Ritual Lobotomy Hail the Apocalypse

  • Female
  • 31
  • from Sarajevo, Bosnia
  • Member since Aug 26th 2013
Last Activity

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  • Xoyati Anyo Nol -

    Bruh that profile pic tho

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      What about it? o3o

    • Xoyati Anyo Nol -

      It got blood stains XD

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Oh yeah o3o Didn't even notice o3o. Might be a strawberry jam, you don't know e^e

  • Han -

    hello, i wanna ask, why when i upload some art in gallery its unlimited uploading?
    this is because my art is to bigger? or my connection to slow to upload? ty ^^

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      It can be that it is too big yes, do try to resize it :)

    • Han -

      Ohh ok.. Ty :D

  • The1stMartian -

    why did you trash my post??

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Cause it was unable at that point. Think I explained in the reason for deleting...

    • Xernyl -

      u trashed my post 2! Why?!!?? XD

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ehhh, do read the "Reason" I left after I trash it. If it was me that trashed it.

  • Huntress -

    Lobooooooooooo c:

  • Weeaboo -

    Art thou a weeb yet?

  • Semi -

    you say you love bunnies when you mute us? thats not very nice! :(

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Oh bunnies are a lot more evil than you think. Fluffy things in general are so evil >;3

    • Semi -

      well at least you were nice enough to give me my requested 2h mute and didnt destroy my sock cottage! :D

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ofc :3 I ain't savage ;P

  • [~Dash~] -

    Still love your pp tho :D

  • still jinx -

    hai hai :D

  • hill8018 -

    Can you adivse why my suggestion for game play was deleted? I thought I followed the rules??

    • hill8018 -

      Awwww....got it now!

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ah, sorry. I wasn't around to reply e3e but yeah you just need to follow template and you will be fine. It has to have everything that is said there ;3 Good luck!

  • Wicy La Lyonnaise -

    Hello. I'm new here and i just wanted to know why can't i participate in the chat ? please reply to this when u read it ..

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Cause you were muted for proceeding on with subject that is not allowed by rules. No worries, you will be able to participate again one your time out is over. Which will be in 10 mins.

    • Wicy La Lyonnaise -

      Thank you so much!

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      No worries ^^ and I think you can participate now ;3

    • Zarah -

      Oi, am I muted as well?

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      I...have no idea Zarah I wasn't around o3o

  • LilyWhite -

    *drops a cookie and leaves*

  • Weeaboo -

    What apocalypse?

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      The mother of all apocalypses. The one where dumb people will make the world explode and we shall all get back to being amoebas! ...You know...getting back to the roots, Big Bang, shit like that...

    • Weeaboo -

      so basically the noobs in this world

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      ...yis e^e

    • Weeaboo -


  • Antonia -

    hello ili da kazem bok :) nismo se dugo culi :D

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ei <3 mah joj, bila sam mnogo zauzeta ispitima i svime pa i nisam bila on-line mnogo :/

    • Antonia -

      i ja isto,jedva čekam da mi vise skola zavrsi pa da mogu uzivat :)

  • Death The Kid -

    Hello again, it's been a few years since I've seen you again

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Few years? Oh come on. It can't be that bad :P

  • Weeaboo -

    Long time no see!

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Aye a bit busy. Will be around more often soon ^^

    • Weeaboo -


  • Aiden the Misfit -

    Woah, you are a mod now? Caught me off guard, haha.

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ah, yes :3 I got the long way from grunt :P but you weren't around for a while. A lot of thingies changed ^^

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      I see that, haha. I hope everything has been well for you, old friend.

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Oh indeed. I am just busy these days yes, but will stick around more often soon enough ;3All is great here ^^ hope all is good there too. Long time see.

    • Aiden the Misfit -

      I figured, you've always been a busy-body :P I'm not really on this much, but if you want to add me on Skype, project.misfit
      I was feeling nostalgic one day and popped back on. Was gonna try getting a hold of some old friends too.

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Hm, I thought I already had you on Skype o3o Well I guess if you want to then sure! ^^

  • Mystery -


    I'm a cat.

    Can I has some warm milk pls?

  • Mehgo -


    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      ALL ME!

