano music.

      step1: find a song (of any music style that you won't listen to during day time)
      step2: play it while trying to get to sleep. And you also have to make the music loop (like 30 times or something just so it also plays when you're sleeping)
      step3: When you're dreaming you hear the music and you realise: hey! I'm dreaming!!
      step4: try to remain calm and not to wake up.
      step5: do what ever the fuck you want!

      If this works for you let me now, I haven't tried it out, but it seems the best way to achieve lucid dreaming without waking yourself in the middle of the night, or without a potential sleep paralysis (google that last thing)


      EDIT: and please keep in mind that it probably won't work the first time you try this ;)
    • My theory :)

      Well i read about this allot ,and what you should do is if you REALLY WANT i don't recommend this because it can turn into sleep paralysis and that is not pretty at all :P
      First thing you want to do is lay on your bed totally relaxed , its recommended to lay on your belly . Then close your eyes and don't move a muscle , you should ignore
      everything , if something is itching ,ignore it ,eye twitching (this is the hard one ) and possibly you will starting to see some weird stuff ,some shapes or something and
      remember your eyes are still closed ...During that process your brain is sending a serum of sleep (or something ) to your body parts ,what that serum does is keeping
      you stay still during the night ,it suppresses movement during the dreams and that serum is making us dream basically ... 1st rule is to not open your eyes at any point ,
      if you do ,you wont be able to move ,and you will see crazy stuff ,that why i don't recommend this ,most people who are trying to achieve lucid dreaming end up in
      sleep paralysis ,its risky ,but if you end up in sleep paralysis , every thing you think off during that time will appear in seconds , and if you want to move during the
      sleep paralysis you have to imagine the rope over your head and climbing on it and if you succeed you will see yourself lying in the bed ,but you can turn sleep
      paralysis in lucid dream by forcing yourself to believe that all you are seeing is a dream (it sound easy but it isn't ) and if you do that you think of something that
      you want to do and it will appear (something nice ) , people usually think off horrible stuff and lucid dream turns into nightmare . Well that is all that i can think of ,either
      way if you end up in paralysis or lucid dream you will wake up ,don't need to worry :D As for my experiences i dont have any , i learned so much about this topic from my
      friends , and scientist say that all people have 1 to 2 lucid dream or sleep paralysis by accident :)
      Why fit in when you were born to stand out !