Paranormal experiences.

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    • I broke my glasses yesterday. I hadn't realised that I had broken them until I pulled them out of my pocket, and there were two halves. The strange thing was though, that I looked up, and found a pair of glasses. These glasses were the exact same prescription and design. I had never seen these glasses before, and they were just sitting there on the desk, as if taunting me. Not wanting to steal, I handed them into reception, and asked that if they had not been claimed if they could send em my way for me to wear.

      Not too worrying, but it was a strange coincidence, no?
      A smile a day, keeps sadness away!

      Come and have a good ol' cuppa with me... You know you want to ...
    • This happened sometime during last year. It's a little hard for me to remember the exact date when things happen to me, lol. Anyway, this experience happened to me when I was going through a hard time. I was depressed and stressed out, questioning a lot of things about me or the choices I made. I just wasn't happy during that time. During the night, everyone was either asleep or just laying in bed. I was in my room with my dog, Misty, who was sleeping by my side. While I was on my laptop, replying to some role plays I heard a knock on my door. I was sure it was my door, because it sounded like it was and Misty lifted her head up, staring at the door. Annoyed as usual when someone interrupts me doing something, I told them to just come on in. Of course, no one came inside, even when I told them to a little louder. Finally fed up with it, I got up and opened my door to see that no one was there.

      I didn't think nothing of it at first, but right across my room is my parents room. I go in there to ask if maybe my uncle Roger was knocking on their door or something, mistaking that someone was knocking on mine instead. They gave me a weird look and said they didn't hear anyone knocking on any of the doors. What creep'd me out about it is that my parents were both wide awake, watching TV and that knock on the door was pretty loud. They noticed how freaked out I was and my step dad went as far as to get his gun, then walked out to the backyard, making sure that no one was just trying to break in. Of course, he finds no one outside and comes back inside, not sure what to do. I just shrug it off and go back to what I was doing. About 10 minutes later, I heard scratching at my door.

      Looking over to my right, I see my dog is still by my side, so I know that it wasn't her. I heard the scratches a few more times before going to the door and opening it again. Once again, I see nothing is there. Now what really disturbed me about this incident is that a few days before hand, I had a terrible nightmare. It was night time and I woke up while laying in my bed. Suddenly a taller, shadow like figure opens my door and slips inside with ease, closing it again. I start freaking out, but when I try to move or speak, I can't. It slowly moves towards. I started crying, doing my best to scream for my mom, but when it reaches my bed it grabs my neck and holds me down. Before anything else happened, I jumped out of my bed and was awake now, trembling with fear.

      After explaining everything to my mother, she was worried that perhaps an evil spirit or something had it in for me. I'm somewhat of a believer, but I'm one of those people who have a hard time believing that it could never happen to me. Now, I'm not sure if an evil spirit or any spirit at all was messing with me, but it's something that I won't forget. What they say is probably true. Sometimes a spirit can easily come to you when you are at your weakest and during that time, thanks to my depression, I was. So far, nothing else has happened to me. I've been working a bit more on my depression. It makes it easier now that I have someone in my life to really talk to.

      I still tend to have my weak moments though, so who knows. Maybe one day, that shadow might come back to haunt my dreams or come knocking on my door again. I just wish I really knew what that nightmare meant.
    • My only paranormal experience was when i said 3 times bloody mary and the motherfuckin electricity fell off. I screamed like a virgin.
      But im definitely gonna buy one of those weird ojia boards or whatever, and have sum fun :)
      I never cuss you fuckin assholes >:c
      2 years OG Bro! :D fuckin love you Pewds! (full homo) :love:

    • RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      My only paranormal experience was when i said 3 times bloody mary and the motherfuckin electricity fell off. I screamed like a virgin.
      But im definitely gonna buy one of those weird ojia boards or whatever, and have sum fun :)

      Ouija boards? Wouldn't want to mess around with it.

      I played Paranormal, i know what to do.
      I never cuss you fuckin assholes >:c
      2 years OG Bro! :D fuckin love you Pewds! (full homo) :love:

    • Benny :3 wrote:

      RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      My only paranormal experience was when i said 3 times bloody mary and the motherfuckin electricity fell off. I screamed like a virgin.
      But im definitely gonna buy one of those weird ojia boards or whatever, and have sum fun :)

      Ouija boards? Wouldn't want to mess around with it.

      I played Paranormal, i know what to do.

      That's fine then :D
    • I've had some paranormal experience, and the worst part is, my family has been known, among ourselves, to be paranormal sensitive. Meaning we can actually feel the presence of spirits, and even see them when others don't.

      Here's an example of personnel experience.

      I was with my friend named Mike in full combat gear at an abandoned Nike site, (it's like a missile silo, but above ground,) and we were in the motor pool of the facility. It was 0235 hours, and it was a full moon out, so we can see everything to an extent due to the moon light. As we were talking, the air around me sort of felt like it was sucked into a void of some sort, and I felt a hand slap on my right arm. It held on, and was followed by some whispers. I couldn't understand what was being said, but I look to my right, and no one was there. My friend was actually standing in front of me to my left side, about 15 ft away. Mike turned to look at me and asked what was wrong. At that moment, a shadowy figure walked towards him from my right side and stands right in front of him. I told him lets get out of the area fast, and when we did, I explained to him what I saw. It creeped the both of us out. Later in the week I explained the story to my cousin who is more in-tuned than myself and the rest of the family, and she explained to me that a possible reason for the encounter was because my friend and I were in uniform in an abandoned military facility, which probably attracted the apparition. She also added that because the family is paranormal sensitive, I was able to see the figure and not my friend.
    • I haven't had many, but one big one was me and my friends were filming a video in my basement and we had the lights out, for the sake of the video.

