
  • Male
  • Member since Dec 15th 2012
Last Activity

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  • Mystery -

    How the fuck did you manage to get negative 132.204 points? O.O

    • dororo4evabro! -

      WOAH WAIT WHAT?! ... was that you? :3

    • Mystery -

      No, I have no idea how you managed that...

    • dororo4evabro! -

      I don't even know how points work... did you get my message?

    • Mystery -

      What message?

    • dororo4evabro! -

      Ok so it didn't happen last time (actually managed to gt the post through) but when I tried to post to the RP, it would start listing more than 15 list boxes of errors of unexpected stuff with things like "/broarmy/board/action" and stuff like that. I have screenshots of like two or three of them if you need.

  • AvinDC -

    Dude, so glad to finally be back, hope you still remember me from our EPIC roleplays together XD

    • dororo4evabro! -

      It's sooooo good that everyone is "flying back north for the summer", so to say.

  • DimYew -

    I have found you

  • AwkwardChild -

    ur a good rper do u know that

    • dororo4evabro!!!!!! -

      Why thank you. You have started off rather strong when it comes to your first Rp. Most others have the story outline and that's it.

    • AwkwardChild -

      Im one of those people who goes really deep with thier rps

    • dororo4evabro!!!!!! -

      Thats good. Feel free to look through any of the RPs already in progress/ done.

    • secret agent imp -

      i miss ani

  • BatmansBiggestFan -

    well,i dont blame him BATMAN ROCKS :thumbsup:

  • BatmansBiggestFan -

    4 friends now lol

    • dororo4evabro!!!!!! -

      yea. :3 im glad at least one pearson friended me after that little dispute.
      and sorry 4 hatin on batman. im freinds with a guy that would probably hate u for takin that name, that is, if he were on this site. ^^