Paranormal experiences.

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    • I have indeed ._.

      After I learned about him I did loads of research, you know videos pics stories and such. Well afew days later thing began to go.. odd shall we say? One night I was sleeping when I woke up. It was around 2AM I think if I remember correctly. Well I had a funny feeling I was being watched. There was no one in my room, so I got up and glanced outside behind my curtains. And there he was.. At the end of the street under one of the street lamps stood a rather tall figure. Of course at first I thought what the hell? But lucky for me I had a small telescop in my room at the time that is my brothers. So I looked through that and what I saw scared the shiz out of me.. Slendy was there.. Now.. I was thinking I must be dreaming Slenderman is not real. But I was definately awake cause I slapped myself and felt pain. So now I wait to see what happens..
    • He's the one who stalk trough the beanstalk, lurking down the alleyways, Watching from the loose curtain.....
      No kidding dude, that's pretty damn weird.. You sure you're not paranoid.. or anything?? i mean, is it looks exactly as slenderman? with the fancy dress and shit?

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • Well one of my experiences is when I was on a vacation with my family. We spent our summer in Germany. We usualli stayed in small hotels or in those bed and breakfast places. So we stayed at some old lady's house for two nights and our rooms were in the basement. There were these little windows where when you looked out you could see the footpath that led to the yard. Everything was OK and we liked the place but when it was time to go to bed things started to get freaky. There were two of those windows in my bedroom too. And when it got really quiet and dark in the room I started to hear some knocking on the windows. When I hurde that for the first time I thought that some birds are messing around, because I had seen them before at day time eating next to the window. But the voice kept going on and on. I constantly checked the window and I got really upset and scared. I ran to my parents and told them what had happened. They told me that I am just too tired and need some sleep. But when I got back to bed I was too upset to fall a sleep. So I kept listnening andthe knocking kept going. I went to my parents again and my mum said that she will sit next to my bed to listnen to that weird sound. The whole time she sat there, no one nocked. So she told me good night and left the room. I already belived that it was my imagination but the moment my mum closed the door the knocking started again. I don't remember more, but I fell a sleep at some point.
      The next night everything went on the same way. I still can't figure it out what the hell was knocking against that window, but I kind of think I don't want to knw either.

      So that was my story. ^^

      MCR & PewDiePie are my life. :P
    • MoaxLycan wrote:

      My girlfriend has a family ghost. She's nice but she can be annoying sometimes. :P
      There used to be a girl ghost in my house, she was a rather annoying ghost due to the fact that she kept opening the door whenever I was getting change of clothes lolz... Yeah... Peeping ghost... Even peeped when I was having... My private time -_- lolz...

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
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      ChronoPinoyX deviantART
    • CORMANO wrote:

      MoaxLycan wrote:

      My girlfriend has a family ghost. She's nice but she can be annoying sometimes. :P
      There used to be a girl ghost in my house, she was a rather annoying ghost due to the fact that she kept opening the door whenever I was getting change of clothes lolz... Yeah... Peeping ghost... Even peeped when I was having... My private time -_- lolz...

      HAHAHAHA X'D That just made me day, sir!
      I've had doors open in my house but I've never suspected a ghost of being a pervert before! :')
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    • ok i was thinking and i remember something creepy happening to me.

      About 7 months ago i smoked some weed with a friend, and i got like super high, our ritual was we would smoke weed and then go play der reise (call of duty zombies). IF you have never done this and you tend to smoke weed, i encourage you to do so. it is a great experience. well it was like the 4 round and i wanted a drink. i got up and my vision started to go out. i went to lean on a wall and i went black. when i woke up i was standing in a doorway hitting my head hard on each side of the frame. it felt like i could not control myself. i finally gained control and fell to the floor. my friend helped me up and i went to bed. i was so scared i basically fainted. that was probably the worst experience of my life. i'm not actually sure what happened, was i possessed? or was the weed just messing with me?
      Invinsibility is in defence; The possibility of victory in the attack.

      -Sun Tzu
    • My brother told me that he saw a kid with black hair and dark skin, when he visited this apartment, where his friend lived.

      He went to the 4th floor and he saw this 10-12 year old kid sitting in front of a door in the fetal position.

      He looked at the child for a little while, and then the kid allegedly looked back at him.

      My brother panicked and ran upstairs for the 6th floor, where this friend person lived. And told him what happened, and the person said that that room was haunted.

      Also, my brother said that he saw the same kid, in the same place when he went back down.


      Not sure if this is legit or made up though.
    • Something REALLY freaky literally just happened!
      I went to the toilet and as I came out a BB pellet got stuck to my foot so I put it in the bin and then went to wash my hands and comb my hair, I went downstairs to talk to my mum and grandma for a little bit and when I went back upstairs I saw the same BB pellet on the second step and the comb on the top step near my bedroom door... freaked out was not even the words... everything's been feeling and acting really weird ever since we started doing heavy decorating :S
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    • Runey wrote:

      Something REALLY freaky literally just happened!
      I went to the toilet and as I came out a BB pellet got stuck to my foot so I put it in the bin and then went to wash my hands and comb my hair, I went downstairs to talk to my mum and grandma for a little bit and when I went back upstairs I saw the same BB pellet on the second step and the comb on the top step near my bedroom door... freaked out was not even the words... everything's been feeling and acting really weird ever since we started doing heavy decorating

      The fuck-shit-up demon doesn't like decoration.
    • Rune wrote:

      Something REALLY freaky literally just happened!
      I went to the toilet and as I came out a BB pellet got stuck to my foot so I put it in the bin and then went to wash my hands and comb my hair, I went downstairs to talk to my mum and grandma for a little bit and when I went back upstairs I saw the same BB pellet on the second step and the comb on the top step near my bedroom door... freaked out was not even the words... everything's been feeling and acting really weird ever since we started doing heavy decorating :S
      For the BB pellet, I dunno why it's there again but the comb... Ghost must be saying "I don't approve of that hairstyle" I dunno lolz xD

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
      Visit meh on deviantART and see all my horrible art stuff
      ChronoPinoyX deviantART