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  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Leafy: “Ignorance is a horrible defense at that. The quote "Ignorance is bliss" isn't exactly in my terms bliss, more so ignorance is a killer. People although don't normally think about what they say, and if they do it's quite rare. Whenever I post, I tend to think about things before I post them, and if I do post them and then I think about it again later, I apologize like crazy about it. Many people aren't as smart enough to think about it before they do something, and in Pewdie's …

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Leafy: “Well. I've had my fair share of things that are unmistakeably horrible happen to myself, there have been incidents in my life, where a guy or even an older man tried to do things to me that I didn't want them to do to me. I had a close call, once, where if another friend of mine hadn't seen what was going to happen, I would have been raped. I ran for my life that day, away from him, and away from everything else that had to do with that life. Still, I rarely trust any guys tha…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Leafy: “He doesn't reply to me...okay... :c” If you posted, I either missed it, or I'm not seeing it. I'll look for it now. And it's 'she'.

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quoted from "Matty Tibaldi"” Quote from Run: “I do not laugh when someone trips, fuckhead, I am worried, and I try to help them up and ask them if they are okay, because I am a human being. And queer is how queer people describe other queer people, at least in my communities, I am queer, my friends are queer, we're all queer. It's a reclaimed word among LGBTIQ communities. "Queer" is a commonly known derogatory word for homosexuals, and even if you are one, it doesn't make it ri…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from GoGetA: “Sounds to me like you are just venting your rage at a youtuber because you are offended by what he said. Then here is more for you to rage at: I make racist jokes on a daily basis. I livestream and make rape jokes when playing a horror game. I make jokes about Obama being in love with Osama. Does anyone care except for you? Not even one tiny bit.” I fucking care now, that you've told me you do it, idiot. I don't hate things that are popular, I hate things that outrage me or t…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from lazypeanut: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “ You and hundred of thousands of others laugh along with a man when he jokingly talks about how he likes to rape, without any kind of respect for the subject, and even as a decent human being, I should not be outraged, or try to change it?” There are people who make jokes about being nazi's, or about killing people, or about retarded people, or about fat peop…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “ And it's a fucking crime when nobody stands up for others. Maybe queers have better empathy than most human beings, because the community I'm a part of, and all the other queer communities I've been a part of, have steadfastedly avoided making jokes that put others down, and on the rare occasion someone does make a senseless joke, they apologise, or someone stands up for the people being joked about. I would communites outside mine practice the same e…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from lazypeanut: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “ You and hundred of thousands of others laugh along with a man when he jokingly talks about how he likes to rape, without any kind of respect for the subject, and even as a decent human being, I should not be outraged, or try to change it?” There are people who make jokes about being nazi's, or about killing people, or about retarded people, or about fat people, or about black people, or about short pe…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “ You and hundred of thousands of others laugh along with a man when he jokingly talks about how he likes to rape, without any kind of respect for the subject, and even as a decent human being, I should not be outraged, or try to change it?” There are people who make jokes about being nazi's, or about killing people, or about retarded people, or about fat people, or about black people, or about short people, or about tall people, or about disfigured peo…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from LordVoldemort: “Quote from jwatkins: “The rape "jokes" are indeed sick and deplorable. I have never been raped during my life (thankfully), however I've known people who have been subjected to sexual assault and molestation, and I can tell you first hand that if you knew anyone personally who had been raped or molested you would never joke about a subject like that ever again. For shame. For shame...” I have not been raped but pretty close t…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “I'm calling you all morons and idiots and scum because someone who defends rape casually making jokes for humor without any respect for the subject matter is /scum/, and an /idiot/.” Someone who is hypocritical and immature enough to talk like you do while trying to prove exactly what they are doing is wrong should just stop talking.” The molestation victim who is outraged beyond belief that I am making light…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from LordVoldemort: “Quote from jwatkins: “The rape "jokes" are indeed sick and deplorable. I have never been raped during my life (thankfully), however I've known people who have been subjected to sexual assault and molestation, and I can tell you first hand that if you knew anyone personally who had been raped or molested you would never joke about a subject like that ever again. For shame. For shame...” I have not been raped but pretty close tho. I joke about those kind of things.” I /s…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Krosyph: “There is limits on humour? Thats like saying there are limits to the imagination... no there isn't.” Yes, no entertainer's career has been ruined because the crossed the limits of what could be expected from casual humor. Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “I'm calling you all morons and idiots and scum because someone who defends rape casually making jokes for humor without any respect for the subject matter is /scum/, and an /idiot/.” Someone who is hypocritical an…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from Run: “Tell me, have you ever called somebody or said something was "retarded?". Have you ever made a racist joke, or disliked somebody because of their race or looks? Nobody is perfect, in fact I bet if you were in anybody else's shoes, you would make rape jokes too. So don't act like you're better than anyone, I feel sorry that you had to experience what you did, I truly do, but you can't expect the entire world to change because of it.” Si…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from lazypeanut: “Quote from Matty Tibaldi: “Quote from Morgrayne: “Most of the times humor is not a "happy" thing. People need to fully understand what humor is before attempting to touch an argument such as rape. I know that humor makes us laugh and laughter makes us happy,but most of the times the genesis of the joke itself is quite dark and morbid. Take for example "How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb? None,they just beat the room for being black." As I said,dark and morbi…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Run: “Tell me, have you ever called somebody or said something was "retarded?". Have you ever made a racist joke, or disliked somebody because of their race or looks? Nobody is perfect, in fact I bet if you were in anybody else's shoes, you would make rape jokes too. So don't act like you're better than anyone, I feel sorry that you had to experience what you did, I truly do, but you can't expect the entire world to change because of it.” Since I have developed as an adult human being…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    Quote from Morgrayne: “Most of the times humor is not a "happy" thing. People need to fully understand what humor is before attempting to touch an argument such as rape. I know that humor makes us laugh and laughter makes us happy,but most of the times the genesis of the joke itself is quite dark and morbid. Take for example "How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb? None,they just beat the room for being black." As I said,dark and morbid. But humor exists so that we can take something t…

  • Challenge for the fans! :DDD

    Matty Tibaldi - - Feedback


    I was molested by a significantly older man at age 15, who, among his molestation, forced upon me many degradations and pains that I will feel for a lifetime. This is an open challenge to Pewdiepie to defend his rape humor to someone who has suffered, and will continue to suffer for a long, long time, only to know that someone views this suffering as a source of humor, and can jokingly exclaim; "I like to rape, I'll rape just about anything", with a straight, happy face. I want it to happen on a…