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  • do we have an afterlife?

    Ujwaru - - Real Life


    1) nothing will happened, you'll see nothing, just black. (I'm kinda scared with this). Actually u won't even see black, just like when u sleep. except no dreams. I believe in the future there will be a way to transfer memories to another body so that u can keep on living forever, ofcourse there will be the entire earth overflowing with humans problem, still working on that. maybe kill some immortal people and say it was an accident (heh.)

  • I'm an aethist what ever spelling (doesn't believe in god) so no way im going to believe in ghosts. oh quick note i dont have to punctuate these sentences right? anyways i wont believe in ghosts until it kills me, or maybe possesses me. dont u dare say "how can u believe in it after it kills u". some paranormal things are actually just winds (not the most obvious ghost excuse in the world). when it rains AND ONLY when it rains i hear zombie noises out. its just like we whistle, due to the shape …

  • What's your internet speed?

    Ujwaru - - Technology


    ZOMG! My ping is getting better! 2798386839.png

  • What's your internet speed?

    Ujwaru - - Technology


    Cmon you guys, u have good internets lolz i got 0.1 mbps on download and 0 on upload (maybe 0.000000001 or somthing) and my ping was over 3000

  • What is YOUR story ?

    Ujwaru - - Real Life


    I guess my life is boring too, cuz i can't find anything interesting about my life. Well i guess that's cuz im still 12 right? The only thing i like about my life is that i started playing computer games at 2 (im not joking, NFSW was my first game). nothing else :L

  • Getting bullied for my sexuality

    Ujwaru - - Real Life


    First of all, How did they know that you're gay? you told them? and (i don't mean to sound stupid) define bullying, like, do they tease you or do they beat you up?

  • Mad father OST help.

    Ujwaru - - Help


    I don't think i was specific enough. I have the game and music and all but i don't know it's real name. Like, what did Tchaikovsky name it?

  • Mad father OST help.

    Ujwaru - - Help


    So, There's an OST called Melody in Mad Father which Tchaikovsky made right? Well I can't find it anywhere on the internet, Can y'all help me find it? I really wanna learn it. Thanks in advance. :)

  • OMG I hate questions like these, why do u people wanna know what life means? just live it don't question it ;P

  • Hello everyone, I wanted to know if Sen of Miscreant's Room created any other horror game besides Mad father and Misao (2-D indie horror games). I'm new here so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post this here or not but I'm sorry if i made any mistakes. >.<