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  • Sounds like I missed a TON! XD

  • Photoshopped Br00tal.

    DameonGrey - - Chat Box


    Oh my God, James. XD THESE ARE HILARIOUS! 8D

  • BRO Costume / Cosplay!

    DameonGrey - - Archive


    Quote from zazaj: “Quote from DameonGrey: “Thanks guys! I know, it was tough. I have a life cast (the first two pics) that I built it on. If I understood how to mix the materials, I could have made a top quality, latex mask for myself, but I didn't bother Plus, it's a huge mask, so I didn't know if I would be able to. XD I'm just not that advanced in the makeup department.” ... if i would have done it ... i can even explain how it would turn out..” How would ti turn out? XD And here's the body t…

  • BRO Costume / Cosplay!

    DameonGrey - - Archive


    Thanks guys! I know, it was tough. I have a life cast (the first two pics) that I built it on. If I understood how to mix the materials, I could have made a top quality, latex mask for myself, but I didn't bother Plus, it's a huge mask, so I didn't know if I would be able to. XD I'm just not that advanced in the makeup department.

  • BRO Costume / Cosplay!

    DameonGrey - - Archive


    I'll post photos of the full thing once I have it done. But I'm so pleased with the mask that I want to show it to you guys now. XD It still looks a bit like a Muppet, but I'm still really pleased with it. XD PS: Sorry I disappeared for a while. Really bad month. XD 156250_3553736735502_1635185653_2679866_100343398_n.jpg 163505_3553758536047_1635185653_2679872_1178890296_n.jpg 318220_3554719640074_1635185653_2680138_1872302683_n.jpg I'm gonna have to make sure I'm breathing right, because it's t…

  • Share your Desktop!

    DameonGrey - - Archive


    I'm seein' some nice ones so far. >w< 552035_3274041823304_1635185653_2585576_1831283998_n.jpg

  • Needed Fan Signs, Fan Art, Etc.

    DameonGrey - - Help


    OMG I laughed so hard Br00tal!!! XD You should make one for me. *w* ... I should make some... I don't know if I can do flashy ones like that. Um, I draw gay smut, does that work? Ohhh, you bros haven't really seen my stuff though. I have over 5300 yaoi pics saved in a special, secret, hidden folder on my laptop, and I set them all to Queen "Don't Stop me Now" at .01 SECONDS.... it's pretty siezurific.... especially if you're a homophobe. XD It was awesome because I had to ask at a convention for…

  • Marcusmo17's Livestream

    DameonGrey - - Archive


    It just dawned on me, I haven't seen you stream in a while! D8

  • Penello, I tried to ask, but got a vague answer, then decided I don't care. I'll leave the most negative review of him that I can on Ratemy as a warning to others, just in case. I'm just glad to be done with him! Even taking the exams still (I have a different evaluator) is uncomfortable because it makes me think about him and our lectures. ~sigh~ Oh well. @_@ Rainbow, THAT IS AWESOME! Come help me. XD Sorry for the late response guys, I don't check the forums often enough.

  • Hobbies

    DameonGrey - - Chat Box


    Quote from FlameX: “Quote from DameonGrey: “I build insect collections, I'm an artist, I play the didgeridoo, I crochet and knit and sew costumes... And I procrastinate... a lot. XD By playing games, obviously. Oh! Special FX makeup, I do that too.” So epic....” FlameX, what do you do? Owo

  • I finished my ugly sweater!!!

    DameonGrey - - Chat Box


    Aww, thanks guys! I figured it would look horrible-80's. My first attempt didn't work, but since it's almost flesh colored, I'm going to turn it into a Bro-sweater. XD

  • I finished my ugly sweater!!!

    DameonGrey - - Chat Box


    I'm so excited. It's the first one I've completed, second one I've attempted. I'm going to outline it, but there's a unicorn on the front, just the bust. 522753_3215158591260_1635185653_2557253_640659780_n.jpg 305688_3215234553159_1635185653_2557306_658925808_n.jpg Okay, I'm done.... I've been wearing it all day. XD

  • Hobbies

    DameonGrey - - Chat Box


    I build insect collections, I'm an artist, I play the didgeridoo, I crochet and knit and sew costumes... And I procrastinate... a lot. XD By playing games, obviously. Oh! Special FX makeup, I do that too.

  • FlameX, I am a huge proponent of laughing at awful situations, so I'm glad it's getting to that "I can't beleive that happened HAHA" vs "Oh God Why is this happening? D8" XD So I agree. XD Leafy, thank you. I think I'm safe. The Dean really helped me out so.. I might send them thank you cards. I'm afraid of what could be considered inappropriate too (especially now), so I don't know how far I want to go to thank them. XD Rainbow, I laughed so hard. XD At first I was thinking "Oh, paintballs? Rea…

  • Things that annoy you

    DameonGrey - - Chat Box


    Gangster talk and behavior in general.... That's why I was so hesitant to BroFist.... But I think Pewdie changed it enough for me. I love doing the Brofist now. XD

  • I like both Bros and Bronettes... and everything in between. XD But I'll tell you what I dig about my guy I'm dating right now. He's GENIUS, and hot. He has dreadlocks down to his ass but he bathes regularly so they NEVER SMELL BADLY. He's had a grant from Nasa, Nokia, and Sony, he's a teacher, he's down to earth, heeeee's got a gorgeous smile, HE HAS BICEPS, he keeps his house clean. He reads books because he has no internet or TV so he's this historical encyclopedia on top of being a math and …

  • Nothing funny, just really creepy... actually, it might be funny later, it's a little funny right now. XD But I think that's my appeal to shock factor. Short version (read this one, the other one is a headache XD): My college instructor harassed me and I had enough evidence against him to possibly get him fired. I'm still following up on that. Long version: So I had this instructor. The way that he teaches his lectures can be downright offensive, so they make me uncomfortable most of the time. S…

  • Why does he not want to go to the hospital? If he's on something that could get him in trouble, it won't matter if something else happens. I think you should phone 911. As a friend, I think it's your duty.

  • Suggestions for livestreamers

    DameonGrey - - Suggestions


    It is an exciting honor. I look up to gamers because I'm not much of one myself, maybe I'm more of an accomplished procrastinator. Anyway, it's weird to be included with those I look up to. Thanks you guys, so much. *w*