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  • What music are youlistening now?

    Shadeclasp - - Chat Box


    Natural Blues - Moby... Just popped up on my Black Keys radio station on Pandora.

  • depressed

    Shadeclasp - - Real Life


    You know, I went through a depression for a while. What helped me is thinking of things that I look forward to. Like video games. I would really miss seeing the upcoming video games, or movies too. Exercise also helps too. It kicks natural chemicals into your body and give a natural high. It's also a natural destressor. I find that just talking to someone helps. They don't need to give criticism, just sit there and listen, and empathize. Thinking and understanding why you're depressed will also …

  • If you're feeling down.

    Shadeclasp - - Archive



  • There are pros and cons to both Pros + Anonymity, it is easier to be yourself and speak your mind + Convenience, it's easier to just jump online write something than to get up and make time to meet up. If you travel a lot, this is important. + Easier, you don't have to worry about your clothes, there is more time to formulate responses, there are less factors to focus on Cons - Limitations, in terms of outlets of interaction. You can't hang out at a coffee shop, or go to a concert, etc. without …

  • Just popped into my mind!

    Shadeclasp - - Other


    Lol, spit out their dentures. If they did that, I think I would give it a thumbs up.

  • Just popped into my mind!

    Shadeclasp - - Other


    What if... They cut out the portions of them trying, they avoided monologues and stuck to reactions to stuff ingame, and didn't have terrible coordination. I mean, it sounds like a gross oversimplification of old people, not all of them are like that. BUT, I will say, I would be hard pressed to find one who knows effectively how to play games, manage computer software, is still in his/her right mind, and stays somewhat on point.

  • Just popped into my mind!

    Shadeclasp - - Other


    lol, ok, thanks.

  • Just popped into my mind!

    Shadeclasp - - Other


    You know what I would watch? I would watch an old person 60s or so, doing Let's Plays. Most people that I watch are either young, young adult, or a little older. But, I think it would be fun to watch an old person play horror games, new video games, or something and see their reactions. I think it would be an interesting take on LPs to see what their reaction would be and it's also something no one has done yet. It just kind of popped into my head when I started thinking about what I would enjoy…

  • First off, make videos because, a. you want to do it for fun, b. because you want to entertain people, make them happy or smile at stuff. If you're trying to get video views and subscribers, I would recommend not doing an LP right away. I would recommend doing a review, or a funny cartoon or something that will get people's attention. I think the market is oversaturated with LPs, so if you want to get a good LP giong, start with something different and catchy, go with it for a while and after pe…

  • getting bored...

    Shadeclasp - - Help


    You gotta make a video that you think is fun and would enjoy watching. Just try not to get too over self-conscious. Make a video that is fun to do, and then watch it and try to keep on refining from there.

  • Sound effects while playing games

    Shadeclasp - - Other


    Really depends on the person. Some people get scared more by one of their other senses. We have 5 senses (sound, smell, touch, taste, and sight) and for video games and movies we are only using 2. For some people, only 2 of the 5 senses isn't enough to immerse them into a world where their brain can convince them that they are in real danger. For me, sound isn't a make or break, if done well to accent the game, it can be a plus. BTW, can't wait for oculus rift for horror games. :x

  • getting bored...

    Shadeclasp - - Help


    Are you talking about watching videos or making videos?

  • I love Old school JRPGs (Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI). So, RPGs, maybe action/adventure mixed in, if done right. amirite?

  • The Crooked Man

    Shadeclasp - - Suggestions


    My Japanese is rusty, but I actually understood some of the JP LP of this, which was cool. Well, I would like to see Pewds do another 2D horror LP, because they are actually my most favorite of his LPs. The stories are always interesting and it's cool to see how the game can still scare the player even though it's 2D AAANNNNDDDD... they usually come up with interesting and innovative ways to bypass or take advantage of the 2D aspect. In short, yes. Play this pleeeaaase Pewds.

  • Your Weaknesses and Fears (Phobias)

    Shadeclasp - - Real Life


    Somewhat irrational... but, whenever I go to the bathroom I always check the toilet because I am scared that there will be a spider or a rat in the toilet. And, actually, there have been stories of rats climbing up sewage pipes and appearing in toilets. *shudders*

  • Are you single or in a relationship

    Shadeclasp - - Real Life


    I'm single. I'm soon coming up to the time in my life though where I might be open to a steady relationship though. Graduated from college, seen the world, and have a couple long relationships already under my belt. It's just a matter of finding the right person that I look forward to seeing and get excited to do stuff with (like watching movies, ranting about dumb stuff, and playing video games). It's difficult though finding someone who both shares your interests, core values, and your physica…

  • Mister Mosquito - PS2

    Shadeclasp - - Suggestions


    I would love to see his reaction to some of the stuff. It's cool that you agree.

  • Basic infos Think Scribblenauts mixed with pokemon, but with greater creation potential. Magic Pengel is a PS2 game where you take the role of a silent protanganist who can create drawings that come to life and fight for him. As you progress through the game you can unlock more potential for bigger drawings as well as different types of parts to create, i.e. soft, hard, rotating... The battle style is turn based with a twist to rock, paper, scissors. More on the creation aspect, you get a blank …

  • Mister Mosquito - PS2

    Shadeclasp - - Suggestions


    Basic infos Mister Mosquito is a PS2 game where you play a mosquito that sucks blood from the Yamada family to save up for winter. You fly around in different stages consisting of the living room, bedrooms, bathroom, etc. and try to avoid detection, getting swatted, and hitting the right point on the target to suck blood. It's super funny and super weird, lol. It's a game made in Japan translated to the US with a lot of Japanese elements I.E. the style of house, living room, and people are all J…