LordVoldemort UnicornWizardZombie

  • Female
  • 30
  • Member since Feb 24th 2012
Last Activity

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  • flubwubmcstumblenubs -

    And this is why I can't have nice things

    • LordVoldemort -

      Why is that? :(

    • flubwubmcstumblenubs -

      Jeff. Gets me in trouble

    • LordVoldemort -

      Jeff is kjaat. Saa kjaat.

  • Mystery -

    No pokes? HEH.

    • LordVoldemort -

      Well.. What if I said so just so people would poke me? Jokes on you! :D

    • Mystery -

      Then you're just really smart. gg.

    • LordVoldemort -

      Yup 8)

  • Mehgo92 -

    LV cuz' I'm Lazy :D

  • DylanTheBro -


  • Mystery -

    *spraying graffiti on wall* Uh... It's not what it looks like...

    • LordVoldemort -

      Oh. My.. Unicorn. How dare you?!?!

    • Mystery -

      I just want to "decorate" a bit...

    • LordVoldemort -

      Oh.. Well.. Okay, but make it pretty!

    • Mystery -

      Awhkay, I'll do my best! >^x^<

  • Fire -

    Hey there, cutie. I love you. <3
    In a non-creepy manner c':

  • DanOS -


  • Sharky -

    Hai Voldie <3

  • Kimbly -

    LordVoldemort wrote:

    Write. Now.

    Now. And?

  • Br00tal -

    LordVoldemort wrote:

    Oh, hai there. You look hot today. Wanna make out?
    OKAY :love:
    Accept me on skype then *-*

  • LordVoldemort -

    Oh, hai there. You look hot today. Wanna make out?
    OKAY :love:

  • PurpelPumpkin -

    Hello You-know-who, did you know that we were born on the same day? :D

  • MrBr00tal92 -

    Welcome to the forums honey!
    Make sure to check all sections and have a great time!

  • LordVoldemort -

    Write. Now.