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  • My Small little tiny creation

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Archive


    I was thinking it was that blue guy in the very front because it looks like he has tentacles for a mouth.

  • Gaming events!

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Events


    I would be down for LoL

  • Tetris or Pokemon Stadium for N64 around 5 or 6 or maybe pacman. 0.o

  • My Small little tiny creation

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Archive


    Do I see Cthulu? I'm not sure... 0.o

  • Favorite music of 2013?

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    Wild Child. I love them a whole bunch. And also Bullet For My Valentine's new CD was pretty epic.

  • No.

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    Nope. I never would. I love my friends to much and will stand with them. Regardless if its us against the world.

  • Favorite music of 2013?

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    So many to choose from for me.... 0.o

  • Sophomore

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    Yea. I live in my own apartment and have since I started college last year in August. Its tough work. I have a job and school to deal with.

  • Teamspeak Rage.

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Other


    Quote from MrvonKals: “Eventually pewds came by, played some games with people. The rest was a massive spamfest But I have all the more reason to rage x] I was selected to play the game with Felix, and got into the ts channel with him and some other people. Had a bit of chit chat, I think it was good. So we're about to actually play the game and start the round aaaaand- Boop. Internet crashes, game down and kicked out of teamspeak. Getting selected for this? One in 200. Internet failing at the m…

  • Depends

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    It all depends on how you grew up and see the world. Everyone is different. And also, random mindfuck....we can't prove that anything actually exists because its in our own minds. So what we see and hear, you can't say it exists. There is no way to prove it because we could all be in our own little universes.

  • XD

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Other


    Pokemon stadium on N64. Lolz. Or Tetris on the Gameboy. I can't remember exactly.

  • Teamspeak Rage.

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Other


    I just got off because I have to be at work at 5:45 my time which means I have to leave by 5 or 5:15 which is in about 30 mins. So what was the point of me still being there. Plus, it was hectic as hell on there. It was good when smk730 was there, but then all of a sudden, it just went crazy. Plus, no one was conversing with me in the first place. So eh. If I don't get to play with pewds today, its okay. Maybe another day we can play sometime. Either on Smite, or perhaps league of legends. And i…

  • Skype!

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Find Player 2


    ksiens or Kaitlyn Siens (Nekojin) I can't remember exactly. My profile pic should have me wearing a red shirt.

  • Hmmm... So difficult

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Chat Box


    I like cats (anykind, whether they be wild or domesticated) and also dogs if they are nice to me. I also love rodents. Hamsters and rats are the cutest.

  • Yea.

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    I agree. You should not let them make you choose a side. It happens to me all of the time when I have friends that hate my other friends. I just stay out of it because I don't want to lose any of them. You aren't having this disagreement, they are. So, you don't have to choose. Just be there for both of them for whatever outcome comes to be.

  • 0.o

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    I am afraid of cockroaches, spiders, and katydids.... Also, I suppose if a doll came to life, it would scare the shit out of me as well. I hate physical pain, but I got over my fear of going under the knife when they removed my appendix. But I am still afraid of the pain, like a broken bone(never had one). Though, I am not afraid of getting cut, a tattoo or receiving a piercing (in my ear). :wacko:

  • Zombie

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Real Life


    I basically put on my headphones, crank up the volume of my ipod and just lay in my bed for hours just staring at the wall. Or I will go to my cat for company and love. I basically will cry silently while just staring at nothing. My eyes will be forward, but I am not seeing what is in front of me.

  • Attack On Titan!

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Chat Box


    I love it. Quote from K☆i: “I heard something about AoT so tumblr_mq2ypvH1uN1spxey6o1_500.gif”

  • Attack On Titan!

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Chat Box


    1012504_10200664827644733_214633251_n.jpg Oh Captain Levi.

  • Smooch

    Ame Namikaze Kun - - Chat Box

    Post I love this smooch. :3