    • Mehgo -

      Haha cx Heyyy! Long time no see! How are you ? :)

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      All good, all good, being a cop and all ;3 Doin' my research. You?

    • Mehgo -

      Haha nice. Well, I started my new studies at college and I absolutely love it for the moment. So I'm fine :D

  • Weeaboo -

    Um... Zdravo cx Kako ste?

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ah, vrlo dobro, Vi? ;3 (That was great bdw)

    • Weeaboo -

      Dobro sam, hvala. (lel thnx but it's all cuz of the Internet) cx

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      still :3 Your grammar is good :3

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      It works :P

    • Weeaboo -

      thnxx cx I'm just putting the sentences like how I would in English cx

  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    <3 Thank You <3

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      No problem ;3. Just don't let them get you down like that. They are the pathetic ones, not you. Respect for respect is how we do it here :3

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Again, Thank You so much! <3

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      All good, all good. See you around ;3

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Seeya Round' Ritzy :3

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Thx for liking the posts on my wall!! <3 You didn't have to but you did <3

  • TerrionGaming -

    What do my eyes see? Thou hast not poked me back? :v

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      I apologise sir, Ii shall be doing so right now.

  • Antonia -

    Bok dali se razumijemo? :)

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Ako ljudi zele da me razumiju, onda svakako ;3

    • Antonia -

      hahah:P ja sam iz Hrvatske :)

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Da da, drago mi je :3 Kao sto vidis, BiH ^^ Ima dosta ljudi koji govore na razumljivom jeziku. Kkada sam prvi put usla to nisam ocekivala :3

    • Antonia -

      hahah nisam ni ja :) ali mi je drago sto nas ima :D

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Naravno :P Dobro dosla ;3

  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -


    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      "Super Sonic Ding Dong" :V

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      No I am kidding. It stands for "Same Shit Different Day". Is a quote from "Dreamcatcher", a book by Stephen King

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Cool! :3 and with the first defention i started to die laughing

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Whis I even tried :P it just occured to me lol

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Hehe :3

  • Weeaboo -

    Just found out that "Lobo" means Wolf in Spanish. cx

  • Weeaboo -

    So I tried to put a gif as my pf pic but it won't work! What's wrong?

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Only mods can have gifs I think

    • Weeaboo -

      hmmm but Fluffeh has a gif profile photo

    • Mystery -

      fluffeh s gif doesn't work, not in the chat at least. Only mods have gif images that work in the chat.

    • Weeaboo -

      yee but my gif didn't work on my profile xD whatevs Forsaken found a cute pic so i'm good with that ^^

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      must be that your gif was resized. In that case they go through a fuck up.

  • Weeaboo -

    I shall follow thee so I can conquer Dano's heart and learn more about him c:

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      I have an idea...why don't you just ask him? o3o

    • Weeaboo -

      xDD I'm not a direct person as you can see hehe .... I asked out two girls from my highschool and the both rejected me xD

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Then you asked the wrong girls ;3

    • Weeaboo -

      yeeee xD but its okie xD cuz I'm still happy that I can cuddle with Dano's beard ^^

    • Mystery -

      beware of the fox in his beard though, it bites.

  • fluffeh.monster -

    Lobooooooooooooo~ <3

  • Nell -

    I'm followed you because you are a psycho

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Finally someone with a good reason!

    • Semi -

      Im gonna follow you cuz i belive you can get to the level of Sociopath! can you manage that?!

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      But did you know that psychopath can never become a sociopath? #TheMoreYouKnow ;3

  • AleksFish -

    Can you please tell me why you did that I'm curious. Oh and Dobar dan !

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Svaki dan! And I did it because you linked without permission.

  • Weeaboo -

    Dano is mine hue hue hue ;)

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Yeeeah... not if you want to live a long happy life ;3

    • Weeaboo -

      ooohohohohohohoho is this war? c:

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      Not really. In war two sides strive to win. I already won so it is an assault I guess ;3

    • Weeaboo -

      wowwowowwwww -.- fine then but his beard is mine to cuddle with c:

    • Ritual Lobotomy -

      can you actually handle that much swag I wonder? e3e