Duke Skully

  • Male
  • 26
  • from Tamriel
  • Member since Jan 4th 2014
Last Activity

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  • Batty -

    Go to roleplay ^^

    • Duke -

      meh, i don't go to the chat place too much, i have too little attention to participate in chats XD

  • Batty -

    Hiiii ^^

    • Duke -

      Hey :)

  • EyelinerJunkie -

    Thank you for proving that photo was a fake. That's what I was trying to prove without outright accusing him. That's why I was so insistent on seeing the "original" image. As an artist, I just couldn't see how it was a drawing or a painting at all. And his refusal to show the original image made me even more suspicious. :)

    • Duke -

      :) No problem, i was just proving what everyone was thinking. I don't like when people take credit for others work or for no work at all. Also i knew it was fake since i recognized the photo from instagram the second i saw it. Btw , your art is awesome :D

    • EyelinerJunkie -

      Thanks :3
      Neither do I. It's infuriating when people take credit for something they didn't do. Getting praise for a talent you don't possess is just sad.

    • Duke -

      Yea,Yea, i mean if he like posted like a terrible sketch stickman pewdiepie... i mean i wouldn't praise him like he's picaso :P but i would respect him for trying and for maybe being an artist taking baby steps XD like this it's just "you suck dude"

  • here4daddypewds -

    is this going to be a poke war?

    • Duke -

      fuk ya it's going to be a poke war

    • here4daddypewds -


  • PerfectChaos! -

    Your picture will be almost done, sorry for the wait! x)

  • Duke -

    Well fuck,school started for me ,so that means that in the next 6 months i am barely a human being.I am more of a sponge or a learning plant.

  • fluffeh.monster -

    Hey i heard about your project and i think it is a good idea to start a video. Want to work with me? Because I do have a thankful project called "Project Thank You"

    • Duke -

      Sure dude,always happy to work with new people :D

    • fluffeh.monster -

      well have you seen the avatar in my profile yet? why not we merge it and ask help from the team?

    • Duke -

      Sure that's a great idea :D