Miinuko Swooping is bad

  • Male
  • 32
  • from Portugal
  • Member since Feb 24th 2012
Last Activity

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  • Weeaboo -


    • Miinuko -

      Damn you.

    • Weeaboo -


  • Mystery -


    • Miinuko -

      MYYYS! You're fancier than ever now! This just another sign that you're a very nice person :3

  • secret agent imp -

    anyone ever told you that your pic reminds them of dannysexbang?? cuz it does!

    • Miinuko -

      well, that is new. I hope that's a good thing :3

    • secret agent imp -

      well hes handsomely cool so yeah

  • fluffeh.monster -

    Hello! :D Just saying "hi"and have a good day~

    • Miinuko -

      Why, thank you, fluffeh :3 hope yoi have an awesome day as well!

  • CopyCat -

    nice hat man :3

    • Miinuko -

      Same to you, kind sir :3

  • csmolgaard -

    Sorry that it's been a while since I pokedipoked you, teeheeeee

    • Miinuko -

      I felt so saaaad and lonely.

    • Miinuko -


    • csmolgaard -

      Aww your poor lil' thing (who's both older and definitely taller than me, shscuchh!). *HUG*

    • Miinuko -

      DON'T TREAT ME LIKE A BABY! FOR I AM A MAN! *hides under blanket*

    • csmolgaard -

      *shoves babyfood into mouth* I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT

  • BroShark -

    YOU POKED ME!!!! lolz

    • Miinuko -

      Well, you poked me first, silly shark...

    • Miinuko -

      Wait... I poked a shark.. Not a good idea

    • BroShark -

      hmmmm....true story...

    • Miinuko -

      hue :3

    • BroShark -

      I will find you, and I will eat you! lolz

  • Miao14 -

    hai you from portugal lik me lal c: nice to meet ya meow

    • Miinuko -

      aw kewl m8! nice to meet u

    • Miao14 -

      hehe c:

  • Mystery -

    I can poke you, right?

    • TheMiinuko -

      Please do.

    • Mystery -

      Allrighty then, *poke*

    • TheMiinuko -

      Ouch ! Pls clip your nails, silly cat.

    • Mystery -

      Oh, I'm sorry... Eh, let's get you a doctor.

    • Mystery -

      *pokes with clipped in nails* there there...

  • RazorSharp -

    Well,im new,on this.

  • flubwubmcstumblenubs -

    what happened to the flute playing profile pic?

    • TheMiinuko -

      Dammit Flub, it was a straw. And, well, i guess he'll be back soon :3

  • Max -

    Remember this life-tip. If you're going to grow a moustache, make sure it aint a molestache.

    • TheMiinuko -

      You just destroyed my self-esteem.

    • Max -

      srry bruv, had to be done.

    • TheMiinuko -

      Deep down, i know that.

  • Mystery -

    Donator brofist?

    • TheMiinuko -

      Mystery, pls .. We're wealthy men.. Shaking hands and say "deal" are the only things we do.

    • Mystery -

      Ah, if you say it like that, it sounds very reasonable I say! /monocle

    • TheMiinuko -

      Let's rule the world now, kind sir, shall we? /moustache

    • Mystery -

      Well kind sir, let's start small first, I'd say. Let's take over these remarkable structures first with some classy talk, I say!

    • TheMiinuko -

      Delightful idea, sir!