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  • Steam Accounts ( Post them here )

    Armahab - - Find Player 2


  • Were are you from BROS

    Armahab - - Chat Box


    It's awesome how there is a lot of Argentinian Bros... Maybe not as much as others countrys, but still, the feedback from Argentina is giant. Brofist from Argentina, Buenos Aires

  • Here since more than a year :D

    Armahab - - Bro Corner


    Pewds usually plays online with fans just in events, witch is pretty hard to get in those, but if you are are fangirling to the extreme maybe you could get a chance to play with him. VAMOS ARGENTINA CARAJO!

  • Serious playthroughs

    Armahab - - Bro Corner


    I've watch pretty much every serious playthroughs that pewds has made. but those series always seem to get less views then the silly ones, making him to do less serious playthroughs than any other series. I was wondering if this is a bad thing or a good thing. Because I do enjoy much more watch Felix play a game more than watch "Pewds" play one (because Pewdiepie is a character). Will this affect Felix in some way? Are games that Felix won't play because of this?. Sorry if I messed up my English…