      My friend was over in a corner by a creepy room that no one used anymore because my brother had moved out of it and the house. But he said he felt something push down on his shoulders and screamed like a little girl. Obviously I just figured he was trying to scare us since we were in the dark and pushed it aside.

      I pushed it aside until I started feeling like something was in the basement with me out of nowhere. Random shadows would be cast on the wall in front of me, I'd see reflections on the edge of my computer/monitor screens, weird shit that shouldn't be happening. Then the scariest thing of all happened, I tried going upstairs once, and when I attempted to open the door, it opened slightly then slammed back shut in my face and I couldn't push it anymore (I'm a fairly big dude, 6' about 200 pounds). It was like someone was leaning on it for a few seconds, then just stopped. No one else was home, so it wasn't someone pulling a prank on me, and my dogs were no where to be found. Other creepy shit has happened but that's by far the weirdest.

      My ex girlfriend said she started experiencing paranormal things before we broke up, so maybe she took the paranormal's attention :D
      My YouTube can be found here ! Any criticism is welcome! ;D Thanks bros! :D
    • RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      My only paranormal experience was when i said 3 times bloody mary and the motherfuckin electricity fell off. I screamed like a virgin.
      But im definitely gonna buy one of those weird ojia boards or whatever, and have sum fun :)

      Ouija boards? Wouldn't want to mess around with it.

      I played Paranormal, i know what to do.

      That's fine then :D

      Still not fine , shouldn't play with that stuff anyway.

    • Shikieiki Yamaxanadu wrote:

      RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      My only paranormal experience was when i said 3 times bloody mary and the motherfuckin electricity fell off. I screamed like a virgin.
      But im definitely gonna buy one of those weird ojia boards or whatever, and have sum fun :)

      Ouija boards? Wouldn't want to mess around with it.

      I played Paranormal, i know what to do.

      That's fine then :D

      Still not fine , shouldn't play with that stuff anyway.

      All I know about them is that you used it to ask the spirits questions or something and they will reply back by using a particular object to pick the letters/numbers. I think the only risk is that you might get addicted to it since you can communicate with them? I don't know but what are the other reasons for not playing with the board?
    • RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Shikieiki Yamaxanadu wrote:

      RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      RebelNinja89 wrote:

      Benny :3 wrote:

      My only paranormal experience was when i said 3 times bloody mary and the motherfuckin electricity fell off. I screamed like a virgin.
      But im definitely gonna buy one of those weird ojia boards or whatever, and have sum fun :)

      Ouija boards? Wouldn't want to mess around with it.

      I played Paranormal, i know what to do.

      That's fine then :D

      Still not fine , shouldn't play with that stuff anyway.

      All I know about them is that you used it to ask the spirits questions or something and they will reply back by using a particular object to pick the letters/numbers. I think the only risk is that you might get addicted to it since you can communicate with them? I don't know but what are the other reasons for not playing with the board?
      Unwanted stuff happening in your house , just saying xD. Not going further in detail xD

    • I don't have many paranormal things happen to me, but there is one thing that happens like very other night.

      I am up until midnight and I start to smell waffles. I hear someone say my name behind my back and turn around.
      I see a white figure in the window, and realize that it is the reflection of my computer monitor.
      I don't know why I smell waffles, but I find it weird that this kind of happens every other night or so...
    • I can't say I've experienced anythign "paranormal" considering a lot of what I've experienced are assumptions, sounds or whatever else. Anyway:

      A year ago, I was woken up by my mother to go to school. She went back to the bathroom, leaving me in bed and giving me time to reset and get up. Then I saw a young girl with blonde hair running out from my sisters room and into my parents' room. Naturally, I thought it was my sister. Then I saw the girl run into the bathroom. Finally, when I got up and went to the bathroom, I discovered my sister wasn't there. In fact, she hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. I don't know who it was, although I'm certain it wasn't my mother. She's dark haired, and would never skid around like the person I saw. It might have been me being tired, although I'm not sure.

      My parents experienced that a person entered their room at night, and walked over to their bedside. My mom was terrified, and said it sounded like a little girl. That's when she began believing my story of a girl walking around in our second floor. Even my dad, who's a completely sceptical to everything named ghosts, spirits and paranormal activity says he heard steps upstairs, when nobody was home.

      I've been thinking a lot about this, and the most freaky thing is that the previous owner of our house had a girl that died young, bleeding to death. I've been curious if it's her, but I can't be sure. After all, our house is at least 300 years old.

      Finally, I've heard a lot of noises. Drawn things that can't be explained. People think of me as crazy for it, although I can't help it. I draw blocks and things, and when you turn the image upside down it resembles something. The first one I did was of a dragon-like creature. And I've drawn a lot of people. Some with wings, others with a look of misery on their face. I never intend to draw them, although it happens. And I've heard sounds. Songs that sound like they're played on a harp, and that can't be heard by anyone else in the house, a tinkling bell following me to school and back... I've been bugged with the feeling that there's something in this house.
    • My paranormal experience is the house of my family which is my current house and the house is past on to each family member by generations for short very old
      The house had a open hall way and that hall way has many spirits coming through it and if i go there at night or 3:00 am in the morning i feel that i was being watched but i wasn't afraid so as i grow old they get lesser and lesser and some of the rooms of the house i see faces and body parts on the window,behind the door and on the bed so as i kept on growing they start to disappear and cirno's tip about Ouija boards is right if you mess with Ouija boards you'll suffer or die and the only why to get out of the curse of the Ouija board is to finish it or just die

      1. Never mess with Ouija boards
      2. Don't do the Bloody marry shit
      3.Don't play with demonic and satanic shit please
      That is all thank you :)

      Yes,The Dark Reaper