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  • 30
  • Member since Oct 23rd 2012
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The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

  • Xavy_Aawesomee -

    U remind me about my childhood memories..BTW Sunset riders is AWSM

    • secret agent imp -

      man i miss playing as billy and running on a stampede cx

  • NamiKajuji -


    • CORMANO -

      Please don't tell me it's named... Pinkie pie... >_>

    • NamiKajuji -

  • mKeRix -

    Sorry 'bout the long time until I got around closing the thread. Got busy and then didn't check the thread anymore for a while because I turned notifications off for thread replies.

    • CORMANO -

      Its kewl, life was giving him bullets... I gave him some CORMANO! to save him from further problems and he was still persistent. Goes to show that not every bullet is worth CORMANO!

  • Mystery -

    *places a sachet of gold on the wall* Get the one they call Experiment #747. Leave no witnesses.

    • CORMANO -

      It begins when the Sun sets... *puts on pink sombrero*

  • NamiKajuji -

    Cormano, may I borrow one of your buckshots?

    • CORMANO -

      If its a use for bounty then sure, otherwise rental only

    • NamiKajuji -

      How much for rental?

    • CORMANO -

      That depends... how much ya willin ta pay?

    • NamiKajuji -

      The skull of an evil dragon?

  • Mystery -

    Teach me how to be like Cormano.

    • CORMANO -

      One cannot simply be taught to be like Cormano. To be Cormano comes from within! That and it comes from buying two sweet buckshots and wearing the manliest color of all... PINK

  • Sharky -

    Oh? Hope everything gets better soon, mate.

    Glad you're back, though. Even if for a while.

  • Sharky -

    Sir, you need to stop disappearing.

    Where were you these days?

    • CORMANO -

      I've been solving a lot of personal issues. Still solving them even now. So I haven't had the chance to visit the forums.

      Sorry for disappearing without saying. I've just been having too many problems and too little time to solve them. Hehehe ^_^

  • Sharky -

    Dear Cormano,

    You are an awesome person.



  • dragonlord7132 -

    Dear cormano, you didn't need to write every single words with pink colour.... my eyes started to bleed.
    -Best regards, Dragonlord7132

    • CORMANO -

      But I like the colour pink! Sorry if it hurts your eyes but Cormano loves the pink :D If ever it bothers you or anyone else again, I'll make sure to stop writing in pink ^^