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  • All of my what.

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    I-i just don't know what happened. Here it is you guys What happened was that I got bored since it was a long clip then i just decided to make everything shorter then add katy perry - fireworks slowed down by 33%. Enjoy the video.

  • AristoCatJR.... I play games?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Don't really know how to link videos because lol no. Today we think of all these what ifs. I am the avatar.

  • Do you like dubstep?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    I like dubstep in general, just not really skrillex. But trance, hardstyle, drum and bass and any other genre because i'm pretty open to listening to any type of music. Don't really like this though, sorry.

  • Aristo/Sekaida's Tags/GFX

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Quote from Awol: “Ok this is just CNC for this image, no downrates please. :o Feels cluttered, Render is hard to see behind the effects, needs some better depth and lighting, Lots of negative space on the right side, looks very grainy (probably an effect you were going for on the other hand though.) Oh and your smudge work on DA is nice lol” Thanks, I don't take CnC harshly. I really don't have a focus/meaning behind pictures so it isn't as important, that just makes me not care as much if it ha…

  • AristoCatJR.... I play games?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Alrighties, thanks, I managed to get up the video I wanted today.

  • I have a skateboard, it's just I don't skate. I'm too scared of falling down x.x, urk, i'm such a wimp. But the board I have is an element skateboard, and I like it.

  • Too addaicted to computer

    AristoCatJR - - Help


    Become more social, hang out with your family and/or do random things that occur from the spirit of the moment, you don't know what will happen. You might find a new hobby, something you dislike or something that could open up a job branch in the future, who knows. The only reason why nothings happening right now is because you're doing nothing to start the chain of events. Also, reading, personally in my opinion I find reading better in paper instead of the ipad/computer. It's a nice break and …

  • AristoCatJR.... I play games?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Is it alright to bump it...? I don't really bump threads so... Urgh and I uploaded a m4v of sims 3, which is the file type of any of my other videos and it kept on saying "Wrong video file type"

  • Also, just remember that someone has it worse-off then you, no matter what. Just sayin'

  • First Kiss

    AristoCatJR - - Real Life


    I've never been kissed, oh yisssssss <3.

  • How to do lucid dreaming?

    AristoCatJR - - Real Life


    About the one with the sleep paralysis, most people don't recommend it but what I know is if you are in sleep paralysis is just to try your breathing pattern so your body can know that you're awake. I haven't had a lucid dream, well I think i've had, but never really controlled it. I don't really mind anymore. I'm going to try and create my dreams into a reality (Mainly what I mean is on my artworks or anything like that.)

  • Bros DeviantART Links

    AristoCatJR - - Archive

    Post I try to post drawings, but then I delete them. Mainly i have gfx there

  • AristoCatJR.... I play games?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Alright, i'll change that then, and thanks lol. I'm uploading a video right now x.x....

  • Obviously. everybody feels that way, even I do. It's just a part of life and you have to get over it, because eventually it's going to be too much to even care about if people don't like you or not. Just be selfish and do whatever you want, do whatever makes you happy, be more carefree. I'm just trying to build up a positive mental attitude because of my depression >>"

  • How tall is everybody?

    AristoCatJR - - Chat Box


    13 yo and 5"4. Hopefully i'm still growing, I want to be a little bit taller.

  • AristoCatJR.... I play games?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Quote from Imperyjus: “Well, you do not sound like a 13 year old in my opinion For the feedback - you are better than me, so, nothing much to say :)” Well thank you. I'm Australian and some people think I sound squeaky some don't.

  • I don't use webcam, If I do it'd probably just be my laptop's webcam until I get a better one. For my headset I have a plantronics gamecom 780. It's pretty good. It was $128 though.

  • Aristo/Sekaida's Tags/GFX

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    This one is pretty random, I did the same stuff as I did with the latest signature that I made. This was done really quick and done with no meaning. blackrockdistort_by_sekaida-d5j6onx.png Argh, my bad, i just realized I double posted.

  • AristoCatJR.... I play games?

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Alright, Hi everybody. I'm AristoCatJr and recently I made a channel (Like, literally recently. 19th of October 2012.) I felt like I should post this because, well, I don't really know. I'm just posting because if you like what I have then you like it. If you don't you don't. So following with the outline/layout that should be used for this thread here's some information about my channel and me. Age 13. If you guys don't like me because of my age/voice that's completely fine, i'm down with that.…

  • Aristo/Sekaida's Tags/GFX

    AristoCatJR - - Archive


    Then it'll be removed, I see no problem in that. If i'll be bothered then i'll post it in the gallery, until then i'm not going to.