may837 Bro

  • Female
  • 27
  • from Florida, USA
  • Member since Jan 9th 2013
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  • Lynki_MJM -


  • cyborrooster -

    OOPS! Inactivity of the cones and cylinders of the inner eye, which results in an inability to process certain or all kinds of light,also results in color blindness as well as incomplete images. :D

  • cyborrooster -

    there are different kinds of blindness, sometimes blindness is caused by cataracts which is when the lens of the eye becomes milky, in which case they would see a greyish white blotched with faint colors. other types of blindness are inactivity of the cones and cylinders of the inner eye, which results in an inability to process certain or all kinds of light, so they would only see what they imagine in their mind. Another kind of blindness is when the eye is damaged or lost leading to complete inactivity or very little activity, they would see black or something similar to when you close your eye.

    your welcome. ^^



    • may837 -

      I love you 5evr omg